
Heir of the Pirate Devil

The heir of the ghost was born in 1477 in the Haiyuan calendar, but he in the world of One Piece has a soul that does not belong to him. Douglas Barrett, who knows his own destiny, how should he change his destiny and dominate the world!

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 67

Chambord Islands, island 65.

Barrett and his party have returned to the warship.

The crowd sat together, looking at the newspaper they had just bought, dumbfounded.

In a short period of time, the entire Chambordian Islands knew about the big event.

The admiral, as an instructor, personally teaches the current recruits elite, and this recruits elite, there are three abnormalities.

This means that in the near future, the Navy will soon have three major forces, especially Barrett, who is very young and has terrible potential.

In the eyes of everyone, although Barrett is not a natural type, he can occupy the position of a general longer.

Obviously, people are still deeply afraid of those with natural abilities. Their elemental methods and natural disaster-like strength are deeply imprinted in everyone's hearts.

Compared with them, Barrett is just a bit bigger and stronger.

Only the strong of the new world knows that among these three people, Barrett's horror.

Because in the new world, the domineering color of the overlord is like the crucian carp that crosses the river, and the domineering of the two colors is even more ordinary, and there is no domineering of the two colors.

Therefore, those who are strong are not afraid of the elementalization of the natural element, but the ability of the natural element is very troublesome.

But that was trouble. Barrett simply broke your foundation, and the island was broken for you.

And Barrett is less than 10 years old now, there is still a lot of room for improvement, and the giant in the newspaper will probably grow bigger.

Because no matter how you look at it, this is not an animal type, it is a superhuman type, and it is not the kind of superhuman type that changes physique like Luffy.

On the contrary, it is like a superhuman system of creation.

That is to say, as Barrett's strength becomes stronger, the giant will grow bigger, and once Barrett learns the armed color, that power will be even more terrifying.

Therefore, in the eyes of discerning people, Barrett's threat is higher than that of the two natural elements, which is consistent with the views of Kong, the Warring States, and Zefa.

In this way, Barrett became the focus of much attention.


Gaya Island.

"Sister Mitchell, there is news from the boss!" Bell shouted.

Bell is flying everywhere now, it's good to collect and pass on information.

"Show me," Mitchell said.

The burden of the entire force is now on Mitchell's head, and Kojima is still relying on Amy, suppressing it with force.

For the time being, there is no way to make a move, and there is a shortage of management personnel, so I can only take it slowly.

Mitchell took the newspaper in Bell's hand and read it.

"The boss is really amazing. He sank an island with one punch!" Bell said excitedly.

"Well, but it has also been pushed to the cusp of the storm. Now the Navy must pay more attention to the boss. We have to be careful not to be discovered and involve the boss." Mitchell said vigilantly.

If the navy knows that Barrett has such a big power secretly, then he will be suspicious, and Barrett is in danger.

"Understood, I'll notify Gaka to them and let them keep a low profile." Bell said.

Bell is not stupid, and naturally understands the truth, which is related to the safety of the boss.

"Well, it's easy for you to move. You can tell Gaka, and also bring Amy a newspaper. He is isolated from the world." Mitchell ordered.

Gaka took some elites from Gaya Island to Alabastan, where they wanted to develop their influence.

Anyway, these people, staying on Gaya Island, are of no use, it is better to go out, Mitchell is very greedy, Alabastan's 600,000 army.

Although the area of ​​Alabastan is large, 600,000 troops are too scary.

If you can dig people from there, it's not too cool.

Only now, I am afraid that Gaka has to be a little more careful, and he has to remind Nafirutali Olsen.

Olsen only knew that Barrett had some crew members. As for the power, he didn't know it, so he was easy to fool around.


The City of Seven Waters.

"Hahn, let's stop for a while and read this newspaper." Tom said.

Tom and Cocoro found Hahn together, and Hahn was in a pile of parts, digging.

"Oh, master, what is it?" Hahn pulled his head out of the part.

During this time of getting along, Hahn admired Tom's technique very much and was convinced.

"Haha, it's about your boss." Coco Luo smiled.

"Oh, show me quickly." Hahn said excitedly.

As he said, he took the newspaper Tom handed over and looked carefully.

"Haha, you deserve to be the boss, really amazing!" Hahn said excitedly.

"Ah, I didn't expect that your boss is so strong." Coco Luo said admiringly.

It's amazing that the young man who doesn't show the mountains and leaks is so powerful.

"Yes, the future of Little Brother Barrett is limitless." Tom also exclaimed.

At first, Barrett said that he would help Tom to become the largest shipyard in the City of Seven Waters and turn the City of Seven Waters into his own power.

In this regard, Tom believed only six points, thinking that it was just a genius dream, but now he discovered that Barrett is a doer.

Before entering Marin Vatican, he has made such a big name, and his influence is extraordinary. It seems that it is not just a dream.


Back to the Chambord Islands.

Barrett and his party have already packed up. Because of this incident, the Navy Headquarters ordered Barrett to set off immediately to Malin Vandor.

The headquarters also wants talents like Barrett to enter Malin Vandor as soon as possible.

Regardless of Barrett's superficial strength, he is still not the opponent of those masters. The giant knew at a glance that his defense was too low.

To deal with the weak and islands that are slow, it's fortunate to say that once they encounter the strong, Barrett has not acted yet, he will be broken, too fragile.

And now Barrett is still injured. I am afraid that such an attack will be impossible to fight in a short time.

In terms of life-saving, Barrett was really close.

Nowadays, in the sea, fish and dragons are mixed, who knows if someone will assassinate Barrett in order to weaken the navy.

After receiving the order, Doyle immediately ordered to set off and aimed at Malin Vando.

Barrett is now a bomb, so it's better to send it to Marin Vando earlier.


Surprised, after driving at sea for more than a day, everyone finally saw Malin Vando.

A huge naval fortress appeared in front of everyone.

At the forefront is a huge bay, which is densely packed with warships. On the bay are densely packed forts, with muzzles aimed at the bay.

After that is a huge square, where Ace was executed.

Beyond that is the huge, naval headquarters building.

These are the things in front of me. As for the others, I am afraid they are just behind the headquarters building, but I can't see them now.

The warship approached slowly, and a group of people, led by Doyle, landed.

Barrett stood in Marin Vando for the first time...