
Heir of the Pirate Devil

The heir of the ghost was born in 1477 in the Haiyuan calendar, but he in the world of One Piece has a soul that does not belong to him. Douglas Barrett, who knows his own destiny, how should he change his destiny and dominate the world!

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 59

One month later.

City of Seven Waters, Naval Branch.

At this time, a grand contest kicked off, and it was the recruit competition.

After this competition, they will no longer be recruits, even if they are officially enlisted in the army, they will be assigned positions.

As for what kind of posts are assigned, it depends on the results of this competition.

The better the performance, the better the assigned positions and the more resources.

Of course, there are still a lot of people rushing to the navy headquarters like Barrett and Huoshaoshan.

Then they need to show enough strength, or potential.

And the first place in the big competition, there are huge rewards, first of all, the Navy six styles that Galt once promised, one of them.

The other is the military rank. The branch has the right to award the rank of sergeant to the top of the Big Bi.

It's not high or low, after all, it's only been a month after enlisting in the army.

As for the first place in this competition, it goes without saying that everyone knows that it is Barrett, and no one can compete.

This may be the easiest first place, but who knows the effort behind Barrett.

He entered the battlefield at the age of only five and has been fighting until now. His free time is used for spiritual practice. This month Barrett has not been idle.

The big competition has begun. The prelude of the big competition is to test the strength.

It's very simple, just use the previous machine to test the power. I don't know if this high-tech is made by the mysterious Begapunk.

Those with high strength will naturally be taken care of. As for those with mediocre strength, let's be a navy soldier in the branch.

Of course, there are exceptions. The strength of the test this time will be compared with the strength of the army to see how it improves.

If the extent of progress is indeed not small, it means that you have a lot of potential, and you will deal with it accordingly.

Recruits lined up to test their own strength, Barrett came in last, followed by Huoshaoshan.

Don't ask, ask is the finale.

If the two of them test in advance, then the people behind are still worth seeing, so Galt specially arranged the two to the end.

From time to time, there were exclaims in front of them, but they were just sighing with emotion.

Everyone knows that the highlight is the last two.

There were not many recruits, and soon the people in front were over.

The first highlight is coming, Huoshanshan.

I saw Huoshaoshan standing still in front of the machine, took a deep breath, and was ready to go.

Huo Shaoshan's eyes widened, his legs kicked on the ground, and a heavy fist hit the machine. Everyone stared at the numbers on the machine.

303 power.

Even Barrett underestimated the Huoshao Mountain, and he improved nearly 200 powers in a month. Even Barrett did not have such an improvement.

That's right, Huoshaoshan is now in his youth, and it is the golden age of rapid strength growth. With Barrett's stimulation, such an improvement is justified.

It can only be said that, worthy of being a lieutenant general of the future naval headquarters, one of the high-level navy, is indeed something.

Barrett also took a look at it this time.

Soon, everyone looked at Barrett. How much power can this guy make?Everyone will wait and see.

Barrett stepped forward and stood still, in the same posture as Burning Mountain, but also with a heavy punch.


There was a boom.

The earth was trembling, and the equipment was trembling constantly, but it had not yet reached the point of destruction. Finally, the value appeared.

1185 power.

When Barrett saw this scene, he was secretly delighted. Although his improvement was not as good as Huoshaoshan, it was similar.

More than one hundred, less than two hundred improvement.

Everyone was completely convinced when they saw this scene. They had only heard about it before, and it was only the time when they competed with Huoshaoshan. Barrett revealed a little bit of strength.

This time everyone finally felt it for themselves.

"Wait, Barrett," Gart called.

Everyone turned their gazes to Gart, and everyone was curious about whether there was anything else.

"Test the power of your devil fruit, we want to record it." Galt said helplessly.

Galt's words can be regarded as shocking. It really shocked the individual. This abnormality is not only amazing in strength, but also a person with devil fruit ability. This really prevents others from living.

Perhaps only Huoshaoshan has a calm complexion. With Barrett's talent, the Navy will definitely give Barrett the Devil Fruit. Of course, it is Barrett's business to eat or not.

In short, Barrett would not be short of devil fruits. Huo Shaoshan was even worried. He was afraid that the devil fruits that Barrett would eat were not strong.

After all, the Navy will definitely prepare a powerful devil fruit for Barrett.

As expected by Galte, his words are a blockbuster, but there is no way. Those with the Devil Fruit ability just need to test it again.

Galt is also very helpless, this is the rule, to fill out the form.

"Sorry, sir Gart, I can't use my abilities here." Barrett said.

Another heavy blow hit everyone's hearts.

This guy's abilities can't be used here, how strong is that!

"Can't you use it?" Garter asked puzzled.

When enlisting in the army, Barrett simply showed what Garter did not know, Barrett's fit form.

"Yes, and this machine is a bit smaller," Barrett confirmed.

Although he hasn't used his full strength yet, Barrett feels that he will be about 70 meters tall after being fit.

Don't underestimate the 70 meters, even the adult giants are only about 20 meters.

At present, the tallest giant known, who likes to take away his favorite island, "Fortune Country Oz", is only 100 meters away.

Of course, this is a humanoid creature on land, and the products produced by those with fruit ability will be even bigger.

Like Pika and Tezolo, of course the monsters made by Barrett are bigger, but they can easily crack large islands.

So Barrett doesn't want to show it, and there is no test facility available here.

"So that's it, I will report it truthfully." Galt said.

In this case, there is no way, let those people in the navy headquarters have a headache.

But the group of melon-eating audiences around was a little disappointed and wanted to see it.

How strong is this perversion plus devil fruit?I am afraid that this question surrounds everyone's mind.

Barrett couldn't do anything about it. It didn't make sense to merge into a little giant. Barrett was not a juggler. He wanted to see his full strength.

If you really want to fully use the fruit ability, most of this place will be destroyed, and the people in the entire Seven Waters City will also see the giants of the naval branch.

It's not good to cause a sensation, let's talk about it later in Marin Vando.

The crowd returned in disappointment, but it was a pity that they thought they could watch a big show.

The crowd just dispersed, and they began to prepare for the highlight of the recruit competition.

Since it is the recruit competition, how can there be no ring competition? This is also the focus of each recruit competition. The recruits and veterans will watch in the stands.

It can be said that everyone is watching...