
Heir of the Pirate Devil

The heir of the ghost was born in 1477 in the Haiyuan calendar, but he in the world of One Piece has a soul that does not belong to him. Douglas Barrett, who knows his own destiny, how should he change his destiny and dominate the world!

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 37-Alabastan

The waters between Miranda and Alabastan.

Barrett's ship is sailing on this sea.

"Boss, how can we find the treasure before them?" Amy found Barrett privately.

"You saw two large boxes of gold and silver jewelry?" Barrett asked.

"Yes, boss, the devil fruit may be hidden under the treasure." Amy replied.

"When you arrive in Alabastan, you can find their boat on the coastline. I will go to the largest consumer entertainment venue in Alabastan."

"If this group of pirates finds the devil fruit in the treasure, they should not carry it, but hide it on the ship. After all, no one will carry the devil fruit everywhere to sway.

"If they didn't find it, then they must have taken the jewelry to consume, and the two of us acted separately." Barrett ordered.

Pirates go to sea for only a few reasons, such as freedom, prestige, and enjoyment.

After drifting at sea for so long, how can I not enjoy it when I get to land.

Besides, Olsen went out to sea secretly, and these pirates didn't even know that it was their territory.

"No problem, boss, just do that." Amy agreed.

"By the way, Amy, these two devil fruits are not for you." Barrett said ashamed, after all, Amy had been with him for so long.

"I know, boss, it's for Bell and Gaka, I believe you, boss." Amy said affectionately, embarrassed to Barrett.

"Haha, don't worry Amy, it's coming soon, it's not going to be a few days away, by the way, the two of them should be talented in kendo, so you can get tired and give guidance.

Barrett said that both of them used swords in memory.

"No problem, boss, I'm very curious about the little guys you like." Amy smiled.

"I hope they don't live up to my expectations." Barrett sighed.

"Boss, I will be in Alabastan soon." Hahn suddenly found Barrett.

"Very good, good job Hahn, let them know that they are ready to land. By the way, how long will it take this time?" Barrett praised. Hahn is really talented in sailing and works very hard.

"Hey, thank you boss for the compliment. It takes 5 days to collect magnetism." Hahn replied shyly.

"Well, after disembarking, you and Gaka will follow me, Amy, you take Mitchell and Bell." Barrett ordered, and the group divided into two teams.

"No problem, boss." Amy replied.

Soon, everyone gathered on the deck.

In front of me is the endless land, a sea current, inserted into this continent from the middle.

"Hahn, pull the ship aside, we enter Alabastan." Barrett ordered.

He was going to land directly, instead of going deep into Alabastan from that ocean current.

"No problem, boss, let's dock." After speaking, Hahn returned to the cab.

After a while, the ship landed. This time, Barrett folded the mast again and sealed the door. This time no one could get in the ship.

"Then, say goodbye, King Nafirutali Olsen." Barrett said.

"Goodbye, Barrett." Olsen finished speaking and took the kingdom people off the ship.

"Boss, it doesn't matter if you kill him, right?" Amy asked.

Amy didn't believe it, because Olsen was the king, Barrett dared not do it.

"If it were other kings, I might have done it, but they can't."

"Nafirutali is one of the 20 Draco families who established the world government. Although they are not anymore, they cannot be easily moved." Barrett replied.

How was it one of the 20 families at the time, the world government could not watch Nafirutali disappear, regardless of whether it was asked.

"Dragon people, are the rulers of this world? No wonder." Amy suddenly realized.

"Forget it, I don't want to, Amy, you take Mitchell and Bell, let's go, and we will gather on the boat in five days." Barrett said.

Then everyone divided into two teams and set off.

"Boss, where are we going?" Hahn asked.

"Go to the rain first." Barrett said.

As the dream city of Alabastan, Yudi has the largest casino, and the future headquarters of Krokdal is here.

"Uh, boss, do you know the location?" Hahn asked.

"Hi, this..." Barrett really didn't know.

"Um, boss, I know, Bell and I are slaves there." Gaka said suddenly.

"Huh? You know, haha, that's great, it really solves our urgent need." Barrett praised.

"Um, boss, this is what I should do." Gaka said excitedly.

Bell and Gaka have just joined the team, and it is inevitable that they have some recognition. Just encourage them and increase their sense of collective honor. This is what Barrett learned in elementary school in his previous life.

"You lead the way, let's go." Barrett said.

Then, a group of three people set off, the destination, the rainy place.

On Amy's side, there is an extra Bell.

This distribution of Barrett is also useful, Bell is better at technique, Gaka is better at speed and power, similar to Barrett and Amy respectively.

However, although Amy is unlikely to encounter the captain of the Giant Axe Pirates, the danger is not great, but it is still a chore.

After all, there are not many coastal cities, which means that Amy and the three of them are more often on the road, looking for a pirate ship like a needle in a haystack.

"Amy, let's find a means of transportation, it's too slow to find it," Mitchell suggested.

"Unfortunately, the boss's car can only be used by him, otherwise he will get a car." Amy complained.

Unsurprisingly, Barrett and his party were indeed driving in the desert.

Now Alabastan also has deserts, but after Krokdal came, Alabastan almost left deserts.

"Then what shall we do?" Mitchell worried.

Alabastan is so big and the coastline is ridiculously long. Can this find a Pirate Ship?

"Well, I might know where their pirate ship is?" Bell said.

"Gaka and I worked as slaves on their ship, so we knew that they had been docking the ship there." Bell explained.

"Oh, that's great, it really helped a lot." Amy praised.

"Well, it's reliable." Mitchell also smiled.

Before leaving, Barrett told Amy to take good care of Bell. The two of them had just joined and wanted to integrate them into the group.

"Just help, haha." Bell smiled.

In this way, the two teams rushed to their goals.

On Olsen's side, everyone has returned to the Albanian Palace

"Father, what are we going to do?" Cobra asked.

"This group of pirates will definitely go to the rain, come and order the troops in the rain to search for the giant axe pirates." Olsen ordered.

"Father, what about us, I want to go too." Cobra said.

"Well then, let's follow the palace guards and ride a fast running duck to take a look, pay attention to safety." Olsen said.

In his own territory, Olsen is not worried about his safety, after all, Alabastan has 600,000 troops.

Olsen also wanted to see Barrett's strength...