
Heir of the Pirate Devil

The heir of the ghost was born in 1477 in the Haiyuan calendar, but he in the world of One Piece has a soul that does not belong to him. Douglas Barrett, who knows his own destiny, how should he change his destiny and dominate the world!

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 20 Landing on the Southwest Battlefield

The sea at night, the sea and the sky, are like a black whirlpool, swallowing people.

Suddenly, a shell broke the silence, and the five warships of the rebel army had obviously caught up with Barrett and his party.

"Damn, Hahn, get away! Boss, what should I do?" Amy pulled out the five cannonballs that Feiyan had cut in the sky.

"This is a merchant ship, there is no cannon to fight back." Hahn told Barrett.

"Amy, there is no need to defend. I will let you see the power of the fruit." Barrett stepped forward and replaced Amy who was cutting the shell.

The fluid crystals in the body spread rapidly, stopped the fired shells, and quickly assimilated into the fluid crystals outside the body, returning to Barrett.

Before long, there were enough flow crystals around Barrett, and the deformation began.

Some turned into giant guns and appeared on the deck, and some turned into propellers to speed up merchant ships.

According to previous life data, the devil fruit product will not disappear when it encounters sea water. You must know the catapult or the submarine.


Barrett fired the first shot of the counterattack, but unfortunately he did not get the result.

Next, the two sides shot crazy.

Barrett repeatedly used the fluid crystals in his body to assimilate the shells that had hit him, and then turned them into his own shells and shot them back.

In this way, "You come and I go", Barrett does not lack shells anyway, there are always shells that can fall on the enemy's ship, and that is the fact.

After a shelling, the two front warships were hit by several bullets, and they were buried in the endless ocean.

The three warships behind, seeing this, did not dare to act rashly.

Without shells, Barrett also lost the source of the inorganic matter, and soon went out.

This is also another major drawback of the combined fruit. If it weren't for Barrett's incomparably powerful physical skills, he would definitely not choose the combined fruit.

The disadvantages of the combined fruit are too obvious on the sea.

At this time, Barrett will not walk every month, otherwise it will be much more convenient.

But it's okay at this time, after all, Barrett didn't suffer.

The rebel army just hung behind Barrett, and Barrett was so happy. The long battle made Barrett exhausted.

"Amy, help me take a look, I'll take a rest." After asking Amy, Barrett went to rest.

Time just keeps passing.

At dawn, Barrett and his party entered the southern waters.

"What's going on, ask the Southern Theater, why no one came out to intercept!"

A lieutenant general on the warship behind saw the merchant ship in front of him arbitrarily moving in the southern waters, but no warship came out to stop him. The frustration accumulated during the previous pursuit suddenly burst out.

After chasing most of the night, I can only watch, I can't do anything, I can't catch up after chasing, it's strange that it doesn't make people feel bad.

"Report, the southern theater sent a message that the southern government forces, led by Hermann himself, launched a fierce attack on the southern theater, pushing the front 50 kilometers south, and there is no more troops to send to the sea."

A signal soldier came to the lieutenant general to report.

"Asshole, they actually colluded, no, the guy in front of them should belong to the government army, and the news will be sent to the headquarters immediately."

The Lieutenant General realized that these attackers must be related to the rebel army, and no one else would come to attack.

"Report, the headquarters ordered, immediately turn around, stop chasing the enemy ship, land directly, and cooperate with the southern theater to block the attackers at sea."

The correspondent quickly conveyed the headquarters order to the lieutenant general.

"Very well, let the order go on, turn the rudder, we will land directly." The lieutenant general ordered.

The headquarters is already angry, and it is bound to catch this wave of attackers.Not only did the rebels lose their face, they also lost a brigadier general Kate.

Of course, the military rank of a country with endless wars is definitely not like that of naval headquarters.

How much water is the military rank here, please look in the direction of the Pacific Ocean.

You know, after a year of practice, Amy has about 500 powers at this time. Barrett has about 550 powers before he merges, and he has begun to surpass Amy, and after he merges, Barrett's powers Can reach 1000.

In other words, in the endless war, the lieutenant has only about 400 powers, the generals have about 700 powers, and there are special lieutenants like Kate in the middle.

From this it can be seen that the water of the military rank here, even the navy of the four seas does not have such a water, also, after all, even the navy is not considered to be such a water.

"Boss, the warship behind turned suddenly." Amy called Barrett.

"They are heading north." Barrett came to the deck and looked at the direction of the warship.

"No, they have to land early and stop us on land." Barrett suddenly realized.

"Then shall we also log in?" Amy asked.

"No, Hermann's assault arrow is still in front, and now it is landed, and it has entered the rebel den." Barrett denied.

"Then be tough with them on land?" Amy was not afraid of the rebel army behind him.

To know that Amy can contain two lieutenants, Barrett is even more remarkable.

"I'm afraid it won't work. The southern theater will assist them. Herman can only break through 40 kilometers away from the coastline. We may not be able to make it through these 40 kilometers."

Indeed, once Barrett and them land, they will face countless rebels.

"Tell Herman, let him cancel the operation, do not increase the casualties, we go to the southwest battlefield." Barrett made up his mind.

"Well, that's all we can do now, Hahn, go ahead at full speed, let's go to the southwest battlefield." Amy said.

"No problem." Regardless of Hahn, his control of the ship can be said to be handy.

In this way, Barrett and his team changed their plans and drove to the southwest battlefield.


"Boss, we have entered the Southwest Sea." I don't know when, Hahn learned from Amy, also called Barrett Boss.

"Let's land directly, the supplies on our ship won't last long."

This is also the reason why Barrett didn't drive directly to the Northwest. In order to maintain the best condition, Barrett and Amy ate too much, and they didn't prepare so much before.

"Understood, boss." Hahn turned the rudder and drove towards the Southwest Theater.

Soon I saw the land of the Southwest Theater.

"Boss, I don't know where the pier in this sea area is? Now it seems that only a forced landing has occurred." Hahn looked at the coast in front of him, and there was no good place to stop.

"No problem, Amy, ready to land." Barrett reminded Amy.


With a loud noise, the merchant ship ran aground to the coast, and Barrett and his party disembarked.

"Um..." Barrett fell and staggered.

"Forget that I am a demon fruit capable person, Amy, save me." Barrett looked at the sea water flowing over his thighs.

What a fatal flaw.

Then Barrett was dragged to the shore by Amy.

"Ah! I finally came back to life." Barrett's powerlessness almost disappeared as soon as Barrett's feet came out of the water.

A small amount of sea water is not so effective for people with ability. Hailou stone is the crystallization of the sea, which contains high-density PYROBROLN, the active ingredient of sea water.

Therefore, a person with the ability will temporarily lose his ability or even collapse to the ground if he touches a small amount of sea building stones.

"It's time to start." Barrett, who was recovering, looked at the southwestern theater in front of him.

Barrett is about to act again...

You may be aware of a problem,

The ability of a zygote fruit is an inorganic substance that zygote Barrett comes into contact with.

And these chapters are all so-called "fluid crystals in the body" assimilating inorganic substances.

This also forms a good defense.

I wrote this, one is to satisfy some readers' thoughts that the combined fruit is not strong enough. I said before that I should change the way the combined fruit is used.

The second is that in the original book, Barrett can also incorporate inorganic matter within the scope. I know that it is the awakening of the Devil Fruit's ability, but it is true that there is a "liquid crystal".

Write a book, I will also talk about it when the Devil Fruit awakens.

I hope everyone will understand and I will try to consider more people's ideas.