
Heir of the Pirate Devil

The heir of the ghost was born in 1477 in the Haiyuan calendar, but he in the world of One Piece has a soul that does not belong to him. Douglas Barrett, who knows his own destiny, how should he change his destiny and dominate the world!

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 166 The killing continues! Emergency stop

Chambord Islands, illegal zone.

When everyone was shocked by the blood pit created for Barrett, Barrett left without a sound.

Do you think the matter is over?

It's far from good.

Barrett focused on the next target again, and the killing continued.


This is an auction. There are five or six auction houses in the Chambord Islands. It is not too big and the auction is not illegal.

But, the same as those casinos.

These auction houses are also doing shameful business.

The most obvious is the sale of slaves. In addition, they are still secretly arresting slaves, imprisoned in their own prison, and kept for auction.

It is said that even the Tianlong people often visit their auction house.

However, after a night of assassination, the Tianlong people must not dare to come to the illegal zone today, even if they want to come, I am afraid they will not be agreed.

I didn't see Barrett, who didn't even look at him, so he destroyed their casino.

Fortunately, because of the assassination at night, the number of people in the casino is not the most, otherwise, the number of dead people will double.

If there is a Tianlongren caught in it, I am afraid it will not escape bad luck.

After all, do you know that Barrett used his knowledge to be domineering before he did it?

Even if it was used, the Tianlongren were humans, and Barrett couldn't perceive any difference. At most, there were a few more powerful guards, but unfortunately it was useless.

Therefore, no one knows if the Dragonites will die if they are mixed in it, so to be on the safe side, today's CP people are forbidden to let the Dragonites enter the illegal zone.

However, Barrett's next actions completely made the navy's high-level and the world's government unable to sit still.


Auction house.

Barrett stood in front of the auction scene.

All auctions today have been cancelled, so there are no more people in the auction house, only a few guards.

Barrett feels a bit pity, those who patronize the auction, I am afraid that they have escaped.

After destroying the auction site casually, Barrett found the headquarters of the auction site forces.

This force is different from that of the casino. They have an independent headquarters and an independent warehouse, which is a prison for slaves.

Barrett first came to his headquarters.

As if in no one's land, Barrett broke into the headquarters all the way.

Along the road, there was no complete body. The blood penetrated from the headquarters building and flowed onto the street, forming a river of blood.

When Barrett came out again, he was covered in blood and left the headquarters, and there was no one who could breathe in the headquarters.

After that, Barrett went to prison again and released all the slaves, just like that, slaves of all races.

Barrett even saw mermaids and murlocs, such rare goods.

After letting them go, Barrett went to find other targets.


Malin Vandor, high-level naval meeting room.

Now, it was evening, and Barrett's killing was not over.

The impact of this incident was really too great, and it even caused riots in illegal areas.

A large number of people gathered on an island in the illegal zone, trying to stop Barrett's atrocities and let Barrett leave the illegal zone.

However, Barrett didn't even use the domineering look, but instead smashed an island.

This time, Barrett, with armed domineering attached to the giant's fist, directly penetrated the island, and dense cracks appeared on the entire island.

This time, there were countless casualties.

But Barrett's killing still did not end.

Therefore, the senior navy had to convene a meeting to discuss the impact of this incident and the solution.

"Marshal Kong, I propose to recall Barrett immediately. He is too dangerous and should be sent to the New World, not in the Chambord Islands." A navy general proposed first.

What he said really makes sense, Barrett is indeed too dangerous, and under the sphere of influence of the world government, such killings are almost forbidden.

If Barrett was not for the Navy, and most of the people who killed were criminals who were well-known, otherwise the direct government would never spare him.

I'm afraid Barrett was on the wanted list immediately.

"Have you ever counted how many people died this time?" Warring States asked.

Although I knew the impact of this incident was very bad, the Warring States still didn't know how bad it was.

"We have done rough statistics. This time, more than 200,000 people died in Barrett's hands!" He replied.



Everyone in the high-level navy conference room was shocked.

They only know that Barrett has been killing him in the Chambord Islands for almost a day.

However, they never expected that Barrett would have killed 200,000 people.

"Barrett's punch that smashed the island killed at least 180,000 people. The others on the island hid far and escaped." He explained.

She knew that everyone present was in disbelief except for shock.

But the fact is the fact, Barrett did kill too many people.

"Marshal Kong, I suggest immediately giving an order to let Barrett stop the killing!" Zefa said excitedly.

Is this still his own disciple?He claimed that he would not kill the general, but his apprentice had become a murderer, which was difficult for Zefa to accept.

"Marshal, give an urgent order right away, Barrett must stop!" Karp said seriously, changing from his usual laughter.

"Let's vote with a show of hands. If an emergency order is issued uniformly, raise your hands." Sora said.

In the end, this proposal was passed unanimously, and everyone believed that Barrett's behavior must be forcibly stopped, otherwise, it would cause catastrophe.

"Warring States, Karp, Zefa, the three of you immediately went to the Chambord Islands. Because you don't know what Barrett is doing now, you are allowed to use violence to stop Barrett's behavior."

Marshal Sora ordered.

"Yes, Marshal."

The three replied.

It is not yet known whether Barrett has lost his sanity. To be on the safe side, only by letting the three of them go together can we guarantee that Barrett will be stopped without hurting the innocent.


Chambord Islands.

Barrett held a list of blood wetted.

Follow the name on the list to find the next target.

Suddenly, three figures appeared in front of Barrett, it was Karp, Warring States, and Zefa.

Barrett looked at the three of them and stopped what he was doing.

"Why are you here?" Barrett asked.

He didn't realize how much killing he had made.

"Boy, you haven't lost your mind?" Karp asked in surprise.

They thought that Barrett had lost his eyes and lost his sanity, but now it seems that Barrett has not lost his sanity.

That's terrible, Barrett killed more than 200,000 people while remaining sane!

"Lost reason, why? Although it has killed a lot of people, but it still does not lose reason." Barrett asked.

"Do you know how many people you killed?" Zefa asked.

"Huh? Ten to twenty thousand?" Barrett replied.

"What, ten or twenty thousand, you killed more than two hundred thousand people!" The Warring States ranted.

Only then did Barrett remember that he hardly had many people personally, all of which were the result of the fruit of the fit.

And he also played the most powerful ultimate cannon so far...