
Heir of the Pirate Devil

The heir of the ghost was born in 1477 in the Haiyuan calendar, but he in the world of One Piece has a soul that does not belong to him. Douglas Barrett, who knows his own destiny, how should he change his destiny and dominate the world!

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 143 Killing! Alternative Six Forms

No wind zone.

Zefa and his party encountered a 500-meter-long Neptune on their way to find Barrett.

In order to protect the students, Zefa exploded his strength for the first time.

Zefa's armed fist hit the sea king who was out of the sea.

Zefa's punch point was sunken deep, and the skin around the punch point began to crack and constantly ooze blood.

And the power of this punch is more than that.

The sea kings under the sea suddenly vomited a mouthful of blood, and the blood stained the sea water.

The power of this punch is more reflected in internal injuries.

The high-speed moving fist, and with the armed color domineering, suddenly hit the sea king class, and there was no visible damage on the surface.

However, the viscera of the sea king type had already been in a mess at this time. If it were changed to a human being, it would have been belched by the injury caused by this punch.

But this punch only seriously injured the Neptune class.


"Teacher Zefa." Kuzan came to Zefa's side.

"This guy has been seriously injured, be careful, maybe he will counterattack." Zefa reminded.

"I understand, Teacher Zefa," Kuzan replied.

Suddenly, the frozen sea vibrated violently.

Immediately, it was another time, and this time, the sea king directly broke through the ice layer and approached the warship. It wanted to attack the warship.

"Not good!" Zefa exclaimed.

Previously, this sea king dived into the bottom of the water, which was beyond Zefa's range of sight, hearing and color, so Zefa did not lock this sea king.

This caused the sea king class to break through to the vicinity of the warship.

Upon seeing this, Kuzan released three more two thorny spears, the target was the punch point before Zefa.

The three two-thorn spears stabbed the Neptune's wound before the Neptune attacked the warship.

Because of the loss of the protection of the skin, three thorny spears pierced into the flesh of the sea king, so that the freezing effect of the two thorny spears can be displayed.

The sea kings were frozen into ice sculptures, and they bought time for Zefa's return.

And Zefa finally returned to the warship before the sea kings broke through the ice.

Another martial arts wrist hit the sea king class, and incidentally broke his ice seal. This punch, Zefa was also where it was injured before the attack.

This punch was rushed to its life.

As a result, as expected by Zefa, the fist went down, and the sea king type directly floated to the surface of the sea, motionless, only a breath left.

"Teacher Zefa." Kuzan also returned to the warship, finally killing the sea king class.

"Wait, this guy is not dead!" Zefa suddenly shouted.

In Zefa's perceptions, the aura of this sea king suddenly rose.

The Neptune class in front of him also opened his eyes, roared, and then fell down.

At this moment, in Zefa's sight, the breath of this sea king completely disappeared, and it died.

However, Zefa did not relax, but worried. Everyone knew that the last roar of the Sea King was calling his companions.

"Leave the windless zone immediately and tell Barrett that we will meet at Marin Vando." Zefa quickly ordered.

If there is only Zefa alone, maybe he will not worry, at least he will not be in danger of life, but there are dozens of rookies behind Zefa.

Zefa must guarantee their safety.

"General Zefa, I'm afraid it's too late, there is another sea king in the distance, and it's a group!" The watcher shouted at Zefa on the deck.

"Worse, all students, immediately take off, the higher the better, the instructor will bring those students who can't walk in a month, don't come down!" Zefa ordered.

They must abandon the warship.

With this, Zefa can fight with peace of mind on his own, even Kuzan can't bring it.

Zefa looked at the sea kings in the distance and the ripples on the water surface. There were at least five sea kings under the water.

Zefa couldn't take care of Kuzan at all. Although it seems that these sea kings are not domineering, but this is fighting on the sea.

Once Kuzan is drenched in sea water or swallowed by a sea king, it may threaten Daakuzan's life.

After all, with Kuzan's current strength, a 500-meter-long sea king, swallowing him is equivalent to swallowing an ice block.

"Instructor Zefa." Kuzan hesitated and stopped.

He understood that if he stayed, not only would he not help Zefa, but would also become a burden to Zefa, so Kuzan understood that he could not stay.

"Leave, rest assured, they can't help me." Zefa said.

Indeed, in the face of 5 large sea kings, Zefa will not be too dangerous, but it will definitely be troublesome and will most likely be tied.

Therefore, Zefa is most worried about those students. After all, they can't use the moon step for a long time, and I am afraid that it will fall off soon.


Zefa saw that everyone had left the warship, and he also left the deck, into the air.

He can only expect that Barrett can come in time, and now only Barrett can quickly support.

And Barrett's strength can also help Zefa.

Gradually, the sea kings approached the warship, they saw the sea kings lying in a pool of blood, and the five sea kings screamed.

Immediately, they looked at Zefa together.

The battle began.

Five sea kings jumped out of the sea one by one, biting towards Zefa.

However, Zefa did not use martial arts again.

The previous two martial arts have consumed a lot of Zefa's physical strength, and these five sea kings need at least ten martial arts.

And Zefa's physical strength, I am afraid it is difficult to support ten punches.

At that time, Zefa will become a lamb to be slaughtered, so it must not be like that, only slowly consumed, looking for weaknesses.

Play a deadly one, fight for a martial arts, and solve a sea king class.

"Hey, Teacher Zefa, so busy!" Barrett's voice came from a distance.

"It's Senior Barrett!"

"It turned out to be that devil!"

"Now we are saved."


The people in the air said excitedly when they saw Barrett rushing over.

"Smelly boy, hurry up and help, and help me contain a few." Zefa shouted.

"Of course." Barrett responded.

Lan feet. Sting.

Barrett directly put forward a vacuum slash and inserted it at a sea king.

And the scale of this vacuum slash has reached an astonishing level, the length of the front and back, once reached 20 meters.

Although it is still a bit short for 500 meters, Barrett is aiming at the side of the Neptune.

And this blow directly penetrated the sea king class.


"This is so special, too strong!"

"This is still the foot, is this the devil fruit ability?"

"This is Lanjiao. If you can't do it, it doesn't mean people can't do it."


Barrett's haze of the foot, directly won a blood, and at the same time refreshed everyone's concept of the six styles, they have never thought that the six styles can still be like this.

Moon step. Shaved.

Barrett's figure suddenly disappeared.

"Appeared, that ghostly figure!"

"I know, I've heard before, the effect can only be achieved by combining the moon step with the shave and reaching a very high level."


Barrett quickly approached a sea king.

Pointing to the gun. Spot.

Barrett quickly poked a bunch of holes in the Neptune's body, these holes were arranged in a circle.

Afterwards, Barrett took advantage of the Neptune class had not yet reacted, grabbed the circular area, and pulled it back.

A large piece of meat was torn off by Barrett...