
Heir of the Pirate Devil

The heir of the ghost was born in 1477 in the Haiyuan calendar, but he in the world of One Piece has a soul that does not belong to him. Douglas Barrett, who knows his own destiny, how should he change his destiny and dominate the world!

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 138: Decision! Must complete practice

Malin Vandor, Naval Headquarters Building.

The senior officers of the Navy, at this time, are dealing with Barrett's affairs and are having a headache.

As for the Warring States Period, I would like to remind everyone present, you really need to be careful, Barrett started with the Dragon.

However, Barrett's talent was there, so he gave up, and it is inevitable that the senior officers of the navy headquarters will feel distressed.

Moreover, the relationship between Zefa and Barrett made everyone uncertain.

"Everyone, inform the five old stars, we can't make this decision. After all, it involves the Tianlong people, which is beyond our scope." He said.

It is indeed difficult for everyone here to make a decision. Moreover, this matter concerns the Tianlong people. Once something goes wrong, the Navy Headquarters cannot bear the responsibility.

"That's okay, I'll go to Mary Joa." Marshal Kong said.

There is no way, everyone can't choose, and the matter is very important, they can only notify the five old stars.

"Huh!" Zefa snorted and left the Navy Headquarters Building.

Zefa is already dissatisfied with the navy.

Barrett clearly did nothing wrong, but because it was threatening, he would be eradicated for the mistakes of the Tianlong people.

In Zefa's heart, it was really uncomfortable.


Holy land, Mary Joa.

Here, Kong saw Wu Lao Xing.

"Sora, what is the matter that can cause headaches for your senior navy." Masato Hirano asked.

Masato Hirano is the short and fat five-year-old star with curly hair.

In the phone bug, Marshal Kong reported to Wu Lao Xing that there was one thing that was tricky, and the navy senior could not decide, and Wu Lao Xing needed to decide.

"It's Barrett, he has awakened the overlord look." Kong said straightforwardly.

"Oh, since you have awakened the domineering look of the overlord, then your navy can directly focus on training, what is the matter, it is difficult to decide?" asked Zaigu Kangji.

Zaigu Kangji, that's the five old star with straight hair and long beard.

The navy, the judicial island, and the advance city, the three forces, have a high degree of autonomy. Basically, they don't need to ask the world government for the training of talents.

Only in the promotion of generals and marshals, the world government may intervene.

It's like the blue pheasant and the red dog fighting for the admiral.

In fact, there were more people supporting the green pheasant in the navy headquarters, but the world government was more optimistic about the red dog, so there was a duel between the two.

"That's it, the five old stars, the Warring States Period reminds us that Barrett's domineering look, because it is different, may threaten the world government." Kong explained.

At this point, Sora didn't need to conceal it. He didn't intend to conceal it, so he just had to report everything truthfully.

"Because of this little thing, empty, your navy is really getting better and better, and the arrogant and domineering look makes you hesitate." Yuanbe Qiyi mocked.

Keiichi Sonobe is the fifth old star holding a sword in his hand, and that sword is suspected to be the supreme sword.

Also, in the new world, the domineering look is like a crucian carp crossing the river. If there are more, do you think the world government cares?

The world government has 800 years of heritage, and the domineering and domineering can indeed be said to be "different."

For so long, the world government has seen more, but now, the world government still exists.

Therefore, the emergence of a domineering and domineering owner in the navy headquarters will not make the world government feel that the threat is much.

Now the navy headquarters has a Warring States period, so Wu Lao Xing doesn't care at all.

"Okay, hold on to Barrett, that little guy, we've also heard of him, let him become a naval force, don't worry about threats." Ogata Kenichi said.

Kenichi Ogata is the five old star with a bald head, a figure eight mustache and a birthmark on his forehead.

Barrett's talent has long been heard by the five old stars, if it was wasted, it would be a pity.

It is better to keep him safe, let him become a sharp knife of the world government, and remove obstacles for the world government.

"That's right, you really need to make good use of such talents. On the Tianlongren side, we will remind you that as long as you ensure that he can grow up smoothly, it's fine." Noda Keiichi added.

Noda Keiichi is the five-star with golden hair and golden beard.

In the eyes of the five old stars, Barrett's value far exceeds his threat.

In the eyes of the five old stars, there is no double-edged sword or something. Their strength can be guaranteed to align their blades and not hurt themselves.

This is the confidence of the world government.

"I understand, Five Old Star." Kong replied.

Now that the five old stars have decided, Na Kong has nothing to say, not to mention this ending is exactly what the navy senior wants.


Back at Marin Vando, Sora held a meeting again.

"The five old stars unanimously decided to focus on cultivating Barrett." The point was straightforward.

If it is empty, everyone breathes a sigh of relief, and the situation finally did not develop on the bad side.

"Five old stars have said, the mere overlord looks domineering, not to be afraid, Barrett poses no threat to the world government." Kong explained.

In this way, the top navy was completely relieved.

Everyone is still wondering that with the urination of the five old stars, Barrett would be let go. It seems that the five old stars are very confident in their own strength.

Now that the five old stars have decided, everyone naturally has no opinion, and they can still oppose the failure of the five old stars. Moreover, this ending is just as everyone's intentions.

"Well, since everyone knows it, then, next, consider how to train Barrett. After all, now, Barrett's talent has increased by another level." Sora said.

Before everyone knew, Barrett's soul talent, and domineering look.

Now, based on these two things, Barrett's talent is enough to raise another level.

So, for Barrett's training, there must be corresponding changes.

"I want Barrett to return to the Naval Academy. He should learn to be armed and domineering, and the next freshman is coming, he can also help me." Zefa said first.

"Secondly, Barrett should really learn to be armed and domineering. Although he is not old, I believe it will be almost the same after a year." Karp agreed.

"Secondly, with Barrett's talent, as long as he learns to be armed and domineering, he can double his attack power and survivability," He added.

"I have no opinion." Warring States said.

In fact, the Warring States was not too satisfied with the decision of the five old stars, he always felt that Barrett still had a big threat.

From the perspective of the Warring States Period, the five old stars overestimated their own strength and underestimated Barrett's potential.

"In this case, in the next year, Barrett will follow Zefa, Zefa, one year later, we must let Barrett learn to be armed and domineering." Kong ordered.

"No problem, Marshal," Zefa promised.

One year, almost.

"In addition, upgrading the ranks of Barrett, Sakaski, and Polusalino, for so long, it is time for them to be promoted."

"Order, Barrett, Sakaski, Porusalino, promotion to the rank of colonel, that is, brigadier general." Kong ordered.

"Understand, I will go to deliver the order." He replied.

Since then, Barrett has finally passed the ghost gate and walked back...