
Heir of the Pirate Devil

The heir of the ghost was born in 1477 in the Haiyuan calendar, but he in the world of One Piece has a soul that does not belong to him. Douglas Barrett, who knows his own destiny, how should he change his destiny and dominate the world!

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 133 New World! Gore D. Roger

Murloc Island, Dragon Palace.

Leaving Barrett on Murloc Street, he returned to the Dragon Palace.

"Ah, Barrett, you are back, how is it?" Karp asked.

"There is no problem, they are all handled. By the way, King Neptune, I went to Murloc Street." Barrett replied.

Barrett wanted to remind Neptune to take care of Murloc Street.

"Colonel Barrett, how did you go there? It's very chaotic there." Neptune said in surprise.

"Oh? King Neptune also knows that there is a lot of chaos." Barrett mocked.

"This...there has always been an autonomous state, and we have also provided them with some help." Neptune retorted.

He couldn't hear what Barrett was saying.

"King Neptune, Queen Otohime, you seem to want to live on the ground and live in harmony with mankind." Barrett said.

"Yes, what does Colonel Barrett mean?" Queen Otohime did not understand what Barrett meant.

"I want to say that your desire and your efforts will be destroyed in the hands of Murloc Street in the future." Barrett said astonishingly.

"What do you mean by this?" King Neptune was a little angry.

No one will allow it, and others will deny their ideals and efforts.

"The children in Fishman Street have never been exposed to correct education since they were young. They grew up with barbarians and lacked the ability to judge themselves."

"Have you ever thought about what will happen to the tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of murlocs in Murloc Street if there are people with unpredictable intentions and destroy the relationship between murlocs and humans?" Barrett asked rhetorically.

"All the emotions of Murloc Street will be taken away by that person." Queen Otohime woke up.

The children of Murloc Street have followed and admired the leader of Murloc Street since they were young. Once a leader who hates humans appears on Murloc Street, the entire Murloc Street will be biased.

And dozens to hundreds of thousands of murlocs have lived in a barbaric environment since they were young.

Once someone fanned the flames, the consequences would be disastrous.

"I'll stop here, you can figure it out, don't stretch your hand too long, it's not good." Barrett reminded.

Of course Barrett didn't want to. The Dragon Palace stretched his hand too long. After all, Murloc Street is still what Barrett wanted.

"We understand, I will go to Murloc Street in the future to take care of the orphans." Queen Otohime said.

"Sorry, Colonel Barrett, I was too anxious just now." Neptune apologized.

"Hahahaha, Barrett kid, okay!" Karp laughed.

Such a result can be said to be a joy to everyone, and Queen Otohime should be like the original work, associating with the fish people of Murloc Street.

"Well, in that case, Barrett, we should leave, too." Karp stood up and said goodbye.

"Well, let's see you off." Neptune and Otohime said.


New world.

Blue blue.

Karp's phone worm rang.

"Moses Moses, this is Cap, what's the matter?" Cap asked.

"Kapu, I'm Kong, where are you now?" Kong's voice came from the phone worm.

"I just entered the new world, what happened?" Karp asked.

If there is nothing wrong, Sora shouldn't call Karp so easily. After all, the group left Malin Vandor within a few days.

"Our intelligence personnel found Roger's trail in the New World." Kong said solemnly.

Although Roger is not yet the King of Pirates, Roger is indeed a veritable big pirate, not to be underestimated.

"Kapu, you still have Barrett on your boat, remember, don't let Barrett have an accident, he is not the time to face these pirates." Kong reminded.

For a long time, the battle between Karp and Roger did not hurt the crew. It was a battle between high combat power, and Roger flees without a fight.

Therefore, there has been no attrition.

However, Barrett is a new star in the Navy, his talent is extremely terrifying, and even threaten the pirates of the new world.

So it is difficult to guarantee that Roger will not kill Barrett in the cradle after seeing Barrett.

If Roger did this, then the Navy's losses would be too great.

"Don't worry, Marshal Kong, Roger and I have counts. If Roger dares to touch Barrett, I won't let him go." Karp said solemnly.

Not only because of Barrett's importance to the navy, but for such a long time together, Karp knew that Barrett had great ambitions.

But Karp didn't care. Even in the future, giving the position of Marshal of the Navy to Barrett would not be a big problem.

The navy can satisfy Barrett's ambitions.

And Karp knew that Barrett's heart was full of justice, and he would never do anything to harm one party.

So Karp feels assured of Barrett.

If Roger kills Barrett because of Barrett's threat, then Karp won't be soft.

The next battle is undoubtedly the battle to wipe out the Roger Pirates. At that time, only Roger, Raleigh, and Jabba, these three people may be alive.

Everyone else will die.

Guangyue Mitian should not have joined the Whitebeard Pirates group, let alone join the Roger Pirates group, otherwise he might be added.

Roger couldn't afford such a price, he would not let his crew die in the hands of the navy.

"Okay, you just have to count. If there is any accident to Barrett, the Roger Pirates will definitely disappear from this world." Kong warned.

After such a long time, everyone can see the relationship between Karp and Roger. Although both of them are fighting seriously, they are determined.

It won't affect other people, otherwise the Roger Pirates would have long been unable to hold it.

"I see, Marshal Sora, I won't let the boy Barrett have an accident. Tell me Roger's information." Karp promised.


"Hey, Old Man Cap, I heard what you said just now, why, this is my life betting?" Barrett asked.

This is what I said and I went, although I was still Roger's crew in the original book, but now who knows what is going on.

Take the navy group as an example. Karp faced Roger and the other Raleigh and Jabba. No one could resist.

In other words, once the worst happens in the war, Barrett will face the simultaneous attacks of Raleigh and Jabba.

"Ann, Barrett, I know how to count." Karp said, patting his chest.

"Oh, all right," Barrett said with a sigh.

"Hey, you kid, is this still you?" Karp asked puzzled.

Barrett agreed?This is not in line with Barrett's previous style.

"I want to see the battle between you, so I don't hesitate to sacrifice my life for this." Barrett said righteously.

"Fart, I don't believe it." Karp whispered.

In fact, Karp couldn't be sure. You must know the character of this guy Barrett. It is indeed a little bit off. It is not good, it is really like what he said.

In fact, this is only a part. Barrett believes that Roger will not do anything to him.

His own purpose, similar to the original book, is the whole world, so Barrett is still a little sure about this.

In addition, Barrett took a fancy to Roger's overlord look...