
Heir of the Pirate Devil

The heir of the ghost was born in 1477 in the Haiyuan calendar, but he in the world of One Piece has a soul that does not belong to him. Douglas Barrett, who knows his own destiny, how should he change his destiny and dominate the world!

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 129 Visit! Murloc Street

Murloc Island.

Barrett took a group of navy and left the palace on Murloc Island, leaving Karp to reminisce with them.

"Colonel Barrett, where are we going?" Karp's adjutant asked.

Among this group of people, although Barrett is a recruit and lacks experience, everyone is already headed by Barrett, and their strength lies there.

"I don't know, just go around, oh yes, tell everyone not to go away, the murlocs here are not very friendly to humans." Barrett reminded.

"What? How is it possible?" the adjutant asked in surprise.

"Don't be surprised. Murlocs and humans still have grudges. Naturally, there are some pedantic and self-righteous guys who are full of hostility to humans." Barrett explained.

In this way, the adjutant understood, just like human beings, good and bad, there are all kinds of people, not to mention this fisherman island with a population of 5 million.

Speaking of a population of 5 million, Barrett thought again.

Anyway, what Barrett yearns for is equality for all, and there is no discrimination against murlocs and mermaids. It is better to establish diplomatic relations with Murloc Island.

Draw on the resources of this 5 million population.

The physique of murlocs is inherently stronger than that of humans, but there are not a few strong ones, which is nothing short of the past, but they are not top-level strong ones.

It can be said that the world's top powerhouses have combat power greater than or equal to the generals, and neither mermaid nor murloc have reached it.

Jinping's performance at the top of the war was somewhat unsatisfactory. On Cake Island, his performance was good, but it was almost a pity.

In other words, the murloc's basic talent is very good, but the subsequent development is not satisfactory.

But Barrett believes that it's not that they can't do it, but that they settle down and haven't seen the wider world outside, that is, the frog in the well.

You see it is very flat, people often move on the surface, and by coincidence, they are very strong.

Look at the few people on Murloc Street, Barrett is too lazy to complain, it is the frog at the bottom of the well, making Luffy a tyrant in seconds.

A total of 100,000 people, the operation is as fierce as a tiger, and the record is 100,000.


However, Barrett also took a fancy to this point, they just gathered 100,000 troops casually, although the combat strength could not open the eyes.

But someone would do it. As for the training, it was handed over to the organization. Barrett copied a complete training program from the Navy, so he didn't worry about training at all.

Thinking of this, Barrett couldn't help walking towards Murloc Street.

There is the darkest place in Fishman Island.


Barrett distracted the accompanying navy and asked them to follow the guards of the Dragon Palace Kingdom to patrol everywhere to see if they could help.

And Barrett himself came to Murloc Street, the backstreet of Murloc Island, the darkest place in the entire Murloc Island.

This is actually a shelter, hosting a large number of homeless murlocs.

It can be said that "the one who is close to Zhu is red and the one is black" is what kind of education and what kind of children are taught.

Because some murlocs hate humans, they always transmit evil ideas to the children on Murloc Street, and let them hate humans together.

In fact, Barrett agrees with Fisher Tiger's concept.

"Only by letting the next generation be free from the influence of hatred and discriminatory thoughts can we truly achieve reconciliation and symbiosis between humans and murlocs."

Unfortunately, whether it was Fisher Tiger or Queen Otohime, they were all dead.

No one will lead these children, no one will transmit correct ideas to them, but let them accept the "influence of hatred and discriminatory thoughts" from an early age.

A whole hundred thousand murlocs, or even more, just went astray.

Can there be any good results in the end?

Encountered a real human powerhouse, a hundred thousand people could not beat a few people, and the group was destroyed. Under Neptune's order, Murloc Street was ordered to blockade.

Is this result what fish people want?

Barrett can only say, stupid, ignorant, and incompetent.

In fact, no matter how many people die, it has nothing to do with Barrett. Murloc Island has a population of 5 million and a mere 100,000 murlocs. Even if they die clean, it will be harmless.

But now that Barrett is here, then Barrett has to think about using the resources of Murloc Island in this way.

In Barrett's eyes, the resources of the entire Murloc Island are in this Murloc Street.

Because in other places, the Dragon Palace Kingdom will not let Barrett intervene, and now Barrett is not qualified to let Murloc Island surrender.

Then there is only Fishman Street, which is not under the jurisdiction of Fishman Island, and the population here is rich, and they are all orphans.

With a little adjustment, you can become a useful talent. After all, the talent of the Murloc is much better.

So in a nutshell, Barrett has a fancy to Murloc Street.


Walking on Murloc Street, Barrett can be said to have attracted much attention.

No matter where he goes, the people around him will always look at him, and there are even many people who follow Barrett, not knowing whether to monitor or watch the excitement.

But let's say it or not, the environment of Murloc Street did make Barrett frown.

It's too messy here. On both sides of the road, there are many little murlocs, all in tatters, and they don't even have any decent clothes.

Needless to say, the surrounding buildings, the whole Murloc Street exudes a stench.

Think of the fisherman island and the Dragon Palace Kingdom outside. Looking at the fisherman street, it is a world of difference.

However, it is understandable that this is a shelter for orphans, which needs to feed a huge population, but there is no source of income.

Basically, it is good to be self-sufficient.

"Stop, human, what are you doing here?" At this moment, several murlocs ran from a distance, holding weapons in their hands, and asked Barrett.

"What are you doing?" Barrett asked.

For the Murloc, pointing to his weapon, Barrett didn't care, these things couldn't hurt him at all, Barrett himself was invincible.

This is the high-level Six Forms. For the suppression of ordinary people, Barrett doesn't bother to care about them.

Now, Barrett only wants to meet the leader of Murloc Street.

"We are the managers of Murloc Street, what is your purpose?" a Murloc replied.

Now, although the murlocs are full of vigilance against humans, but fortunately Queen Otohime has been preaching that murlocs, mermaids and humans live together in peace.

Therefore, the current murloc's hostility towards humans has not reached the level when Lu Fei came.

Fortunately, this murloc's attitude makes sense, otherwise it would be really difficult to handle today.

"It just so happens. I came to your leader of Murloc Street to discuss some things. Don't worry, you will always recognize my clothes." Barrett replied.

Now, Barrett is still wearing a navy white cloak. Anyway, it looks good, especially for people of good shape, so Barrett also likes to wear it.

"I know, the navy, right? I heard that a group of navies came and went to the Dragon Palace. They were with you," said the murloc.

The news about these murlocs is pretty good, too, after all, there are many people here.

"Yes, we are here together. I'm here to discuss some things with your leaders. I'm the only one. What are you afraid of?" Barrett said aggressively.

The fish people on Murloc Street eat this set the most...