

During this whole process my system was going through the set up stage. I had gotten a very basic system. There was a shop. Where I could buy and sell item. There was an inventory. And there was a travel system where I could make customizations. It was currently locked though and apparently I needed to complete this world for it to unlock.

Inside the inventory was. Nothing. Stingy god. But I did have some currency apparently. 100 galleons.

Mentally I could do all of this so that I didn't look like a suspicious person. I opened up the shop to see what I could buy and basically I could buy a couple of books. First on that list was occulmency and then I was down to like 25 galleons. Text books are so damn expensive. Everything in here was so pricey. I bought a book called magical basics. Then I was completely broke.

Both of these went straight into my inventory. So as not to alert the orphanage ladies who were currently watching my like a hawk and talking to the local police. I was being registered and having paperwork drawn out for me. There were no real public computers in this time. So everything was done by hand. This was a frightening time for me as I'd have to live through the 60s.

Since I technically couldn't talk everything was decided for me. My name was still going to be Ryan and the last name would be Steele.

After and hour or so the paperwork was done and copies were handed out with others being mailed off. It was officially confirmed that I would be housed here as Ryan Steele until I was adopted or turned of age.

This was fine for now. This gave me time to prepare.

First thing I did was start to read my books in my inventory. I could also do this with my mind as having a child magically get some book out of nowhere would draw loads of attention.

This was great for when I was laying down for naps or sleeping. As I could just browse all I wanted.

The orphanage wasn't really that big. There were only a couple of kids which were all being homeschooled by the matrons. This is a period of time where most kids didn't even go to school and were off helping on farms to feed their family.

America was currently dealing with the Vietnam war. However none of this would have anything to do with me since I was in London.

Being a baby I had nothing to do but eat and get changed which is mortifying I tell you. But other than that it was free time all the time.

I took this time to study as it was literally all I could do. Read the same two books over and over again. Practice over and over again. This would go on for multiple years but I would gain a lot in that time.

Occulmency is a great skill to have for both protecting the mind and hiding emotions. It was also great for organizing ones mind. My mind was a well of information just waiting to be tapped into.

In order to get the best out of occulmency I had to relive all of my thought and have them stored and organized. Over and over again. I had them stored in the safest way I could think of. A smartphone with a pin lock. I had things disguised in my mental world as other memories you know normal junk from day to day baby life. But all my previous life's memories were stored in the phone. It was the perfect disguise.

The system would actually help guard those previous life's memories. As they involve stuff that isn't supposed to be possible including the voice of a god.

The other book was actually pretty interesting. It wasn't from this time. It was just a basic explanation on magic itself and how it functions. Going into detail about how wizards and witches had magical cores that could feed their power. These cores could be strengthened through rituals and meditation and even practice. It gave me demonstrations of what to do.

Most wizards didn't have this knowledge since they focused more on blood and things like that. Bunch of inbred idiots if you ask me.

The first step in the book was actually connecting to your magical core. This was helped along by meditation. Since I had already done so much meditation for studying occulmency this was an easy part.

I cleared my mind first off and imagined myself in a blank room. My body just looked like a small sleeping child but my mind was in a completely different area. I was myself in my old body sitting down in a white room looking at a shining you're white crystal ball.

This was my magical core. It was about the size of a marble at this point.

I reached over and touched it with my finger and just like that everything clicked into place. I could feel the magical power. It was so refreshing. Something new and exciting. It was like it was calling to me to do anything and everything that I could ever dream of. But I knew better.

I slowly opened my eyes. Lucky for me nothing had happened. There is usually some kind of sensor over the entire area of London to pick up magical signatures of accidental magic. This is to help find wizards in orphanages and other places. There will be a notice of some sort sent off to hogwarts from the ministry and then one of the teachers will come and explain. This is usually for muggleborns.

I had no interest in being found just yet and being watched even more. Lucky for me there was more ways to make my magical core stronger than practicing and using rituals. Meditation and absorbing the outside magical force being one of them. So that's exactly what I'll do. I've got all the time in the world.

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