
Heimarian Odyssey

Locke is a middling officer in the Kingdom of Faustian’s army. He happens to be at the wrong place at the wrong time, or the right place at the right time, depending on your perspective, and happens to save the kingdom’s princess. As fortune would have it, love prospers, but in a world of peasantry and nobility, a middling, peasant-born soldier has no right to love a princess. Locke is nothing if not determined, however, and sets out to become someone worthy of loving the princess, someone her family can accept. But that path is neither short, nor safe, as our hero will soon discover. Tags : Army Building, Caring Protagonist, Cold Protagonist, Death of Loved Ones, Empires, Evolution, Fan-fiction, Harem, Incest, Kingdom Building, Kingdoms Knights, Knights Level System, Long Separations, Male Protagonist, Near-Death Experience, Older Love Interests, Pregnancy, Slow Growth at Start, Strong to Stronger, Wars, kufsten translation

Kufsten · Fantasy
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293 Chs

Quarrel in the palace

At this moment, in one of the courtyards of the luxurious palace in Felor, the ninth king of Faustian was angrily smashing precious porcelain from the East. He pointed at a man in black who was prostrating on the ground in front of him and shouted, "Bastard! Where's my Angelina? How did you protect her? I'll exterminate your entire family! "

The expression of the man in black who was prostrating on the ground did not change, but his trembling body showed that he was not as calm as he looked. "Your Majesty, the princess insisted on looking for the eldest prince who is fighting at the front line. I didn't dare to stop her," said the man with his head lowered.

"What do you mean you didn't dare to stop her?! You're... you're... "The king was so angry that he was speechless and pointed at the man in black.

"Your Majesty, since the princess insisted on looking for the eldest prince, let her go. With the protection of the shadow guards, nothing will go wrong." Suddenly, a feminine voice came from the side of the king. It was the current queen.

"Hmph." The king did not calm down because of the queen's persuasion. Instead, he became even angrier. Angelina was only a low-rank Lehrling. How could she leave the heavily guarded palace without alerting him? It was obvious that someone was protecting her, and it was most likely his second queen.

There was no point in being angry now. He had to save her as soon as possible. "Which teams of shadow guards are there with the princess?" The king asked the man in black who was still prostrating on the ground.

"It's... it's... it's Earth Team Three..." the man in black stammered.

The king's eyes narrowed. As a king who controlled nearly a million people, the aura he exuded seemed to freeze the air.

"Good, very good. My favorite princess, Angelina, left the palace alone and went to the front line. She's only protected by a team of shadow guards!" The king pointed at the man in black and roared. At this moment, he was more like a lion waiting to devour its prey.

"Forget it, Your Majesty. The royal capital lacks protection anyway. It's understandable that only a team of shadow guards were sent." The queen stood up again. Now, everyone could see that the queen did not care about Angelina.

His Majesty, who had been furious just a moment ago, suddenly quieted down after hearing the queen's words. However, the trembling of his shoulders showed that His Majesty's patience had reached its limit.

Of course, the Queen felt the change in the King and did not say anything. If she said anything at this time, this man who was known as the "Lion" would probably teach her a lesson, even if she was the Queen.

The King calmed his anger and asked the attendant behind him, "How many shadow guards are on standby in the capital now?"

This attendant was obviously the king's trusted aide. He answered the king's questions with great familiarity, "Heaven's second and fourth teams, as well as Earth's one, two, five, and eight teams are here."

"Send Sky Squad Two and Earth Squads One, Two and Five to bring Angelina back safely," ordered the king.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" The attendant did not dare to disobey the king's order, but he could not ignore the king's safety, so he said tactfully, "But, if we send all of them, the capital's defense power will not be enough, and Your Majesty's safety …"

Not only did the attendant say so, but the queen and the men in black on the ground also asked the king to withdraw his order, citing the safety of the capital and the lack of guards. Fortunately, they were in the side hall of the King's bedchamber at the moment. If the ministers knew the king's order, there would be more people trying to persuade him.

"Hmph, stop it!" The king was obviously annoyed to the extreme. "As long as that one is here, the kingdom and I have nothing to worry about." The king waved his hand and stopped them from trying to persuade the king.

The queen's expression froze, as if she had guessed something. "Could it be that Your Majesty is talking about …" The queen seemed to be implying something.

The king gave the queen a sidelong glance. He had married the queen three years ago. She was the younger sister of Marquis Kent, one of the major lords of the Ligia Union in the south of Faustian. Kent's purpose for marrying into the Kingdom of Faustian was to establish a good relationship with the powerful Kingdom of Faustian, and to export the surplus food crops of the Ligia Union.

Political marriages were common everywhere, and even he, the king, was not exempt from it.

At this point, the situation at the frontline had more or less stabilized. It wouldn't be a secret even if he said it out loud. It would also calm the hearts of the queen, Marquis Kent, and even the entire Ligia Union.

He could even use these people to pacify the hearts of most of the nobles. Although the war was profitable, the economic chain of Faustian had long collapsed due to the years of war. The huge taxes and bonds made every noble tremble in fear. If it wasn't for the help of many friendly kingdoms around them, if it wasn't for the large granary provided by the southern Ligia Union, if it wasn't for the support of the suzerain of Aomar, Faustian might not have been able to have the last laugh in this war.

"Herr Romm has reached the threshold of an Erdritter," the king said slowly after a moment of deliberation.

The queen and the men in black on the ground were instantly shocked, but the attendant's expression didn't change. It was obvious that he had already known about it.

Late at night, the gates of Felor quietly opened, and a group of people quickly left under the cover of the night. They were the shadow guards sent by the king to look for the princess.

The leader of Sky Unit 2 was a man with a reserved gaze. The king had secretly summoned him before they set off to ensure the princess' safety at all costs. The princess' whereabouts had been leaked by some unscrupulous people. A princess in the hinterland of hostile Shalor was the apple of the king's eye. The Shalorians, who had been in the secret agency for so many years, would undoubtedly grab hold of this last straw. The mastermind behind all this, the leader of the shadow guards, who had been in the secret agency for so many years, could naturally tell that it was the person sleeping with the king.

However, he was just a sharp knife hidden in the dark by the king. He didn't need to think about the reason, he only needed to complete the mission. "Reach Shalor within three days!" The leader commanded in a low voice, and the people around him answered in unison, "Yes!"

The Faustian capital was thousands of kilometres away from Shalor. Even if they rode day and night, it would take at least a week to get there. However, these people were not ordinary people. They were the shadow guards of the Faustian Kingdom, a sharp knife that only obeyed the king and the heir in line to the throne. All the shadow guards were at least low-rank Knechts with impetus. The jarls of Earth Unit were all high-rank Knechts, and the leader of Sky Unit 2 was a peak-level Knecht. He was only a step away from becoming a Ritter.

Although the lineup was extremely powerful, the leader didn't dare to delay the slightest. The princess was only protected by a team of Earth shadow guards, and it had been four days since the princess went missing. In other words, when they arrived in Shalor, the princess would have already stepped into enemy territory. They had to arrive as soon as possible!

In the palace, after the king sent out this team of shadow guards, he immediately asked a caster who stayed in the capital to send a flame message to the eldest prince at the frontline, asking him to send someone to pick up Angelina.

"What! Angelina came to the frontline to find me? " Behind the flame curtain, the young Prince Kenzir was shocked and angry. Unlike Angelina, who had been living under the care and protection of her father and brother, Kenzir immediately realized that someone with ulterior motives was using the enemy to harm Angelina. And this person could only be …

"Send the cavalry division to the rear of the border immediately and pick up Princess Angelina!" Kenzir didn't care that the king might still be at the side and gave orders to the generals around him.

"But we've already surrounded most of Audis. If we withdraw the cavalry division now …" A general immediately retorted. It wasn't that this general didn't want to guarantee Angelina's safety, but the war was indeed like this. If they let the Shalorian royal family or their forces escape for the sake of the princess's safety, it would cause the war to drag on indefinitely. It would be irresponsible for the lives of the soldiers. Moreover, did Faustian have the ability to delay the war?

In addition to this general, other generals also stood up to dissuade him. The cavalry division was Faustian's trump card and the biggest deterrent to attack Audis. If they withdrew the cavalry division, the consequences would be dire.

"This is my sister! Whoever stops me will die! " Kenzir unsheathed his sword. His eyes were bloodshot, and it was clear that he was extremely angry. He hated his father for not being able to guarantee his sister's safety. He also hated his colleagues for not allowing him to send troops to save his sister.

The soldiers outside the tent obviously heard the prince's roar and the sound of his sword being drawn. A large group of soldiers rushed in and guarded the prince, with the tip of their swords pointed at the group of generals who opposed. In an instant, the flame curtain quieted down, and the angry generals were finally calmed down by the cold swords.

"Actually, it's not a big deal to send the cavalry division," said one of the generals at this time.

"That's right. If we rush to escort the princess, we can still make it in time to rush back." There was more than one smart person.

"Yeah … I agree …"

"That's right, it's not a big deal …"

"Shalor won't be able to react in such a short time …"

The tent began to quarrel again, but this time, everyone agreed to go and pick up the princess.

"Kenzir, calm down!" The king called the prince's name directly in the flame curtain, calming Kenzir, who was in a rage. "Send a large group of cavalry, and let the rest of the troops in the surrounding area receive them. The war can't be delayed any longer. Within two months, I want to see Faustian's Lion War Flag on the city tower of Audis! " Behind the flame curtain, Faustian IX's eyes were deep and firm as he looked at his eldest son.

Kenzir finally accepted the king's suggestion and ordered soldiers to go. However, it was still unknown whether a large group of cavalry could find the princess in time. He could only pin his hopes on the nearby troops.

The flame curtain's duration was about to end. In fact, the caster beside the king was at least a high-rank Lehrling, and there were no more than five people with such strength in Faustian. "If anything happens to Angelina, I'll make someone pay!" Kenzir raised his head and said to the king just before the flame curtain was about to disappear.


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