
Duke Urs Von Koloss (1)

As the moon sets and the sun rises a new day begins. And many more to come. Days turn to weeks and then months. Eventually the day comes when the cute little triplets turn one year old. "Helena, are you absolutely sure they can't have real meat yet?"

"Damian, they just turned one. I don't want them eating anything too tough. The meat broths I make are good enough for now"

"Hmmm fine, but a real man should start eating meat as soon as possible."

"Well how about our local big strong man get some and maybe you can start feeding them"

"Fine I'll be back in an hour or two"

Following this small exchange Damian grabbed his equipment and hurried out the house with an excited smile plastered on his face. 

Some time had passed and now the triplets had grown some hair on their head. All three of them had their mothers golden hair but they also had their father's silver eyes. The combination made them all extremely adorable. As they grew their individual personalities became more apparent. In their quaint living room Alex could be seen tearing up in his mother's arms, Cain trying to pull Alex towards him, and Leon doing his best to keep that from happening. Although his best is merely making baby noises angrily in Cain's general direction. Helena laughed at this little dispute between her three suns. 


Helena looked over her shoulder at the front door. "Hmm, maybe it's one of the villagers with a monster problem," Helena thought as she stood up and put Alex down. As soon as she did though Cain immediately started crawling towards him with as much malicious intent as he could muster. This scared Alex so he started to cry. Noticing this Helena used telekinesis to lift all three of them and put them on a chair. "I need you boys to be quiet while mommy answers the door okay?" Hearing their mother's voice the three immediately calmed down and sat still.

Helena walked over to the door but paused for a sec as she could hear frantic footsteps outside. Behind her back she readied a spell just in case. As she slowly opened the door she could see a man in fancy clothes. "Urs?"

The man immediately turned towards Helena with a worried look. He had the same hair as Helena and with just as bright green eyes. Although one difference would be that this Urs fellow was much older and while he looked very worried at the moment anyone could see that he exuded the aura of a high noble. One could easily tell that they were related. "Oh my goodness Helena I actually found you"

"I never really tried to hide"

"Yeah but you left so fast that none of the family could ask you where you were going"

"Well as you can see I'm completely fine so you and the rest of the family have nothing to worry about, so you can just go on your merry way and fuck off"

"Listen I know father didn't approve and he still doesn't but you don't have to be so co-"

Urs was cut off by a really high pitched scream coming from behind Helena. Helena's eyes immediately widened "Urs it's not what it sounds like there is absolutely no one here you can leave now"

Urs not regarding anything she just said tried to get past her with not much success. "Helena I'm not that stupid I clearly heard something along the lines of a dying animal" he said peeking over Helena into the house.

"Hey that rude"

"Now why would that be rude"

"Nothing" Helena then tried to push him away. Clearly not up for games, Urs lifted his hand and used telekinesis on Helena to pull her away from the door and walked in. "Hey that's cheating, you know you're much stronger than me in telekinesis"

"Still as stubborn as ever calling any fair play that doesn't go your way cheating, now if you don't mind, pardon the intrusion."

Urs cautiously walked into the house with Helena right behind him. As he rounded the corner he suddenly saw three little infants. One was trying to prevent one from climbing on top of the other in a heated match. As he saw this he stood there flabbergasted, eyes wide and jaw open. Helena quickly rushed towards the triplets and broke up their little scuffle and turned towards Urs. "Surprise Urs, you are an uncle of triplets."

Frozen like a statue, Helena had to remove her children from the chair and sit her older brother down. "Y'know I bet you wouldn't have been so surprised if you had children of your own. I know Yelena is busy with the army but you clearly should have seen this coming. I'll go get you some tea, I think we have some of that old wintergrass that father used to drown himself in."

Urs sat paralyzed on that chair for a good while. During that time he reached some sort of clarity. His baby sister, the tiny little gremlin of fire, actually had triplets. He suddenly snapped out of his self induced coma to the feeling of a tiny little hand on his leg. He looked down and saw the three infants at his feet looking up at him curiously. This shouldn't come as a surprise as the only humans they have interacted with so far have been their parents. 

Urs looked at the three of them confused. "How does your mother even tell you three apart?" Urs asked as he picked up the one who was touching his leg. As he looked the little guy in the eyes he noticed that the baby had some tears forming in the corner of his eyes. Urs' eyes widened as he knew what was about to happen. "Shit,"

The baby in his hands burst out crying. Urs immediately panicked as he didn't know what to do. Urs just set him down and pulled his hands away as if the child was on fire but he wouldn't stop crying. The other two noticed their brother in distress, one crawled towards the crying infant while the other crawled with intent towards his leg. Still panicking and now a little frightened Urs called out "Hey Helena your kid is trying to kill me."

Helena came walking into the room with a tea cup looking a little annoyed. "What did you do?" She asked as she handed the tea to him. "I didn't do anything, They were fine till I picked that one up and now this one is trying to maim me," as he looked down at the one still at his leg. He used magic to lift him into the air. Throughout the whole time the little guy kept full eye contact filled with unbridled rage. "How can you even tell them apart"

"Well the one currently in your grasp is Cain" Helena said while taking a seat on the ground and picking up her other sons up into her lap. "And you are supposed to hold them like this" Helena demonstrated as she wrapped her arm around their legs with her arm supporting their heads. Urs let go of his magic and set Cain down exactly as Helena had done with great care. "As I've said that one is Cain, the one who made you cry is Alex, and the quiet one is Leon."

"Listen I didn't do it on purpose, and why did you name this one after the Cursed Prince?"

"Only half of that story called him the Cursed Prince, the other half called him the Benevolent Tyrant because of his loyalty to his family and the iron fist he used to protect them. I feel like the name fits him well."

"Fine, where did Alex and Leon come from?"

"Oh Damian chose those names"

"I'm surprised someone so flamboyant as to call himself the Moonlight Swordsmaster gave his children such simple names."

"Oh he tried to give Alex the name Phoenix but I didn't allow it."

"Hmph trying to name him after a valiant beast, quite the contrast to his rather timid nature."

"Mmmm yes, Alex is quite attached to us and doesn't like it when he's left alone for an extended period of time, but what surprised me even more is that Cain is actually letting you hold him."

"What, does he not like people?"

"No, he normally only lets me hold him, not even his father can't hold him for long without him causing a fit."

"Hmmm maybe he recognizes how awesome his uncle is," Urs held a smug smile on his face knowing he had something on Damian. "Oh finally leaning into the uncle role are we?" Helena asked with just as smug of a smile

"Well I don't really have a choice do I. Speaking of which, where is Damian, he's not dead is he? I don't want my nephews to grow up without a father"

"Oh he's just out hunting some meat, if you stay for a bit longer you can see how much I've improved my cooking."

"Hunting? Helena, if you needed gold you could have just asked or at the very least revealed your identity, for god's sake you are princess of the Kaloss Duchy."

"If I wanted a lavish lifestyle over my family I would have stayed at home."

"Right right, anyways tell me about Leon."

"Oh right, Leon is interesting. But he's only interesting because his brothers are so extreme. He's very calm and always tries to comfort Alex when he cries and always tries to stop Cain from doing anything stupid. Sometimes I think he is much older than he actually is." While talking Helena leaned into Leon's face and gave him a little nuzzle with her nose making Leon smile and laugh. "Then I remember he is just my little boy."

Urs then turned his head towards the front door, "Seems like someone got lucky."

"What do you mean," Helena said with confusion. Then the door opened and Damian could be seen walking around the corner with a large pheasant. "Honey I got lucky and managed to get something rather fast so maybe-" Damian looked away from his kill and saw Urs sitting cross legged sipping his tea in his chair holding his son. While gritting his teeth he greeted Urs, "Your Highness."

"Commander Damian, or I guess I could say Commander Kaloss."