
Heavenly Simulation: Tales of Demon and Gods

In the ruins of the last human kingdom, Nie Li, a boy with no special powers, was about to give up hope. Just then, a magical status window appeared out of nowhere. [ Notification: Simulation System Activation ] [ Player Selected: Nie Li ] [ Options on the Screen: ] - [ Continue ] - [ Load from a Saved Point ] - [ Start Over ] .... I am also uploading this fanfic on royal road

Adamo_Amet · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs

Chapter no.24 Ceremony

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As the tournament wrapped up, everyone was in a flurry, not sure of what to do next. Nobody had predicted Nie Li's victory, especially not the display of incredible power and skill he had shown.

This unexpected turn of events led the Patriarch of the Heavenly Marks Family to quickly redirect funds to organize a grand ceremony for Nie Li.

He wanted to make sure Nie Li didn't get the impression that his talents were undervalued by the family.

The whole Heavenly Marks Family was now treading carefully around Nie Li, rushing home, and within hours, Nie Li and his family found themselves buried under a mountain of gifts.

For Nie Ming and the rest, the situation felt so unbelievable they half-wondered if they were dreaming.

In all this commotion, Nie Yu found her own slice of happiness, indulging in the sweets given to her.

She was blissfully unconcerned with the reasons behind the sudden shower of gifts; to her, the joy was in the treats.

Funny how quickly tides turn.

From indifferent to hatred to overly attentive, all it took was a display of talent.

Let's see how far this goes.

This world... It's all about power, isn't it?

As Nie Li pondered, he watched his little cousin, blissfully unaware of the complexities surrounding them, a simple joy in her sweets.

"At least someone's enjoying the moment without second thoughts."


Nie Li found himself sitting uncomfortably in the dressing room, surrounded by servants who were bustling around him, each tasked with a specific duty.

One carefully trimmed his hair, ensuring every strand was perfectly in place, while another focused on clipping his nails, giving them a neat and tidy look.

Others took his measurements with soft tapes, whispering numbers and notes to each other, deciding on the best attire for the ceremony.

There were even a few applying mild fragrances and choosing accessories to complement his outfit.

Throughout this ordeal, Nie Li tried his best to stay cooperative, noticing the evident fear in the eyes of the servants. He understood their apprehension; after all, the sudden change in his status within the family was unexpected, and his background as a farmer's son made him unaccustomed to such pampering and attention.

The servants' nervousness mirrored his own discomfort with the situation.

To distract himself, Nie Li's focus drifted to the system window floating in front of him.

[ Player Nie Li has unlocked spell: Soul Wings ]

[ Skill: Soul Wings ]

[ Type: Active ]

[ Category: Spell ]

[ Description: Soul Wings are ethereal manifestations of one's soul force, embodying the essence of flight and freedom. ]

[ Effects: ]

- [ Cultivation Boost: Temporarily increases the caster's cultivation stage by 2 ranks. ]

- [ Battle Power Surge: Increases the caster's battle power by 200% for 10 minutes. ]

- [ Blitz Assault: Grants a 25% increase in attack speed during aerial combat, exploiting the heightened battle power for devastating rapid strikes. ]

- [ Feathered Barrier: Forms a protective shield around the user for 5 minutes, absorbing up to 15% of incoming damage. ]

[ Passive Effects: ]

- [ Aerial Agility: Improves evasion by 20%. ]

[ Warning: Utilization of Soul Wings will result in the complete depletion of the user's soul force. Employ this spell solely in critical situations. ]

Nie Li felt a lump in his throat as he read through the description.

In his past life, soul wings were hailed as the ultimate sign of talent, something only the truly gifted could wield.

Now, the idea that he might naturally use them seemed unbelievable, especially given his red soul realm, which was universally seen as a mark of the talentless.

Could this new ability be thanks to the system?

The system had indeed indicated that he had unlocked it.

This revelation led Nie Li to a startling question: were soul realms not actually linked to talent as everyone believed?

Nie Li's deep thoughts were interrupted by a cough.

He looked up to see his mother, Xiao Yun, standing at the door, with the servants quickly bowing in respect as she entered the room.

"Is something wrong?" Nie Li asked.

"No, it's just... overwhelming. The gifts keep coming, one after another. Your father and uncle are having a good time opening them," Xiao Yun explained.

"And what about aunty and Nie Yu?" Nie Li asked with a hint of curiosity.

"Your aunty is with Nie Yu. It turns out eating two baskets of candy was too much for her. She's a little sick," Xiao Yun replied with a light tone, just as they heard someone chuckling nearby.

Turning, Nie Li saw a servant quickly stifling her giggle before she bowed, looking scared.

"Continue what you were doing," Nie Li said, feeling a bit awkward about the whole situation.

"The servants are nice?" Xiao Yun asked him, breaking the brief silence.

"Yeah, they are. But it still feels weird. Just yesterday, we were figuring out who would do the laundry, and now..." Nie Li trailed off.

"Yeah," Xiao Yun agreed, understanding the sentiment all too well.

"How do you feel?" Nie Li then asked his mom, genuinely wanting to know her thoughts on their sudden change in fortune.

"Weird. I can't tell if this is really happening. It all changed so fast. And Nie Li..." Xiao Yun paused, placing her hand on her son's shoulder, "Thank you for not letting your anger lead you to do something you might regret."

Nie Li placed his hand on top of hers, offering a gentle smile.

"It was only because of you and the family that I could hold back."

"That's my boy," Xiao Yun said with a proud smile, planting a kiss on his cheek.

"Let's go. You have a ceremony to attend."

Nie Li stepped out of the dressing room, his breath catching at the sight that greeted him.

The castle was adorned as if for a royal decree, with red lanterns glowing softly against the twilight, silk banners flowing in the gentle breeze, and the ground covered in petals of the rarest flowers.

As he walked, the people around him bowed deeply, a sea of respect and fear parting for him as he was escorted to the ceremony's heart.

Patriarch Nie Hai stood at the center, ready to begin the proceedings.

At the heart of the ceremony, Nie Li was to perform three important bows.

Bow of the People

In a circle gathered, eyes upon him cast,

A gesture deep, a promise vast.

Not for glory, nor for fame,

But to serve, uplift, and claim.

A leader for the people, in every task,

This first bow, a solemn mask.

Bow of the Leader

To the patriarch, wisdom's keeper, guide so true,

A bow of respect, a commitment anew.

Acknowledging the path laid by his hand,

A vow to honor, to understand.

The weight of leadership, a mantle to wear,

This second bow, a promise to bear.

Bow of the Past

Finally, to ancestors, a bow so grave,

To those who gave all, who were brave.

A history rich, sacrifices vast,

A legacy built, meant to last.

This final bow, a pledge to the old,

To honor their story, forever told.


The highlight was the passing of the heirloom of the Heavenly Marks Family to Nie Li - a pair of gauntlet-like bracelets. These weren't just ornaments but symbols of their lineage's resilience. The Heavenly Marks Family, once slaves in the Colosseums of the sacred empire era, had used these very shackles as weapons to break free and rise. Now, they were a testament to their warrior spirit, a poignant reminder of a slave turning his chains into a means of liberation.

Nie Li couldn't help but think of the irony as he accepted the bracelets.

From slaves to warriors, and now... what? A generation that hides behind the glory of the past.

Patriarch Nie Hai then approached with a ceremonial cup, offering it to Nie Li.

"To our future," he announced, his voice carrying a weight of expectation.

Nie Li took the cup, raised it high, and then drank deeply, signaling his acceptance of his role as the next leader.

The crowd mirrored his action, a shared drink to symbolize unity and support for their new heir.

The feast that followed was a blur of celebration, music, and laughter, but Nie Li's thoughts were elsewhere.

"This ceremony, these vows... they're not just words. They're a call to action. The Heavenly Marks Family, once mighty, has grown complacent, lost in the comfort of past victories," Nie Li reflected. "But change is possible. It starts with one person, one decision. And maybe, just maybe, I can be that catalyst."

[ Mission - "Rebirth of the Heavenly Marks Family" ]

[ Simulation Status: Complete ]

As soon as Nie Li saw that, a thought filled his head.

"Let's change that thought 'I can' to 'I will be that catalyst. I will change the Heavenly Marks Family, and I will save Glory City.'"


[ Author Note: Before anyone comments, yes, I changed the lore of the Heavenly Marks Family in this story because, to me, the original lore about the Heavenly Marks Family made no fucking sense. For those that don't know, the Heavenly Marks Family is supposed to be descendants of this supreme cultivator who was one of the original ten who planned to kill the Sage Emperor. This lore genuinely makes me mad because it undermines the idea of Nie Li's hard work. This theme that Nie Li, in his first timeline, through hard work and the time and resources given to him by the Temporal Spirit Book—and I remind you that the book only slows down time and just gives access to a library, it doesn't increase talent—was able to become equal to the Sage Emperor, and this idea of Nie Li being an anomaly in the second timeline is something I really liked because it represented Nie Li's speech on what it means to be a cultivator. But the moment the lore drop of Nie Li being a descendant and him being fated to need the help of the other 10 descendants to destroy the Sage Emperor killed it for me. Yeah, no, so in this fanfic, the Heavenly Marks family were originally slaves who liberated themselves. The marks of their slavery, their "heavenly marks," do you get it? And their heirloom being the shackles of a slave. It's poetic, ironic, and cool in my opinion. I hope you guys like the change. ]