
Heavenly Simulation: Tales of Demon and Gods

In the ruins of the last human kingdom, Nie Li, a boy with no special powers, was about to give up hope. Just then, a magical status window appeared out of nowhere. [ Notification: Simulation System Activation ] [ Player Selected: Nie Li ] [ Options on the Screen: ] - [ Continue ] - [ Load from a Saved Point ] - [ Start Over ] .... I am also uploading this fanfic on royal road

Adamo_Amet · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs

Chapter no.23 The Heavenly Marks Family Heir

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Elder Nie Wei had everything planned out for the heir competition of the Heavenly Marks Family. His grandson was to enter, supported by the children of his loyal followers, all working to ensure the grandson's victory and, ultimately, Nie Wei's control over the family.

It was a perfect plan for installing a puppet leader.

But Nie Li's unexpected prowess threw a wrench into his plans.

Feeling the surge of Nie Li's soul force, Nie Wei realized his scheme was in jeopardy. However, he wasn't one to surrender easily. Rushing down to the arena, he pulled aside his most trusted subordinate, his own son Nie Xiaofeng.

"Father, what's happening?" Nie Xiaofeng inquired, confusion clear in his voice.

Nie Wei handed him a mask, the Yang Yin Mask artifact, capable of disguising one's appearance.

"Wear this and take Nie Li down under the guise of your nephew," he instructed, his voice laced with urgency.

Nie Xiaofeng hesitated, "But isn't that cheating?"

He didn't want to be part of this deception, but a stern look from his father silenced any further protest.

Reluctantly, he put on the mask, transforming his appearance to match that of his nephew.

Nie Wei barely noticed the chaos of families pleading for mercy and throwing money at Nie Li to spare their children.

He was too focused on his plan.

"Father, what do I do?" Nie Xiaofeng asked, now disguised.

"Subdue him. You're a silver rank; he's just a bronze. Knock him out, and I'll handle the rest," Nie Wei outlined the plan. "Don't use your demon spirit form but I doubt a bronze rank can even contend with a handicap silver rank, when you defeat the boy, I'll then show off by pleading to Nie Hai to spare Nie Li because of the bet, getting him on our side, and I'll claim the patriarch is the reason Nie Li's family suffered, getting him to not go to the patriarch's side. It's a perfect plan."

Nie Xiaofeng asked, "You really thought of that on the fly?"

"Just stick to the plan and knock him out. Then, the Heavenly Marks Family will be within our grasp, along with its greatest talent," Nie Wei concluded with a smirk, seeing a glimmer of hope for his ambitions.

In a dramatic moment, Nie Wei shouted, "Wait!" capturing the attention of everyone in the arena.

"My grandson wishes to challenge you," he declared, pointing at Nie Li, who looked towards them with a raised eyebrow.

[ Name: Nie Xiaofeng ]

[ Status: Illegitimate Son of the Grand Elder ]

[ Cultivation Level: 1 star Silver rank ]

[ Physique Level: 3 star Bronze rank ]

[ Class: Fighter, Demon Spiritualist ]

[ Race: Human ]

[ Health Points: 3000 ]

[ Soul Force: 1210 ]

[ Battle Power: 41,993 ]

[ Class Features:

- Endless Vanguard

- Soul Manipulation ]

[ Allies: The Heavenly Marks Family ]

[ Equipment: ]

- [ Yin Yang Mask ]

- [ Enchanted Armour ]

- [ Ice Blood Spear ]

[ Description: Born from an illicit relationship between Elder Nie Wei and his sister Nie Beihe, due to the laws of the family, they were separated, and after giving birth, Nie Beihe committed suicide. Elder Nie Wei used her suicide to make Nie Xiaofeng loyal to him under the promise that they are going to change the Heavenly Marks Family for the better. Nie Xiaofeng always goes along with the plans of his father. ]

Nie Li stood there for a moment, piecing everything together.

It was clear now; Nie Wei had roped Nie Xiaofeng into this mess, aiming to tilt the scales of the family's power in his favor.

The whole setup felt more like a burden to Nie Li than a concern.

All he wanted was for this dreadful day to end, yet he couldn't afford to lose, not with the threat of death hanging over him. Winning was his only option.

However, Nie Li faced a significant challenge: his opponent was of a higher rank.

The one piece of good news in all of this was that Nie Xiaofeng, even though he was a silver rank, had his hands tied. He couldn't use all his powers or change into his demon spirit without giving himself away. Nie Li caught onto this crucial detail, and it gave him a glimmer of hope.

"His restraint is my opportunity," Nie Li thought, his mind racing for strategies.

He knew that winning against a silver rank in a straightforward fight was unlikely, but if he could catch Nie Xiaofeng off guard with a surprise attack, using that skill, he might just have a chance.

"This is it. My moment to turn the tables."

Nie Li faced off against the disguised Nie Xiaofeng, his confidence blazing.

"Look around you, see the power I hold. Do you really think you can defeat me?" he taunted, his voice echoing through the arena.

With a flourish, Nie Li began to execute a mysterious skill.

His movements were peculiar — head tilting downward, then diagonally to the right, and finally sweeping from right to left.

The crowd watched in confusion, unsure of what Nie Li was attempting.

Undeterred, Nie Xiaofeng stepped forward, brimming with formal bravado.

"It would be my honor to face you," he declared, raising his spear in challenge.

[ Player Action Confirmed: Nie Li has activated Gardener's Elegy. ]

[ Execution Command: ↓↘ → ←, B ]

As Nie Li lifted his sword, an intense energy began to gather around the blade, wrapping it in a swirling, crimson glow.

The arena crackled with an electrifying energy; a swirl of red-hot soul force that was impossible to ignore.

From the experienced Patriarch Nie Hai, who had seen countless battles and powers, to Nie Wei, whose schemes and ambitions had always kept him attuned to the fluctuations of strength, down to the youngest and most naive spectator, little Nie Yu, everyone felt the overwhelming surge of power.

Nie Li brought down his foot as he unleashed a downward slash.

A crescent beam of fiery soul force erupted from his sword, slicing through the air at incredible speed.

Nie Xiaofeng, caught off guard by the ferocity of the attack, had no time to properly defend himself.

And who could blame him none of them have ever seen an attack like the Gardener's elegy.

His defenses shattered instantly, and he was hurled back, crashing into the wall with a deep, bloody gash across his chest.

The sight of Nie Xiaofeng, embedded in the wall and barely alive thanks to his armor, left Elder Nie Wei speechless.

The realization that Nie Li, who just a week ago had a meager soul force of 5, now, as a bronze rank, had effortlessly overpowered his silver rank son, sent shivers down his spine.

Nie Wei's knees buckled under the weight of his astonishment and fear, especially at the sight of Nie Li's soul wings.

"I need him on my side," was the only coherent thought Nie Wei could muster.

Amidst the stunned silence, Patriarch Nie Hai rose to his feet.

"Today, we have witnessed an unprecedented demonstration of strength, skill, and unparalleled talent," he began, his gaze sweeping over the crowd before settling on the figure standing alone in the center of the arena.

"Nie Li has shown us not just his talent but a glimpse of the future glory of the Heavenly Marks Family."

The crowd listened, hanging on every word, as Nie Hai continued.

"Such a remarkable display of power and potential cannot go unrecognized."

He paused, allowing his words to sink in, the significance of the moment palpable in the air.

"Therefore, with great honor and the consensus of the elders, I hereby bestow upon Nie Li the title of heir to the Heavenly Marks Family."