
Heavenly Kingdom: The Kingdom among the clouds

A story of Asagi Mikumi being transported to another fantasy world with the floating Kingdom that she bought in her idle game. She was transported due to a message from the system and when she agreed to it she was transported in another world as her game avatar Asagi, now she is the owner of her own bought floating Kingdom and at the same time the queen of the said kingdom. Follow Asagi on how will she fare in another world with her own floating Kingdom that she bought in her game store for her idle game and her as it's Queen.

moecyanpile · Fantasy
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188 Chs

Chapter 2: Sky Castle

[Sky Castle]

Looking at the wide white ceiling, huge glass windows, ragged red clothed pathway, along with some plants growing out on some cracks that were visible towards the naked eye, Asagi then looked around everywhere with a wide eye as she stood up from her seat and took some small steps forward down the throne

Of course by doing that, the person who called out to her earlier was immediately alarmed as he called out to her once more

"Your majesty? Your majesty! Are you feeling ill? Are you not okay? Answer me your majesty!!!"

Clearly the person who called out to her was worried for her condition since Asagi started observing the place as if she was new to everything she saw

Everything around her spells the name fantasy, but despite that everything she touch, smell, hear and even feel by the brush of her skin feels so realistic and life like

As she walked around the huge throne room, she suddenly realized the weight on her back that have been pulling her back, with that she then took a look behind her only to find huge white angel wings stuck on her back

Seeing that she was immediately shocked by this sudden revelation as she took a few steps back only to find it quite cute and adorable

Contending it with its soft feathers, white luster, and beautiful wings, the only word pop up out of her mind that moment was the word angelic

Truly in a sense her wings were so angelic and realistic that it marveled her

"This is one realistic dream... I'm truly impressed" muttered Asagi as she kept touching her wings

Following that she then found a broken mirror about the size of a normal human acted unto the wall on the far corner of the throne room

Seeing that she then immediately ran to it as she observed the reflection on the mirror

Upon arriving she then saw a cute blonde young girl who seemed to be in her teens, and was wearing a white beautiful dress, following that the small halo on top of her head and the white wings on her back really added to her charming side

Whats more even the way she smile and her eyes were formed were quite attractive in a sense which is enough to make one so popular during highschool and be crowned as the Madonna of the class

But as she marveled as such reflection she then suddenly realized something as she moved her body and saw the figure in the mirror copying her movement

Right after she even pinched some parts of her skin only to find out afterwards that the girl on the mirror who was beyond in this world as charming as she could get was actually her

Upon realizing that she immediately freaked out of her wits as she dropped on her butt as suddenly realizing that everything felt so real and the girl om the mirror was actually her

"What is happening here?!?!?!"

Of course the person who called out to her earlier came up to her as it said

"Your majesty! Your truly acting weird this morning! Have you eaten so.ething bad perhaps?"

Hearing that Asagi was immediately startled off of her feet as she slid back by a few steps as she distanced herself from the person that called out to her

Coincidentally she found out that the person who talked to her was a ponytailed blonde young man in his early 20's and has a wing stuck out behind him, just like her condition

Seeing the winged person right infront of her Asagi was then completely flabbergasted as she quickly backed away while pointing out with her own finger

With a shaking voice she then stuttered

"W-w-who are you??!?! W-w-where am I?!?!? D-d-dont get close to me"

Hearing her stuttering voice, the person then tilted his head in confusion as he asked

"Your majesty! It's me! Michael, you named me remember?"

"N-named you? I haven't even met you before?" Said Asagi in denial

"Of course you haven't met me before, after all you just summoned me yesterday... I'm the very first servant you had summoned"

Upon hearing that Asagi suddenly sparked up a memory of her summoning Michael in one certain time last night, but for her it doesn't add up since she only summoned Michael in the game not in real life

But with the living proof right infront of her, she couldn't even deny the realistic person herself

With that thought in mind she suddenly muttered down to herself

"Michael? From the game? Does that mean I got transported inside the game itself?.... nononono that's impossible!!!"

Thinking it up to that point despite it being sound logical, Asagi still kept completely denying the reality infront of her as she waved her hand away

After all such phenomenon was nigh impossible and doesn't have any support from any scientific explanations or theories

Nevertheless that didn't stop her from thinking up a situation of a similar phenomenon she had seen in some anime shows, manga, and novels

Just as she was drowned by her own confusion, a sudden pop-up of a particular system notification suddenly appeared before her, naturally she was the only one who could see such strange phenomenon

At first she was quite shocked by this sudden appearance of a system, followed by confusion, after all the person named Michael infront of her kept staring at her and doesn't seemed to notice the system right in between them

After looking towards Michael in confusion for awhile, Asagi then braved it enough to see what the notification is for


Welcome Asagi, Mikumi!

You have been chosen out of 1 in a billion of individuals in your world to traverse towards another world filled with fantasy, sword, and magic

Rest assured you haven't been transported inside your favorite role playing game, but you've been transported in a world which your quite familiar through a certain trope in your world

To be able for you to safely explore this world in your early journey, I as a God, had given you the very same flying mobile fortress just like what you've bought in your own game for a limited time offer

Following that you've also obtained the equipment, spells, and level of your own game avatar to make your early days quite easy in that world

The reason why you are here is because you Asagi, mikumi had died during your working hours due to overwork, due to that you had then died during your sleep, thus left the world of the living at the ripe age of 25

Your goal for being transported is creating the strongest kingdom in this whole world

As for your main quest, you'll be able to only open it if you've met the certain requirements

Other than that have a fun life in this world while you still can

-from God (Gifting you a system to guide you in your journey)


Seeing that Asagi was flabbergasted at first before suddenly realizing that she had actually gone to another world, just like what the other Otaku's in Japan wanted

After that she then looked up towards Michael only to see a sudden notification popping out of nowhere



General class/Servant of Sky Queen Asagi/ First servant/ Angel race


Seeing that her eyes suddenly sparkled in delight as she quickly stood up and ran towards the mirror to identify herself


Asagi, Mikumi

Ruler Class/ Sky Queen Asagi/ Other Worlder/ Level 99/ Angel Race /Archangel/ Female


Upon realizing that she had actually achieved an identification skill, and the fact that she had gone to another world, the previous confusion she had before suddenly vanished like it was nothing

This time excitement filled her as she quickly got out of the room and arrived towards the balcony

Upon reaching the balcony she was further shocked herself as she realized that the whole castle was completely surrounded by the sea of clouds with no land nearby

Seeing the wide sky in front of her and the angel like wings behind her back, a sudden idea popped up on her head as she opened up her wings and slowly climbed over the ledge

Braving it with her soul, all she really wanted was to know whether she could fly using her wings

With that thought in her mind she then jumped off the ledge as her wings suddenly moved according to her will and brought her off to the sky

Of course she wasn't confident of her flying ability so when she jumped Asagi had completely closed her eyes shut in fear to see herself falling, but soon after as the wind brushed pass by her cheek, she then opened

her eyes as she could see herself up in the air with her wings automatically hovering her above with just a mere thought of flying

With joy and excitement which she never felt before she then flew all around as she circled the whole castle itself while gliding and circling across the wide sky and the fluffy clouds

She was so exhilarated at that moment that she couldn't help but scream in joy

As for Michael himself, he just slowly walked over the balcony as he observed Asagi flying in the air like a free bird with a smile on her face

Soon after when Asagi had her fill, she then landed back towards the balcony as she excitedly hopped around

But as she thought of this, she suddenly remembered one part of the notification which had completely changed the atmosphere

(She had died)

Upon remembering that, she then suddenly thought up of her auntie and uncle who she left back in her world

With a heavy heart she completely forgot all the excitement she had beforehand as she clenched her fist and muttered in a low voice

"I-i can't die.... auntie... uncle... I can't leave them behind.... I'm the only relative they have left, they will be sad when they hear about my death... i-i had to go back"

Seeing her muttering to herself with her head down, Michael then approached Asagi as he asked

"Your majesty? Is something troubling you?"

Hearing Michael's voice, Asagi then formed her resolve as she looked up to him with determination in her eyes as she said

"I can't die! Uncle and auntie... I'm the only thing they have left! I need to go back! I need to go back!"

Seeing her firm resolve Michael was simply confused as the only thing he could reply was a simple yes

But nevertheless Asagi still continued on

"I need to find a way to get back! Michael right?" Said Asagi with a firm expression

"Yes your majesty!" Replied Michael

"Bring me to this castle's library! I need to find a way to go back"

With that kind of order Michael simply comply to her request as he obediently brought her to the library

Through that Asagi had completely immersed herself on finding ways to go back to her previous world, after all she can't leave her uncle and auntie all alone by themselves

No matter what excites her in this world, she still had to prioritize her own family, due to that she had completely plunged herself in a huge research as she took some books hailing from ancient sorcery, to space magic manual

With that she had spent about 6 days inside the castle's library all alone researching to ways for her to go back to her original world

As for Michael himself he just occasionally guard the library door, while also keeping check to Asagi's well being especially her meal times

Even thought Asagi is already prone to being overwork cause of being an employee to a black company,

Michael often times remind her to take some rest which often made him catch her asleep inside the library

Nevertheless he still cared for her as she placed some blanket over her body while putting out the candle with a brush of his wings, just like how a servant would act towards their master

Om the seventh day of research Asagi finally found a lead which states that some kind of similar magic might exist in a country on the far north in the capital city of Arcana

Coincidentally such country was made by mages, thus its a free country without any kings or queens ruling over it

But despite the distance of her location to the city of Arcana, she naturally didn't give up at the moment as this simple lead spark a new hope for herself

All she need now was to know on how to love the whole castle, with that she asked for the systems guidance towards this matter, unfortunately the reply from the system shocked her


The castle isn't ready for traveling

The host must do some menial task in order to prepare the whole castle for departure

The earlier you finish your task, the earlier you will be able to be allowed to travel



Task 1

Tend the whole garden


Seeing the task Asagi simply scoffed at it as she muttered towards herself with a smile

"Oh! Tending the garden! I thought the task would be quite troublesome, I never expected it to be this easy... didn't you know I was name as Asagi the green fingers back in my highschool days?"

With a smug face plastered on her expression, she then made Michael who was waiting by the door to lead her to the castle's building

Of course with a smile on her face she was completely confident on her gardening skills, but upon reaching the castle's garden, the smile on her face had completely disappeared into nothingness

With the castle size about 150,000 square meters, 25,000 square meter of it was dedicated for the garden size

With such large garden size, coupled with only two worker which was her and Michael, it would then take them days before they could tend this whole piece of land, due to that Asagi's smile had completely disappeared which was then replaced with a frown

"You've got to be kidding me!"

But ignoring her remark Michael simply gave her some gardening tools and clothing as he said

"Your gonna need this"