

He is the cold-blooded prince of the Jin Kingdom, strategizing and observing the world. She was her princess and saved her life, but he wouldn't even see her. The fire was spreading and death came, and she knew her existence was a joke! Opening her eyes, she changed his state and was reborn two years ago. Ye Zhen smiled slightly: in this life, she will trample on everyone who has deceived her and deceived her identity! Let her taste the unforgettable pain of love sickness and the pain of unrequited love!

Seth_97 · History
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100 Chs


Ye Zhen jumped the last fence and showed a bright smile, panting slightly and a thin layer of sweat appeared on his smooth white forehead, he got off his horse and bowed to the examiner.

"Is your name Lu Yaoyao?" The teacher in charge of the test is a middle-aged man with a tall and stout stature. Look at Ye Zhen with piercing eyes. This woman is too much like the students she knew before. only she looks the same. The technique is equally exquisite.

Ye Zhen looked at him, "Yes, master."

People of the Lu family! Jiang Haishan sighed in her heart, it would be impossible to have anything to do with her student.

"Who taught you to ride?" Jiang Haishan asked.

Ye Zhen said, "I used to live in a border town and often went hunting with my brother. I learned to ride a horse without knowing it."

Turns out he grew up in the border town! Jiang Haishan nodded and handed the test card in his hand back to Ye Zhen, "This is for you."

Ye Zhen took the test card with both hands and saw that the comment under Yu was A, the corners of her mouth slightly raised, "Thank you, teacher."

Princess Liuhua looked at Ye Zhen with a grim gaze. Even as a woman, she had to admit that Ye Zhen was truly dazzling when she was on horseback right now, but because of this, she felt that Lu Yaoyao was even more annoying.

"Even if I get A, I don't know what will happen to the next exam," said a girl in yellow clothes next to Princess Liuhua kindly.

Liu Hua snorted and walked over to Ye Zhen.

Ye Zhen was talking to Sun Wen: "It's your turn. Go ahead."

Sun Wen woke up from Jingyan and took Ye Hao's hand and yelled, "Yaoyao, you are so amazing, I have never seen a woman as beautiful as you on horseback."

"People are pretty and everything is handsome," Ye Zhen said with a smile. She found out that it feels good to not be dignified and generous to Princess Qin's shelf now. Anyway, she can say what she wants. she is noble and generous, in the eyes of those people, she is just a little turtle from the border town.

"What a shame!" Liu Hua only snorted when she heard these words as she approached.

Ye Zhen smiled at Liuhua without reddening her face, "Does the princess disagree? That is also true. Only beautiful people know this kind of thing."

The implication of this is that Liuhua does not look good, so she does not understand this artistic conception.

The people around her stifled their laughter. People in Kyoto knew that Princess Liuhua hated people who said that she was not pretty. She used to fight with Princess Qin all day, but it was a shame that Princess Qin didn't even see her. Without seeing her, even Lu Yaoyao, who was inferior to her, dared to mock her, almost without being angry at Liuhua.

When Liu Hua pointed at Ye Zhen, her face turned pale with anger.

Ye Zhen glanced at her and said to Sun Wen, "Hurry up and go to the exam, I'll wait for you."

When Sun Wen entered the racecourse for an exam, Ye Zhen waited silently, ignoring Liuhua's gaze.

Suddenly, she felt that the surrounding atmosphere seemed to be a bit subtle, except for the fluent and proud expression of a peacock, the other girls instantly became softer and more watery.

Ye Zhen looked back and immediately understood that these girls would be reserved and shy.

Mo Rongyi approached on horseback, behind him were two teenagers roughly the same age as him and Tang Zhen.

Lu Lingzhi didn't follow him. His injury to his foot was still good and he couldn't ride a horse. If he weren't for boredom at home for over half a month, he wouldn't have gone out. Originally, he wanted to call Lu Xiangzhi to accompany him. Who knows the fourth brother? He left early.

"Hey, come here." Mo Rongyi pointed at Ye Zhen, the young man's handsome and immature face still showing pride.

Ye Zhen frowned slightly and hesitated before approaching.

"Do you still remember me?" Mo Rongyi looked at the woman who saved him that day, thinking that this woman was Lu Lingzhi's sister. No wonder he didn't want her gold that day, he definitely wanted more benefits.

"His Royal Highness of him was like that day, even if the girl wants to forget it, it's not easy." Ye Zhen leaned in and looked at Mo Rongyi with a smile.

Mo Rongyi's face sank, "You are quite brave, so you are not afraid that this king will punish you."

Ye Zhen said quietly, "The prince, please forgive your sins. From now on, people will not tell the truth."

"Why are you so smart! Concubine Lu is dignified and gentle, and there is such a tricky sister," Mo Rongyi snorted coldly.

"Returning to the prince, the girl has lived in a border town since she was a child. She has been used to being wild since she was a child. There has always been something to say. If she is wrong, ask Wang Ye Haihan." Ye Zhen was unhappy, she didn't want to compare herself at all with Lu Shuang'er.

Tang Zhen coughed slightly, really afraid that the little prince would fight Yaoyao here, "Master, she has a lot of adults, she doesn't care about Miss Lu, she's still taking an exam now."

"How many armor did you take?" Mo Rongyi thought about the grace that saved the woman's life, so he didn't want to continue causing trouble.

Ye Zhen extended a finger, "One!"

Mo Rongyi chuckled, "You don't look like it, that fool, why does she only have armor?"

"What the prince said is that I will take some in a while," Ye Zhen said.

"..." Everyone was speechless for a while, is this armor that easy to wear?

Sun Wen quickly finished the exam. Unfortunately, no one noticed his riding skills except Jiang Haishan. Although she was not as brilliant as Ye Zhen, she was also excellent and had the same armor as Ye Zhen.

He then he was shot.

Ye Zhen had earned Tang Zhen's silver whip, and it was easy for her to obtain Armor from it.

When Ye Zhen's three arrows hit the target's red heart, everyone was stunned. This ...

"It turns out that her archery skills are so good!" Mo Rongyi exclaimed in surprise.

"The little prince didn't know, Miss Lu competed with Jingninghou and won the entire Jingninghou silver whip," said a young man next to Tang Zhen with a smile.

He was also there the last time he hunted, he was a good friend of Tang Zhen named Hu Kai.

Mo Rongyi looked at Tang Zhen in surprise, "Really?"

"I tried hunting with Miss Lu, and I actually lost to her." Tang Zhen looked at Ye Zhen with burning eyes.

Ye Zhen ignored his discussion and after returning the test card, he laughed with satisfaction and there was another.

She now she can be sure that she just needs to get another armor.

There is also music, books and numbers without exams. These three are the books she is best at, but they are obviously not good at it. Lu Yaoyao's lyrics are not that good at all. She suddenly wrote a good letter and must be suspected.

"Let's go to the exam first," Ye Zhen told Sun Wen.

Sun Wen also took two armies.

Mo Rongyi saw Ye Zhen leave, turned his head and said to Tang Zhen, "This king is not hunting today. Just wait here to see how many armor Lu Yaoyao can wear. Who among you just said that someone opened the This king bet a thousand taels that Lu Yaoyao will be admitted to the academy. "