

He is the cold-blooded prince of the Jin Kingdom, strategizing and observing the world. She was her princess and saved her life, but he wouldn't even see her. The fire was spreading and death came, and she knew her existence was a joke! Opening her eyes, she changed his state and was reborn two years ago. Ye Zhen smiled slightly: in this life, she will trample on everyone who has deceived her and deceived her identity! Let her taste the unforgettable pain of love sickness and the pain of unrequited love!

Seth_97 · History
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Princess Liuhua opened up this handicap not to make money, she wanted to humiliate Ye Zhen further, and she wanted the people of Kyoto to know that even if the Lu family had the merits of dragons to become upstarts, but what about that? a comerciant. The background cannot be compared to the royal family. She wants everyone to know that the Lu family girl is so vulgar and useless, and she wants to remind everyone that even if Lu Shuang'er becomes a noble concubine, she may not change the fact that she is low-born.

She only wanted to embarrass Lu Shuang'er. Doesn't Lu Shuang'er care about her origin? If Lu Yaoyao became a joke in the academy, wouldn't it be Lu Shuang'er who would also become a joke?

Liuhua's abacus is very good, but what she didn't expect is that Lu Yaoyao would actually become so pretty. The last time I saw her in Baihuayuan, I just thought that she was a slim, black wild girl. How did she do it? Do you know the skin of this wild girl? She will look like this when she turns white.

She is so pretty that people can't help but feel jealous.

What makes Liuhua even more unexpected is that even Mo Rongyi is here. This little prince is still a cousin to her, but she doesn't like him at all, and she doesn't know if it's a relationship with her queen mother. Mo Rongyi has nothing that the prince should have. The aura, throughout the day, would only be with the upstarts of the poor family, not close to the royal aristocratic family in Kyoto, but this is the only brother of the emperor, and he does not dare to offend him at all.

"Ayi, are you kidding me?" Liu Huaqiang endured her displeasure and asked Xiang Mo Rongyi with a smile. Do you really think that Lu Yaoyao can obtain three armors?

Mo Rongyi looked at Liuhua, smiled and said, "This king is not joking, it means that Lu Yaoyao will be admitted to the academy. I heard that this king seems to be your disadvantage. That's right, you can't take this king." . What is your bet? "

Tang Zhen said with a smile, "Ben Hou also believes that Miss Lu will definitely get three tops."

Liu Hua's face was green and white. Since she opened the disability, no one would bet on Lu Yaoyao's admission to the academy. Although most people are trying to save her face, most people really think that Lu Yaoyao is impossible. Admitted to the university.

What exactly do Mo Rongyi and Tang Zhen mean?

"Okay, this princess will take your bet, and you shouldn't regret it." Losing money is a small matter, and face is important.

Mo Rongyi asked the eunuch next to him to bring Liuhua a thousand taels of cash, and the boy's immature face wore a bright smile: "Even if Lu Yaoyao doesn't pass the exam, he won't regret it."

Liuhua's face was grim, and the maid asked Mo Rongyi's thousand taels and Tang Zhen's five hundred taels.

This side just made a bet, and Ye Zhen's test results have already come out.

His book only has a score of C.

"B?" Liuhua smiled wildly and said to Mo Rongyi, "It's been a while since no one got a score like C. Lu Yaoyao is really revealing."

Mo Rongyi glared at her, "What will Lu Yaoyao take next?"

The man from the palace who came to talk back and forth whispered: "Go back to the prince, it's Kaole, in the bamboo forest opposite."

"Go see," Mo Rongyi said, he didn't think that Lu Yaoyao really couldn't even obtain the three armors.

Mo Rongyi's words struck Tang Zhen's mind. Although this is a university for women, men cannot come and go at will when classes start on weekdays. It happened that the university did not start today, and it was the entrance examination for the medical museum. Mo Rongyi took the initiative, the university teacher, only opened one eye and closed the other.

"Even the book only got a C. I don't think Lu Yaoyao's music is better, let's see." Princess Liuhua was in a good mood and said to the girls behind him.

Lu Jing'er and Lu Fang'er looked at each other. They both had a strange thought about Lu Yaoyao. They didn't like her being too flashy and they didn't want her to lose the face of the Lu family. They looked at the proud and contemptuous Princess Liuhua. The look, they can only hope Yaoyao doesn't hurt them now.

As soon as a group of people walked into the forest, they heard a melodious and melodious piano sound, which made people feel like they were on a high mountain and running water. The calm and leisurely sound of the piano sounded very pleasant.

Mo Rongyi's eyes lit up, thinking it was the sound of Ye Zhen's piano, he quickened his pace and walked towards the bamboo forest, where he saw a woman playing the piano in a clearing.

The woman was wearing a bright yellow dress. She was the girl who had scolded Sun Wen for being ugly and naughty before. He finished playing the song and saw that the teacher nodded with a smile. He also laughed happily and looked at Ye provocatively. Looking at it.

Ye Zhen has already changed into a narrow-sleeved clothing set. White crescent-colored clothing with red trim looks simple enough, but it doesn't affect its gorgeous, refreshing shine.

It wasn't her turn yet, it was Sun Wen.

Sun Wen tried the flute. The sound of the flute is not very outstanding, but at least it can still be heard. Ye Zhen is not worried about Sun Wen. She has already won three Aces. Sun Wen's writing is excellent, which is a bit surprising.

Next is Ye Zhen.

Tang Zhen saw Lu Xiangzhi suddenly appear from the other side, and unexpectedly she approached with a large drum.

"Drum?" Liu Hua stood behind Mo Rongyi and saw the great drummer sneer contemptuously. "I have not seen anyone using a drum as a musical instrument."

Mo Rongyi wanted to turn around and tease her when he hadn't seen it, but she saw a familiar figure coming from behind her, except for Lu Lingzhi, who was not walking very smoothly, unexpectedly ... brother of the emperor?

Just when she was about to speak, Tang Zhen had already taken her hand, "Master, Miss Lu is about to begin."

Tang Zhen naturally discovered that Mo Rongzhan was already there. It was only because of Mo Rongzhan's dress that she was obviously here to accompany the little prince on the hunt. It is estimated that he was not found on the hunting ground, so he came to the Academy.

The emperor shouldn't want people to know that he's here, otherwise he won't come quietly.

Mo Rongyi was a little scared of Mo Rongzhan, so nervous that he did not dare to look back again, his eyes staring directly at Ye Hao.

After a while, he was attracted to Ye Zhen's behavior.

The drum that Lu Xiangzhi brought was so large that it took two people to hold it. The drum was placed on the ground, and Ye Zhen greeted the master and placed himself on top of the drum.

They all exclaimed, what are they trying to do?

"Master, the student's instrument of choice is the drums," Ye Zhen said with a smile, and under the horrified eyes of the exam master, she raised her foot and lightly tapped the drumhead.

The drums were loud, from Xu to shaking, suddenly to heavy, and gradually disappeared. When Ye Hao jumped up, she suddenly sounded with a kind of shocking and eerie weather. Ye Hao pulled long sleeves. The sound of the drum suddenly turned turbulent. , as if thousands of horses were in front of you. Since ancient times, the sound of the drum has been a sound that can inspire people on the battlefield. The sound of Ye Zhen's drum seems to wake up a sleeping lion. He wakes up slowly, gains momentum, and makes the people around you excited.

However, what is even more striking is Ye Zhen's dance posture, which is truly gorgeous and gorgeous.