
Heaven defying villain:despair broke chosen ones

Click* Flash* You've been caught on 4k, if you don't read my novel, be sure to watch the Tv tomorrow!! [Ding! You have recieved newbie gift pack from the author] [Exclusive: This contains superb lemons and very cultured 18+]. . . [This is my first novel and my writing may seem amateur at the starting but r-18 came out pretty well..... Maybe I have awakened my latent talent ] [One thing I can guarantee is a catchy and cultured story ] [Special tags/: stealing a mother-son relationship, Stealing a twin's position,Tree girl, Fox girl, sword-girl, beast girl, Aunt-niece combo, Mother and daughter combo-female master and disciple] [Tags:/ Plot+seggs- MC without background-Romantic- Harem - Genius - Competent wives - System -Three realm (low,middle,upper) -Epitome of Plundering.] [SYNOPSIS: Xiao chen was one of greatest brains to exist in blue star, However one one know a single thing about him......] [It was because the things he had learnt were very cultured and cannot be made public. Therefore A great person send his days culturedly.] [On a regular night, after finishing his sacred ritual*, Xiao chen went to bed to sleep] [In the morning, 'Hmm....what the heck? where is this place? Xiao chen looked at the unfamiliar room] 'Argh..Shit....my head....it's fucking hurts....' Xiao chen screamed as he felt a shit-stirring pain inside his head. 'Hmm...So this is not an dream nor the recent rival kidnapping prank.. But I HAVE TRANSMIGRATED' Xiao chen jolted up and starting dancing] [However, Little did Xiao chen know, He had been royally fucked because the body he transmigrated was the reincarnated body of a man who broke the heaven to pieces] [Ding*Fellow daoists,Newbie gift pack sent by the blackmailing one has expired! please read the book] . Note: Mc isn't like "Now that I think about it,Being a villain is actually cool bullshit" Mc and his women have own unique personality and Mc's develops as a villain gradually. [For R-18+ lovers : You can check bonus chap,to see if it suits your taste but Ngl...you like it ] [NOTE: : 'Cave of depravity' is a bonus chapter on ch 5 ] discord link- https://discord.com/invite/c5JbY5Ez4M

Melon_daomaster_9 · Fantasy
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106 Chs

Ye fan and Senior rongmei

After deciding, Xiao chen swiftly made his way toward the mission hall.

A few moments later, a magnificent hall with a grand and ancient aura appeared, from which disciples entered and exited.

Suddenly, a handsome young man adorned in a pristine white cultivation robe entered the mission hall.

The young man's face held a sculpted grace that mirrored the perfection of celestial artistry. Ethereal features, chiseled with divine precision, bestowed an otherworldly allure upon him.

His eyes, akin to stars reflected in moonlit waters, held the wisdom of ages.

A radiant countenance, as if an immortal descended from the heavens, graced the mortal realm with unparalleled beauty — the young man was Xiao Chen.

"Greetings, Senior Brother Xiao."

"Senior Brother is unparalleled as ever."

"Greetings, junior brothers and sisters."

Many male and female disciples greeted him, and he returned the greetings with a nod. His response elicited elation from many.

Previously, his predecessor was renowned in the inner sect, treating many with gentleness and righteousness.

Consequently, The senior brother image was unanimously established by the fellow disciples.

However, Heavenly dao worked wonders, after being defeated by Ye Fan, his character changed to that of arrongant Young master, leading to the collapse of his senior brother's image.

Upon reaching the mission hall, the old deacon in charge asked him with a smile,

"Junior Xiao, which mission do you wish to choose?"

Xiao Chen greeted the deacon with a respectful smile and quickly selected the mission to hunt demonic beasts in the Crimson Ridge Mountain Range and after taking the mission, he left swiftly.

As he departed, Ye Fan entered the hall, where many disciples began to ridicule and laugh.

"Look, isn't this inner sect waste?"

"Haha, why did he come here with such a meager cultivation base?"

"This Ye Fan lacks a face, staying in the inner sect for three years. If it were me, I would have committed suicide and if not, I would've left with the remaining respect."

Upon hearing these words, Ye Fan cast a contemptuous glance at these lower realm ants and He silently left after accepting the mission.

Having endured cold eyes and harsh words for the past three years, he understood the nature of these people and resolved to deal with them after improving his strength.

Three days ago, feeling that his cultivation was declining to the Spirit Condensation Realm and fearing the loss of his inner disciple status, Ye Fan experienced a profound sense of gloom.

he contemplated suicide by jumping off a cliff as he grappled with the weight of despair and hopelessness.

However, as he jumped off the cliff, his jade pendant began emitting ethereal light and the light transported him back to the top.

Soon, a puff of smoke emerged from the jade pendant, transforming into a beautiful, enchanting woman and her eyes exuded arrogance and commanded authority.

She gazed at Ye Fan with complicated eyes, a spiral of emotions evident in her expression.

Ye Fan was startled and stammered,

"Wh-h-ho are you? How did you emerge from my jade pendant? What's your purpose?"

Ji Rongmei ignored his questions, seemingly lost in her thoughts. She was Puzzled on how to proceed further and thought about her position.

Although She was a general cultivated under the Immortal Ye Family, she wasn't thier subordinate, rather she was engaged in a bargain.

Despite fulfilling her part of the bargain, the Immortal Ye Family showed no intention of reciprocating the deal

Later, Ye Zhiqiang struck a deal with her, seeking her assistance in hiding his son in the lower realm in exchange for granting her desires.

Unfortunately, When She was fleeing, The word got out, and people hunted her down.

When her body was destroyed, she stored her soul within the jade pendant.

Upon awakening, Ji Rongmei found that she absorbed Ye Fan's cultivation for the past three years.

After thinking for a while, she decided to assist Ye Fan, not solely due to his role in awakening her, but because she needed to regain her strength.

She Understood that Ye Fan would grow rapidly due to his father's arrangements, she was certain he would seek vengeance for his father's plight.

She realized that chaos within the Ye family could provide an opportunity for her to attain her desires.

With this in mind, she candidly shared everything with Ye Fan and imparted knowledge about the intricacies of this world.

Ye Fan was stunned and dumbfounded, struggling to accept the shocking revelations about his family, grappling with heartbreak. And He tried to confirm again,

"Senior, is everything you said true? If so, would my father still be alive?"

"Indeed but I don't know about your father's survival, considering that we were hunted down, your father may have fallen."

Hearing her words,Ye Fan's eyes turned red and He shed tears of blood

Afterward, he composed himself and a terrifying murderous intent surged within him, He vowed in his heart to avenge his father.


With a newfound goal fueling his desire for strength and guided by the senior, Ye fan envisioned trampling those who had humiliated him in the past.

After three days of diligent cultivation under his senior's guidance, he restored his cultivation to the Soul Strengthening Realm.

Now, He was determined to hone his combat prowess and seize opportunities. So Ye fan decided to venture out into the world.

As Xiao Chen and Ye Fan journeyed to the Crimson Ridge Mountain Range with distinct intentions

Somewhere in the depths of the Crimson Ridge Mountain Range, a young girl maneuvered through the trees.

After a while, she ascended to the top of a cliff, casting her gaze upon the cave inhabited by demonic beasts.

She presented herself as a captivating figure, her beauty ethereal and cold, akin to a frost-kissed flower blossoming in isolation.

Her gaze, as sharp as the edge of a blade, seemed to repel the world from a thousand miles away.

Cloaked in flowing robes that mirrored the elegance of her movements, she emanated an aura of silent strength and concealed mysteries.

Though her demeanor exuded youthfulness, it carried the weight of ages, leaving an impression of a solitary, enigmatic cultivator unwilling to allow others near the icy fortress surrounding her heart. She was none other than 'Tang Jingxue.'



*****Ji Rongmei's illustration


****Tang Jingxue's illustration

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