
Heaven defying villain:despair broke chosen ones

Click* Flash* You've been caught on 4k, if you don't read my novel, be sure to watch the Tv tomorrow!! [Ding! You have recieved newbie gift pack from the author] [Exclusive: This contains superb lemons and very cultured 18+]. . . [This is my first novel and my writing may seem amateur at the starting but r-18 came out pretty well..... Maybe I have awakened my latent talent ] [One thing I can guarantee is a catchy and cultured story ] [Special tags/: stealing a mother-son relationship, Stealing a twin's position,Tree girl, Fox girl, sword-girl, beast girl, Aunt-niece combo, Mother and daughter combo-female master and disciple] [Tags:/ Plot+seggs- MC without background-Romantic- Harem - Genius - Competent wives - System -Three realm (low,middle,upper) -Epitome of Plundering.] [SYNOPSIS: Xiao chen was one of greatest brains to exist in blue star, However one one know a single thing about him......] [It was because the things he had learnt were very cultured and cannot be made public. Therefore A great person send his days culturedly.] [On a regular night, after finishing his sacred ritual*, Xiao chen went to bed to sleep] [In the morning, 'Hmm....what the heck? where is this place? Xiao chen looked at the unfamiliar room] 'Argh..Shit....my head....it's fucking hurts....' Xiao chen screamed as he felt a shit-stirring pain inside his head. 'Hmm...So this is not an dream nor the recent rival kidnapping prank.. But I HAVE TRANSMIGRATED' Xiao chen jolted up and starting dancing] [However, Little did Xiao chen know, He had been royally fucked because the body he transmigrated was the reincarnated body of a man who broke the heaven to pieces] [Ding*Fellow daoists,Newbie gift pack sent by the blackmailing one has expired! please read the book] . Note: Mc isn't like "Now that I think about it,Being a villain is actually cool bullshit" Mc and his women have own unique personality and Mc's develops as a villain gradually. [For R-18+ lovers : You can check bonus chap,to see if it suits your taste but Ngl...you like it ] [NOTE: : 'Cave of depravity' is a bonus chapter on ch 5 ] discord link- https://discord.com/invite/c5JbY5Ez4M

Melon_daomaster_9 · Fantasy
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106 Chs

"why is it so big"

In the outside world, Fu Ting gazed intensely at Xiao Chen, as if attempting to see through him with her penetrating stare.

However, her attention was suddenly diverted when she noticed that the aura of enlightenment surrounding Xiao Chen had vanished.

Fu Ting snapped back to her senses. She realized that Xiao Chen had finished his enlightenment.

Without leaving a trace, she retreated into the void, concealing herself once again.

Xiao Chen emerged from his enlightened state and pretended not to notice Fu Ting's surveillance. With a casual stretch and a yawn, he exited the hall and made his way to the luxurious room provided by the city lord.

Upon entering the room, Xiao Chen scanned his surroundings with satisfaction. Later, he proceeded to take a bath before retiring to bed.

Meanwhile, Fu Ting paid little attention to these mundane activities, as she had experienced true luxury before.

However, she couldn't shake off her suspicion of Xiao Chen, sensing that he possessed various hidden abilities that rivaled her own knowledge.

Lost in her thoughts, Fu Ting failed to notice where Xiao Chen had gone, only to be startled when she saw him undressing.

"What?" she exclaimed inwardly, immediately cutting off her divine sense scanning of the bath.

Though she tried to dismiss it, Fu Ting couldn't ignore the glimpse she caught of Xiao Chen's toned body hidden beneath his clothes.

Unable to resist her curiosity, she rationalized her actions by convincing herself that it was for Xiao Chen's safety and due to her seniority, as she was old enough to be his ancestor.

With this justification, Fu Ting decided to take another look.

Xiao Chen had anticipated such a scenario; all he wanted was a simple bath.

From Fu Ting's previous demeanor, Xiao Chen discerned her to be a serious person.

However,he underestimated the impact of his peerless appearance on her.

Fu Ting's mind was now filled with immense curiosity due to his enlightenment,after getting a glimpse of Xiao chen,It began leading her thoughts curious in a 'different' direction

In the bathroom, warm water filled the room, creating steamy clouds. Combined with various floral scents, it formed a perfect, dreamy scene.

As Fu Ting observed this picturesque setting, she unconsciously gulped, a sense of anticipation emerging in her heart.

Suddenly, with a splash, Xiao Chen emerged from beneath the bathwater. His black hair glistened with droplets of water as he surfaced.

Fu ting was stunned as she gazed at Xiao Chen with his long hair untied. She found herself captivated by his appearance, her eyes wandering over his muscular, white physique, his defined eight-pack abs, his masculinity evident in his broad chest and abdominal muscles.

However, what happened next snapped her back to reality.

Beneath Xiao Chen's abdominal muscles, Fu Ting saw an enormous tower appear.

It seemed to reach towards the sky, leaving her bewildered and unable to comprehend what she was witnessing as she remained in a daze.

"Ahhhhhh!!" fu ting exclaimed when she realised what she was seeing inwardly.

She immediately cut off her divine sense flusteredly but thinking about Xiao chen's throbbing member,Fu ting asked these words in a stutteringly unbelievable tone.

"H-hhow cann it be so huge"

And it was this moment that was her mind clogged with suspicious and curious about Xiao chen became clear.

"Ohhh Fu Ting,what have you done?" She said in a ashamed tone with two cloud of crimson rose on cheeks and roots of her ears.

"T-that's your niece's husband and what do I get this thoughts at these age" she said these words as she covered her face with her hands.

"How I am going to face Tang jingxue after this?"

Fu ting asked herself this question with sad sigh.

However,Fu ting got the answer as to why tang jingxue loved Xiao chen obsessely.

"Xiao chen with his huge member should have made Tang jingxue's charm physique submit to him"

As this thought emerged in her heart,Fu ting's body which had been silent for 'who knows how long',began to heat up because Xiao chen was the reason for the tang jingxue's transformation when she was summoned.

She realised that Xiao chen completedly made Tang jingxue to commit herself,her body was began to sweating.

Fu ting knew that Divine charm physique needed the supply of Yang energy and for the men to make the holder of Divine charm physique submit to themself….

Sensing that her thought were going in a different direction again,Fu ting was began to run her Cultivation technique which is based on nature.

As Fu Ting gradually calmed her mind, Xiao Chen, still in the bath, was startled by a prompt from the system echoing in his mind.

[Ding* Fu Ting's favorability towards the host has reached 28.]

Upon hearing this, Xiao Chen's thoughts momentarily halted as he pondered over what could have caused Fu Ting's favorability to increase.

With a narcissistic smile, he brushed back the wet hair from his forehead and gazed at his reflection in the water.

"So, my appearance has the power to sway even the formidable mind of a Transcend Tribulation powerhouse who has endured countless tribulations," Xiao Chen mused to himself.

Exiting the bath, Xiao Chen returned to his bedroom and, clad in his night clothes, proceeded to perform an unexpected action that caught Fu Ting's attention with a suspicious gaze.

Methodically, Xiao Chen began to close all the doors and windows, sealing off every possible entrance to his room with an unusually serious expression.

It was a stark contrast to his demeanor while bathing, leaving Fu Ting puzzled as to the sudden change in behavior.

Just when Fu Ting thought she might uncover Xiao Chen's secrets, he once again surprised her, causing her to question his thought process.

In a move that further puzzled her, Xiao Chen did something unexpected yet again.

To Fu Ting's amazement, he began to "sleep," wearing a peaceful smile on his face.

Readers: Collection(Library)? or Power stones?

Shameless Me:Is there even a need to ask,of course,I want them all

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