

Sixteen years later,

In a blue planet called Earth, in a city named Beijing (China), a Young Man about an height of 182 cm with his handsome face full of childishness could be seen looking at the back of a necklace written on it “Ni Tian Long” meaning “Defying Dragon”, the name he bears. His expression betrayed a mix of longing and uncertainty as he traced the intricate characters with his fingertips. This necklace, his only keepsake from his unknown parents that he was found with.

Navigating the crowded streets of Beijing, Tian Long made his way towards the orphanage that had been his home for so many years.

The bustling cityscape provided a stark contrast to the quiet sanctuary of his childhood, but amidst the chaos, Tian Long found a sense of belonging that he had never known before.

Arriving at the familiar gates of the orphanage, Tian Long was greeted by the sight of Old Ning, a kind-hearted woman who took care of him like a mother since he was young.

Her wrinkled face softened with warmth as she addressed him, her voice tinged with a mixture of affection and sadness. "Tian Long, don't worry yourself about us. Just go and focus on your studies," she urged, her eyes betraying the weight of years spent in selfless service to the children under her care.

At a young age, Tian Long was able to grasp knowledge quickly like the intelligence of twenty years which earned him a scholarship to one of the prestigious school in China.

His heart clenched with a pang of guilt as he considered leaving Old Ning and the orphanage behind. They had been his family when he had none, and the thought of parting ways filled him with a sense of loss that he struggled to bear. "But what about staying here and helping you take care of the orphanage?" he pleaded, his voice tinged with desperation.

"Tian Long, I don't want to hear this from you again," she admonished, her tone firm but tinged with unspoken sorrow. Reluctantly, Tian Long bowed his head in resignation, knowing that he could not change Old Ning's mind.

“Don't worry My Child, I promise we would see again” Tian Long hearing this clinged to that promise, he turned his back on the orphanage and set off towards his future.

As he walked towards the prestigious school that awaited him, Tian Long thoughts were consumed by the unknown path that lay ahead of him.

Suddenly, a searing heat engulfed Tian Long's body, causing him to stagger and gasp for breath. Unbuttoning his shirt in a desperate attempt to cool himself, his vision blurred and darkness crept in at the edges. With a groan of pain, he collapsed to the ground, his consciousness slipping away.

Unbeknownst to Tian Long, the necklace he wore pulsed with an otherworldly light. In a flash of blinding energy, his body was sucked into the necklace.

Regaining his consciousness, he looked around and saw himself in a strange realm. Then he heard a voice that brought shock to his soul “Little one, you have finally awakened”. Looking for the source of the voice, he beheld 12 distinct Beasts: the dragon, phoenix, vermilion bird, tiger, fox, qilin, tortoise, wolf, crow, a giant rat, a fish, and an unknown bird and an elephant.

Then one of the beasts came forward and said “ We are the Ancestral Beast; my Beast name is Primal Chaos Dragon”. Pointing out the other 11 Ancestral Beast name, he continued “ And they are the Nine-Colored Phoenix, Vermilion Bird, Kunpeng, Ancestral Qilin, Black Tortoise, White Tiger, Ten-Tailed Fox, Fenrir, Divine Elephant, Three-Legged Sun Crow, and Space-Time Rat”

Listening to the Ancestral Dragon, he felt confused why he was here. The Ancestral Dragon seeing his confused expression explained to him “The reason you are here was due to your Physique and your necklace”. Elaborating further “You are the holder of the Ancient Yang Physique which is one of the key to awaken our inheritance, not only that your necklace is our inheritance which is now awakened”

Digesting this information, “Ok I understand, Can you still send me back to Earth”. Hearing his words, they all kept quiet. Seeing their expression, he felt a bad feeling.

“Little one, you are basically dead which means you can't go back to Earth”. When he heard the words of the Ancestral Beast, his expression turned pale.

Thinking of the well being of Old Ning, his face turned paler. “Is there no any other way” he asked with hope evident in his eyes. Crushing the hope “Sorry little one there is nothing we can do”.

“Our time is getting short, we have to wrap it up quickly. Your necklace is also known as the Source Orb formed from the fusion of our flesh. Currently, we are not aware of all of its secrets so we hope you are able to unleash all of its power”

“How do you guys die” Tian Long asked with an intriguing expression.

“Knowing all of this would do you no good, it will be revealed to you in the future. Time to go”. Then Tian Long lost consciousness.

“Why were you harsh on him like that and why did you tell such lie to him” One of the ancestral beast confronted the dragon

“Have you forgotten the instruction given to us” the dragon berated.

Hearing this, they all kept quiet.

Meanwhile while all this happened, in a planet called Source Continent a slim young man with a pale face could be seen lying down on a bed. Suddenly, the young man opened his eyes looking at the environment unfamiliar to him.

As he was looking at the environment he was, a soothing voice sounding with joy “Young Master you are awake”. Looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar girl jumping with joy.

As he was looking at the girl she was a little bit shorter than him, a unfamiliar yet familiar memory entered his head. Peeking at the memory, everything dawned on him that he had been transmigrated.

He was now in a world of cultivation that was a fantasy on Earth. The owner of this body was named Tian Long too, he was also an orphan adopted by the Family head of the Long Family who was now considered missing. The owner of this body was given the title trash due to his inability to cultivate.

This girl in front of him was his predecessor maid who has been taking care of him since his young age. Her name was Feng Xianer, that little girl was now sixteen years.

“Xianer don't worry about me, am alright now” Tian Long said. Hearing his words, she felt assured about the safety of her Young Master.

The Long Family was one of the Four Giants of the Dragon City (A middle level city); The Chen Family, Murong Family, Duanmu Family and Long Family. This families are the one who are ranked below the City Lord of the Dragon City. As for the City Lord, there is no memories of him/her in the predecessor memory.

The Long Family Head was a one-in-million genius cultivator but before he was able to bloom, the genius abruptly disappeared. This Genius was his Adopted Father who left only a message for his predecessor that if he is able to cultivate he should unlock what he left for him before he disappeared.

As he read the memories of his predecessor he understood more about him, due to his low talent he was always bullied in the Long Family because in this world only strength matters which made him cower in fear in front of strong cultivator.

The reason why he was lying on the bed was that he fell sick which caused an illness that resulted to his death but no one knew. About his death, he decided to keep his mouth sealed about this or he would be skinned alive if anyone knew he was not the same Tian Long.

Putting aside these thoughts, he began to check some fragmented memories he felt that were different when checking his predecessor memories.