

All cultivators are like chess piece before the Heavenly Dao. But there are some cultivator who are born to defy the intent of the Heavenly Dao. They are called the Forbidden Beings.

They are Beings that have either the Forbidden bloodline, Forbidden physique, Forbidden soul and Forbidden Veins. The holder of the Forbidden Veins which had never been heard before since the creation of Heaven and Earth. This holders can appear once in a thousand years

There are instances of someone having the two Forbidden power but there had never been instances of a cultivator having three Forbidden Power.

In Three Source World, an event happened that caused the death of three emperor

The Demon Emperor: The Leader of the Demon Realm. The Demon Realm contains cultivator from the Netherworld, The Ferocious Beast and Demon.

The Beast Emperor: The Leader of the Beast Realm. The Beast Realm is the Haven for all Beast. The Beast Emperor has Twelve Ancestral Beast as his subordinate.

The Human Emperor: The Leader of the Human Realm. A powerful Dual Cultivator

These three were exceeding the scope of Heavenly Dao. As the Heavenly Dao is Unfair and Merciless, it sent someone who destroyed the relationship between them causing a long lasting war.

The initiator of the war betrayed and killed them. The subordinate of the Demon Emperor sacrificed themselves sending the three emperor into the reincarnation cycle but sealed their power into the Demon Emperor soul while the Twelve Ancestral Beast hide themselves waiting for the coming of their Master.

But Heavenly Dao never allow its enemy to survive. Almost annihilating the soul sent into Reincarnation, an unknown person saved their soul. This unknown person was a Forbidden being who want to break the realm of having three Forbidden Powers

Spending years, the unknown person fused their soul together to form a single soul. Almost sacrificing his whole being, he was able to make the soul reincarnate.

Thousands of years later, two couples who are known to be peerless geniuses had a baby. This baby took 36 years before it was born.

On the day it was born, blood filled Heaven and Earth. The baby turned out to be a boy and he was named "Ni Tian Long". The Ancestral Beast felt this and knew their master had been born but when they arrived at his location they had sacrifice themselves to seal the demon bloodline which was running rampant.

Follow Tian Long journey as he finds out his origin, purpose, secret and defy the Heavenly Dao.


Author's Note: Hello, Dear Reader.This is my first novel, so i will improve as i continue to write. Please support me with gifts, power stones, reviews and golden ticket. It helps in motivating me. Thanks.


In an Unknown realm shrouded in mystery and cloaked in darkness, a scene of bittersorrow unfolded - a black-haired boy with golden eyes, barely two years old, lay sleeping peacefully within an ice chamber. Beside him stood a young man with golden hair and eyes, his features drawn with determination, and a black-haired young woman, her gaze filled with anguish and uncertainty.

"The Demonic Bloodline has been sealed," the golden-haired man spoke, his voice echoing in the icy silence of the chamber. "But to prevent any unforeseen circumstances, we must divide his soul and send both halves into the universe."

The black-haired woman's voice trembled with anxiety as she voiced her concern. "But the risk... There is only 10% success rate that our son's life will survive. Is this truly our only option?"

The golden-haired man's expression darkened with resolve as he replied, "The bloodline of the Ancestral Beast will increase the success rate. I do not take this decision lightly either, but it is better than allowing our son to become the harbinger of destruction or destroyer of the universe."

Silent tears welled in the woman's eyes as she contemplated the weight of their decision. She knew that if they did not act, their son would be condemned by the world and hunted until his very existence was erased.

As the golden haired man separating the soul into two fragment, the cry of a baby could be heard. Hearing the cry of the baby, her face was filled with anguish.

A year latter, two babies of the same appearance, height and body laying side by side.

“Now it's time to separate his double physique into each of his bodies” The golden haired man said with exhaustion visible on his face.

With praticed precision, he separated the physique of their son into each body, hiding the distinguishing color of their golden eyes and bestowing one of the child a necklace. Giving some instructions to the necklace, he sealed both of them in a separate baby crates assuring their safety.

With a final, sorrowful glance at their sleeping children,he sent both of them into vast space of the universe leaving them for their fate.

As the golden-haired man watched their sons disappear into the void, his heart weighed heavy with sorrow and uncertainty. Beside him, the young woman leaned against him, her tears staining the fabric of his robes. In that moment, he understood the depth of her grief and the sacrifice they had made for the sake of their son's survival.

Forced apart by the cruel hand of fate, they clung to each other in silent anguish, hoping their son would be able to defy fate and forge his destiny in this chaos of the universe.