
Heaven Chronicles: The Awakening of Shivaay

A boy named Shivaay is born into a different world inhabited by many powerful figures. In this world, every 7-year-old receives a blessing from different gods and goddesses of all mythologies mainly Hindu, granting them various weapons and powerful skills. Shivaay's blessing from a high god becomes the envy of someone incredibly powerful. Can he overcome these hurdles? If you are reading this note from an amateur writer, thank you for your support. I've done my best to address errors and plot holes in the story, but if any reader notices anything, please reach out to me. Shivaay is an ordinary boy, sometimes timid, sometimes brave, and sometimes foolish. Bravery and cleverness come from experience. Together, you and I will follow Shivaay on his journey to achieve greatness. Please share your suggestions; I'm eager to improve myself. Note: The image was taken from http://evolvinglaunda.com/2020/08/lord-shiva-images/

Super_Knight · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Beginning of everything

"Hell, where am I ? Why is this dude looking at me? Get away from me man".

"Hey !Hey !Hey don't kiss." I am a man damn it.

A broad brown skin man held a small new born baby in his two majestic arms. Beside him is a jade like beautiful woman looking exhausted maybe from giving birth.

Who are these two? My hands are small, am I a baby? Yes I remember I got into an accident. After that I lost my conscious and now when I woke up I am a baby? Is it like the web novels where the character gets reborn with golden finger.

I don't like it, I don't want to be a hero or save the world.Is this broad looking man my father. And the beautiful women my mother.

His eyes were shining. Tears flows down his baby cheeks. He was a orphan in his previous life, except doing his part time job the only thing he was interested in was novels and anime.

He read books, watched videos, his entire world revolved around novels and anime. And one day after buying his monthly novel when he was coming home , on the alley he saw a man pointing a gun towards a lady.

He wanted to mind his own business but the man nervously pointed his gun towards him and fired.

"Oh, Honey look you made him cry. I told you to hold him gently"

"I held him down gently. Look I even gave him a kiss"

"You don't cry when I give you a kiss do you" the man said.

The women turned to her child rolling her eyes. Taking the baby back from his hands.

The baby looked at his mother like he has seen a shinning star in the dark universe. He couldn't understand them as he did't know the language and neither his vocal cords are developed as he is a new born baby.

Hell man, why did the man point his gun towards me, for a gun loving man that's the worst possible way of way of dying. Looks like I have to stay here for the time being.

This world is not looking bad btw.

From the house it looks like a late European era. Time Travel? Gosh! Do I have to eat bread and butter they show on the tv?

"Honey, look our child is just staring at the wall. Did something happened while giving birth"

"Don't worry he must be thinking of something"

"What do you know. Have you seen a new born baby thinking?"

"Okay, I will go and call someone"

"Just hurry"

What a nice day is today. I should better go to work. Wait, today is first of April. I must not give chance to anyone in the hospital to play a prank on me. Who do you think I am. I am doctor Rish do you think you're gonna make a fool out of me every year. Today is my day.


"Doctor, doctor please come with me. Please look what happened to my child".

Henry just dragged the doctor with him.

"Wait, Wait"

What's going on? Who is this? I am a doctor damn it ! Doctors have no respect in this hospital.

Wait a minute why are we going to the maternity department everyone knows that I am a surgeon. Is this a prank again?? I will not fall for it this time. Let's play the game you started.

Who is this old man? Why is he wearing a white robe? Is he going for a bath? Do it somewhere else idiot.

Umm, I don't see any abnormality with this kid. This must be a prank I am sure of it. Let's see.

The doctor extended his hands a purple halo appeared below his body . The whole room became purplish blue colour.

The child stared at the doctor with his eyes wide open. Holy molly is that, Magic??? I travelled to a magical world? Sorcerer Magician? But what is this purple halo below him.

He looked at his mother and father. They were okay with it. Looks like I am in a different world after all.

He calmed down as getting reborn was already the greatest shock he received today. Maybe something new and more shocking thing will come out later.

What's happening to my body? It's comforting, like I am lying on a soft pillow in a grassy field, with the sun slowly shining on my face.

Is this magic, I knew it's not so simple and now magic. I hit jackpot. Maybe I am child prodigy that's gonna rule this world.


Magic left his body back to the doctor he could easily feel it.

Everything is fine. The boy looks healthy. He is even laughing. No spiritual power, obviously he is a child. This time I am not gonna fall for it.

"Sorry gentleman, I have bad news"

"What happen doctor?? Is he okay??"

"Sorry to say but he is born dumb". Take this,sucker.

"Waaaaaaaah!" cries the mother.

"Doctor, is there anything we can do please".

"Nothing, sorry".

She cries even more. Seeing her cry, eyes of the man became red, small water droplets could be seen rolling down his cheeks but he has to do his best to console her. So, he hugged her.

Huh! Why are they crying so much? Are they not acting? Better tell them the truth.

"Doctor, Doctor"

"What are you doing here please come to the emergency room immediately". The nurse pulled the doctor out to the emergency room.

"I guess I will just tell them later." The doctor left.