
Heaven Chronicles: The Awakening of Shivaay

A boy named Shivaay is born into a different world inhabited by many powerful figures. In this world, every 7-year-old receives a blessing from different gods and goddesses of all mythologies mainly Hindu, granting them various weapons and powerful skills. Shivaay's blessing from a high god becomes the envy of someone incredibly powerful. Can he overcome these hurdles? If you are reading this note from an amateur writer, thank you for your support. I've done my best to address errors and plot holes in the story, but if any reader notices anything, please reach out to me. Shivaay is an ordinary boy, sometimes timid, sometimes brave, and sometimes foolish. Bravery and cleverness come from experience. Together, you and I will follow Shivaay on his journey to achieve greatness. Please share your suggestions; I'm eager to improve myself. Note: The image was taken from http://evolvinglaunda.com/2020/08/lord-shiva-images/

Super_Knight · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Arrival of Uncle

"Hahaha, brother Henry, I heard your child is born stupid. Maybe in the future, I will give him a janitor's job in the imperial academy," said a black-bearded man entering the room. 

"You don't need to think about him. I will make him well capable enough," Henry said, staring at him. 

"Oh, a disabled will teach a stupid. Hahaha. Maybe today the sun rose from the west. Sister-in-law, I wish you happiness with this child," the black-bearded man left. 

Henry clenched his fist tight. Anger and rage could be seen in his eyes. 

"Honey, don't worry. Everything will be fine; let's go home." His wife tried her best to console her husband, and both went home with the newborn baby child.

The child didn't understand anything, but he knew the old man was not kind to his father, so he had to be careful in the future. 

"Nurse! Nurse! Where did the couple with the child go?" The doctor and staff tried their best to find the couple, but they were nowhere to be found.

"Huh! May God bless the child... wherever you are, if someday we cross our path, I will try my best to rectify my mistake. Let's go."

Seven years passed. The boy was named Shivaay, and he also happily accepted his peaceful days in a mid-town of Dharapur. 

During this time, Shivaay tried his best to call his system or referred to by web novels as "golden finger," but it never came.

He tried his best to get beaten by bullies, searched squirrel holes for any pendant, tried jumping in the river for any underground caves, and almost died. But destiny is harsh; he didn't get anything. 

"Why, God, why? How will a salaried man like me survive in this world? They don't even have a supermarket here for meat. I need to hunt myself in the future." He fell down looking at the sky and shouting. 

His mother, looking at him outside from the window, said, "Husband, look, our son is praying to the rain god Indra." 

"Hmm, but why can't we understand him? What is he saying? What language is he speaking? Where did he learn it?" 

"Shhh, don't jinx it. I heard if kids can learn a new language, they become very smart in the future. I take him to the market every week; maybe he learned there." 

Shivaay didn't know that someone's misery is someone else's blessing; it's life.

In this world , Until 7 years old, the children would be home-schooled. It was the same for Shivaay. His parents figured from the praises of the tutor that their son was smart as he could learn most of the history and geography of the world easily so the doctor made a mistake they thought .

Whereas they didn't know that most of the history was same as the previous world as he had read them many times before. But there are some changes as well.

Shivaay's curiosity about the world he now lived in led him to seek more knowledge than usual about its history.

His tutor, a wise and elderly man named Guruji, often regaled him with tales of the Blue World's rich past. Shivaay would spend hours listening intently as Guruji painted a vivid picture of the world's intricate history.

According to Guruji, the Blue World had a history unlike any other. It was a place where modern and ancient times coexisted, resembling a fusion of European and Indian civilizations.

Guruji explained that the world operated on the mystical power of chakra, a form of energy harnessed from nature and embodied in humans in the form of halos.

From transportation systems, like trains and buses powered by chakra stones, to the seven levels of chakra within humans, Shivaay learned that this world was intricately tied to these energy sources.

Guruji patiently guided him through the details, describing the chakra levels within humans, including the Root chakra, Sacral chakra, Navel chakra, Heart chakra, Throat chakra, Brow chakra, and Crown chakra, each divided into ten levels of mastery.

Guruji's tales also included stories of how the Blue World's inhabitants worshipped the gods and goddess and in return, they were granted unimaginable powers. It was a world of magic and mysticism, where chakra powers shaped daily life and influenced the destinies of its people.

Ironically, these gods and goddesses were more familiar to him, as they were some of the mighty figures from his previous world, although they were considered low-mid level gods.

Whereas all the top gods worshipped in his previous world were considered high-level gods here.

The Blue World was vast, with a mass more than ten times that of Earth and with two moons, one red and one blue.

The continent they were in is known as the Bird Continent due to its striking resemblance to a bird-shaped landmass when viewed from above. The Bird Continent was home to four powerful empires: the Vulture Empire, the Peacock Empire, the Crow Empire, and the Kite Empire, each ruling over numerous kingdoms.

Shivaay's hometown falls under the direct rule of the Vulture Empire due to its close proximity to the empire's capital city.

The Guruji's words painted a breathtaking picture of this world's grandeur and complexity.


Outside of any interference, Shivaay happily passed his days practicing swordsmanship with his father and enjoying homemade dishes.

He was drenched in sweat from the sparring he had been doing since morning, and bruises covered his body. He couldn't stand and collapsed on the ground.

"Again," said Shivaay, struggling to stand.

"Son, don't force yourself. You can't win against me, at least not before your awakening ceremony."

A grey halo appeared on the ground with his father at the center.

His father was the strongest man in their town. He had been discharged early from the military due to an injury suffered while fighting bandits on the border. Due to the injury to his meridian, he would never be able to make a breakthrough and reach the Navel chakra.

At the Sacral chakra's tenth level, he was given the responsibility of protecting the town from wild animals and bandits. His family was respected and adored by all, and no one dared to disrespect them.

"Huh, fine, but I will find you and beat the crap out of you after the ceremony."

"Hahaha, we will see," his father said, thumping his chest with his hands.

"You two, go and take a bath. We will be late for the train. These two are just playing every day, not even caring about the time.

Shivaay was becoming just like his father. Maybe after attending school, he will improve his character and even find me a daughter-in-law," his mother thought, feeling concerned.


At the age of 7, it was time for Shivaay's spiritual awakening ceremony, where each child would receive a blessing from a god and awaken their spiritual wheel.

"Son, don't worry. Your father was blessed by the low-god Iron Emperor, whereas I was blessed by the demi-god Forest Queen. You are more talented than us in every way. You will receive a blessing from a higher god. I know it," his mother reassured him.

"Son, we will be proud to have one more warrior in our family. Hahaha," his father added.

The whole family, including his father, mother, and Shivaay, reached the capital for their son's spiritual awakening ceremony, which would be held for 15 days straight.

There was only one gathering place, the Heavenly Temple, where all the 7-year-olds had to gather and wait for their turn.

Shivaay and his family reached the 7th day of the ceremony. He was nervous and excited. They made their way towards the exit of the station.

"Brother, as usual, you are always late. Did your stupid son jump out of the train?" the black-bearded man appeared once again, accompanied by a young boy of Shivaay's age who looked at him mockingly.

Shivaay hadn't seen him for 7 years, but his mother had told him he was his father's elder brother and his uncle. He had always been jealous of his younger brother's early talent.

After his father's accident, his uncle had not missed a single opportunity to harass them, even illegally occupying their ancestral home and throwing his younger brother and sister-in-law out.

They said he was a high-ranking official in the imperial court, but he didn't look the part, Shivaay thought.

"You. That's enough; I am not going to hear a single word from you," a grey halo rose below his father in the ground.

"Do you think yourself as the same genius?"

A sky-blue halo rose in the ground with his uncle at its center. His uncle is blessed by the demi-god Triton it shows blue in colour.

Shivaay felt like he was suffocating from his uncle's aura. It was obvious who was more powerful. His uncle had recently made a breakthrough to the Navel chakra. There was no chance his father could win.

His parents were astonished looking on. All the people walking in the station had stopped to watch the commotion.

At the same time, the commotion caught the attention of the station protection force.

"Hey, what are you all doing? Don't you know it's a crime to fight in the capital? Disperse now, or we will put both of you in jail," the police officer shouted.

"Today you are really lucky, younger brother; you could go back in one piece. Even my son was blessed by the low god Ice-Emperor. Your family would be lucky if your son gets blessed even by a human. Hahaha."

"We will see about that, elder brother. Hump!"

"Don't worry, uncle; I will personally come to challenge your son," Shivaay said, staring at his uncle.

Both the father and son duo left.

"Doesn't he know anything about how to respect elders? It would be better if you let me beat the crap out of him, father," the son of the uncle said.

"We will have more opportunities for that. After you attend school and learn powerful skills, don't let him live," his uncle smiled and said to his own son.

"Okay, father," his son also smiled.

Henry looked at the furious Shivaay and said, "He was blessed by the Ice-Emperor, even among the low-level gods, it falls in the top ten. You can't win unless you get blessed by a higher god, and I know you can do it," his father assured him.

Shivaay couldn't stop staring in the direction his uncle's son went, although they had left a long time ago and were nowhere to be found.

If you are reading the note from this amateur writer, thankyou for supporting me. I tried my best to improve the error and plot holes in the story, but if any reader finds out anything please inform me. Shivaay is a normal boy sometimes he is timid, sometimes brave, and sometimes foolish. As bravery, cleverness comes from experience, together with you all I will also follow Shivaay in his journey to achieve greatness.

Please write your suggestion I will be happy to improve myself.

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