
Heather's...wait what-?

Murder of popular kids and false suicides....a sexy bad guy and strong female lead who shoots middle fingers off, that all happens in the cult classic film "Heather's" Vanessa is a massive fan of it, and has posters scattered across her walls. Everything changes, when she finds herself in the story! Will she follow the story of the female lead, Veronica Sawyer? Or will she triumph over the main antaginist? Or will she maybe go with his evil plan of bombing the school as a last "fuck you" to society?

Midnight_Raven123 · Movies
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21 Chs

Chapter 6

Vannessa pretends to not see him, and looks at the corn nuts.

He walks up to her.

"You gonna get a super chug with that?"

Vannessa laughed and tried to look flirty

"No... But if your nice I'll let you buy me a slushi."

She then tilted her head to the side.

"I see you know your convenience store speak well."

JD smiled, and she felt her heart leap in her chest.

"Well. Uh.. iv been moved around all my life... Dallous. Baton rouge, Vegas."

He threw his arms up and looked around the pathetic little gas station "Sherwood Ohio"

He put his hands down and leaned up against a counter.

"But there's always a snappy snack shack." He opened a jar of twizzlers and gave one to vannessa.

"Any time any place. Pop a microwave burger in the microwave... Feast on a turbo dog."

He made a swirling motion with his finger by his head.

"Keeps me sane"

Vannessa bit on the twizzlers and grimaced.

She never liked these rubbery things.

"Really... That thing you pulled in the caf today was pretty extreme."

Vannessa held her breath as she waited for his line.. the one she rewatched over and over in the movie..

JD sat on the counter.

"Well... The extreme always does seem to make and expression."

He moved his hand to point at the slushi machine briefly.

"Did you uh, say cherry or Coke slushi?"

Vannessa chuckled and wink at him.

"I didnt. Cherry."

After he had gallently paid for the drink and corn nuts, they went outside, and JD took out a cigarette as he sat on his motor cycle.

"Wow this is crazy." She said, not remembering the line Veronica says.

JD smirked.

"Yeah.. just a humble perk of my dad's construction company."

"No way! Your dad's bud Dean cunstruction!?"

JD nodded and let the smoke pour out of his slightly agape mouth.

"It must be tough... Moving place to place."

JD looked into her eyes...

"Yeah.. well, everyone's life's got static."

He nodded to Impatient heather Chandler.

"Is your life perfect?"

Vannessa laughed and responded in mock sarcasm,

"Yeah... I'm on my way to a party at remmington University."

Heather Chandler honks her horn, making the kissing couple next to them jump.

"No... My life's not perfect... I don't​ t really like my friends"

JD nodded into space

"I uh. Don't really like your friends either."

"It's like we're co-workers and our job is being popular and Shit."

JD squinted at her

"Maybe it's time to take a vacation"

After being shoved into the car by heather Chandler, they arrived at remmington University.

The party was already smelling like puke despite having just started. Smoke was filling the hallways and 2 ugly college dudes were waiting for them.

The whole night was a rush. Drinks were pushed into vannessa's hands so she had to drink some of them. After pushing some pedophile off of her, she went to heather Chandler.

"Heather... I don't feel so well.."

Heather grabbed her arm and looked into her face. Blue met brown.

"Don't you think, that you can just leave after-"

But it was to late. Vannessa doubled over and puked all over the floor, narrowly missing Heather's plastic red heels. Heather clenched her fists and looked up at the ceiling, took a deep breath, and chuckled with her eyes closed. In a angry frustrated manner. She followed vannessa out the door and into the alley where a trash bin lay containing an alcoholic fire.

Illuminated by the soft orange glow, heather moved towards her.

She grabbed her face and sneered

"You stupid fuck"

Vannessa ripped her face out if Heather's red nails.

"You god damned bitch."

"You were nothing before I found you. You were playing Barbie's with Betty Finn. You were a blue bird. You were a brownie."

She went up to Veronica and looked her in the eye.

"And wheres my thanks-? It's on a hallway carpet! I got payed in puke!"

Vannessa leaned into heather chandlers furious face.

"Lick it up baby. Lick.it.up"

And she stormed off.

A few hours later, she stood in her room. She had taken a shower, and tied her hair up. She knew he would come into her room any moment.

She was waiting. Waiting for a special someone-

"Greetings and salutations"

JD's head popped into her room for her window. He had obviously propped up a ladder or something, as her room was on the 2nd floor.

"Dreadful etiquette, I apologise"

Vannessa walked up to him. Her face impassive. The moment she had been waiting for.

She held his face in her 2 hands and kissed his warm yet suprised lips with all her might.