
Heather's...wait what-?

Murder of popular kids and false suicides....a sexy bad guy and strong female lead who shoots middle fingers off, that all happens in the cult classic film "Heather's" Vanessa is a massive fan of it, and has posters scattered across her walls. Everything changes, when she finds herself in the story! Will she follow the story of the female lead, Veronica Sawyer? Or will she triumph over the main antaginist? Or will she maybe go with his evil plan of bombing the school as a last "fuck you" to society?

Midnight_Raven123 · Movies
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21 Chs

Chapter 3

The cool as a cucumber voice of his was so brain melting, that vannessa has to grip her arm in a death grip to keep herself in the moment. She looked back at JD's playfully smirking face. "Are you a Heather?"

He pointed to the 3 girls not far behind me. I could almost see the fire coming from heather chandlers nose.

Vannessa took a deep breath and tried to say in the most Veronica way,

"No... I'm a Veronica. veronica sawyer"

For a moment vannessa forgot why she was there. Staring into Jason Dean hazel eyes-

Then she remembered she had to ask him Heather's stupid question. She wasn't here for day care.

"Now this may seem like a stupid question-"

Vannessa lifted the top page of the clipboard and folded it over.

JD chuckled.

"There are no stupid questions."

Vannessa smirked. This whole experience was so amazing. She could do anything.

"What's-his-face gives you a million dollar check, and the same day aliens say they're​:re gonna blow up the earth in 2 days. What do you do?"

JD paused. His face in a slight frown. About to say the words vannessa yearned to heat-

"That's the stupidest question I ever heard"

He pushed his hair back out of his face and vannessa felt the eyes of Kurt and ram, jocks, looking at them.

Kurt would now be saying,

"Who's the guy in the coat think he is-? Bo diddly!?"

Ram answered his best friend.

"Not sure but... Veronica seems to be into his act."

JD then continued to tell the answer to Heather's stupid question-

"Ahhh. I don't know. Probably row out into the middle of a lake somewhere.."

Vannessa tilted her head and hugged her clip board to her chest.

"Bring along a bottle of tequila, my sax....some bac."

Vannessa felt her breath shorten and her brain turn to mush.

"How very"

With no warning heather Chandler grabbed vannessa's arm tightly.

"Come on Veronica"

She gave a disgusted and annoyed look to JD before dragging poor heartstruck vannessa away.

"Later" she said trying to fight Heather's yanking pulls.


All of a sudden Veronica heard Kurt and ram.

"Let's kick his ass!"

"No ram we're senior s, we're to old for that shit."

Ram went quiet for a second.

"Yeah... Let's give him a good scare though"

vannessa watches un notices from the door to the hallway with the Heather's as Kurt and ram strutted over.

Ram then gabbed his finger in JD's barely touched school pot pie.

"You gonna eat this?"

Kurt leaned over the table face a foot away fro. JD's overly calm structure.

"What's your boyfriend say when he found out you were moving to Sherwood Ohio?"

JD simply sighed and didnt answer them. Of course, he was not gay.

"Hey Kurt, doesn't this caf have a no fags allowed rule?"

JD sighed again and aneeres I to their faces.

"They seem to have an open door policy for assholes though, don't they?"

Ram and Kurt exchanged cunfused looks.

"What did you say dick head?"

JD stood up. He black trench coat seemingly making him look creepy...

"I'll repeat myself."

He reached into the pocket of his coat...

And pulled out a gun

Ram and Kurt recoiled immediately.