
Chapter 3

“I’m sorry, I never introduced myself. I’m Natia Savea. And you’re Simone?”

Simone nodded. She had no free hand for Natia to shake, as she was still clutching her boss’ binder in the hand that wasn’t holding the lemonade, but Natia didn’t seem to expect anything.

Natia peered into Simone’s face, her smile soft and her gaze concerned. “You really do look like you could use a break. Come sit on the porch with me. It’s shady.”

Something about the seriousness of Natia’s request abruptly deflated Simone’s anxiety. Natia had some very obvious caretaking instincts, and they were all over Simone for some reason. She followed Natia up the single step onto the narrow wooden porch and let herself be pushed onto the gliding bench.

“Um. Thank you.”