
Chapter 11

“Seeing you so uncomfortable was hurting me,” the woman said, too brightly, her eyes blown wide, which was a comfort because at least Simone knew that she was not unaffected.

“N-nope, not uncomfortable anymore,” Simone said, although maybe it was a little hard to breathe. Still, she wanted more of that. She wanted to do that all night. Her hands were on Natia’s full hips, and she was only now just becoming aware of how firmly she was gripping and how little she wanted to let go.

“I’m…I usually don’t do that on a first date,” mumbled Natia, half-joking. She looked a little mortified.

Simone shook her head. “I don’t know how to assure you how very much okay this is, except—” Okay, sue her. She punctuated that by leaning in and kissing Natia again.