
hearts of stones

She was just a little girl when it happen. Now she dreams about it everynights. With the help of her master she became a queen. but what kind of queen ? The queen of the mafia. she reign on the underworld with her cold and ruthless aura. he is the heir of the Black corporation. but is he only this ? ........

yumeyummy · Urban
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9 Chs


After she had left the Chen Mansion, she walked until the end of the street and took a taxi to her school.

The school she will be going is "Monarch Academy."A school for children of rich and powerful family. Those who go there are spoiled brats and Pampers kids. Of course, it doesn't mean there is only rich kids. There is also some poor scholarship student who works hard to finish school and go to the best university.

Chen Yuna is also going to this school.She a last years like yume. Even through the Chen family isn't a really powerful family, Their more like nouveau rich, Chen Yuna is really liked she is the most popular girl in school. She has good grades. She plays the piano and a little of the cello, and people say she is beautiful.



Yume arrive at Monarch Academy at noon. In front of her was big European style portal connected to wall that circle all the school. the school is really big. the size is all the mountain ground.

She heads to the Guard before going in and show them her recommendation letter. Asking where is the dorm. He gives her a plan of the school. She was stunned the school was this big?

She finishes all the process and goes to the direction of the dorm.

Because it was two days before the start of school, There wasn't that many students.

She enters the dorm ask to the office what the number of her room and they gave her the key.

The room number is 365. It's on the third floor, and they didn't have an elevator so she had to take her big suitcase by herself.Fortunately, her training with her master made her really strong she could take three of this suitcase and go up 10 floors without being breathless or sweating.

Arrive the face to the door.She opens it. The room was big, spacious and was relaxing. the room also has a balcony for letting dry clothes. In the room there were three beds already take. All had a differents style. One was clean with white sheets and a pill of books next to it.Another one next to the balcony had cute features there was plushies and pink sheet. In front of the pink one, there was the one with purple sheets with this time a pill of webtoon and video games.

After doing the round of the room, she put her luggage on the bed and start tidying her clothes in her armor.Just when she was putting the last piece, the door of the room opens and three girls enter.

"Oooh!! Here is the last mate!! Now we are complete ‼"

The girl who spoke has short hair and have boyish features. She was wearing a jeans, a sweat with a game character draw on it. If it wasn't a girl dorm and her high pitch voice we could mistake her for a boy.

"calm down You're going to scare her."

The second girl who spoke was pretty, she had long black hairs and was wearing a mid length pastel pink dress with white high socks. She really was selling her image, adorable and cute.

The last girl was calm and composed she was reading her books carefully and didn't say anything. She has Mid long black hair and was wearing glasses that was hiding her face. She didn't dress fancy like the other.

Because yume was back facing them. They didn't see her face. When she Turn around to face them. Everything went in slow motion for the three girls. The glasses girl who reading her book carefully just a second ago had her eyes wide open she was shock but not as much as the two other girls. They were gasping for air, and the first thing that came to their mind was 'beautiful as a goddess.' and the music hallelujah in the background.

Her plump red lips, her high thin nose, her beautiful almond black eyes.

'She is perfect.'

When yume saw the face of her roommates she chuckles.

When they hear her laugh, they came back to reality. Even her giggle was so charming.

"Hello everyone. I am yume" yume said politely.

The tomboy one was the first to present herself.

"HI ‼ I'm Amy Song‼ Let's take care of each other 'beauty roommate.'"

Secondly there was the cute girl. She was looking timidly at Yume. Amy gives her a little push on the back. She was red like a tomato.

"Hel...hello.I am Fu Lili. Please take care of me."

The last girl didn't look at yume and continue reading her book. She just says.

"Asano Naomi…"

They all presented themselves and were talking happily when a growl was heard.

Yume suddenly remember that she didn't eat since yesterday. She was starving.

Amy looks at yume and laugh. When she finished laughing, she suggests that they all go to the canteen.