
hearts of stones

She was just a little girl when it happen. Now she dreams about it everynights. With the help of her master she became a queen. but what kind of queen ? The queen of the mafia. she reign on the underworld with her cold and ruthless aura. he is the heir of the Black corporation. but is he only this ? ........

yumeyummy · Urban
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9 Chs



In the tallest building of the capital, was a man standing in front of his desk in his Penthouse called Corptium penthouse. This man was Yong black. He was a tall and muscular man. His face was breathtaking like a sculpture. He has thin sexy lips, thin eyebrows and cat blue eyes like the sea, like you can drown in them. He also have short wavy black hairs. He was a painting in himself. He was looking at a photo in his hand with a gentle look, and was smiling, a pure smile.

The secretary who came to deliver the photo and the document was in stated of extreme shock. For the last 3 years he was working for his boss he never saw him smile like that, if the other employee of the black corporation saw him they would surely think the end of the world is near. Are they going to die tomorrow?

Their boss always ruthless and cold like the devil himself were smiling like a little kids in front of this photo.

the photo feature a beautiful, tall and slender women. What attract the most on this photo was her almond black eyes looking at the horizon. After staying in daze in front of the photo for Several minutes, he

was sure it was her. His baby girl came back!



After a goodnight of sleep, yume wake up.She goes to the bathroom to refresh herself, brush her teeth and change clothes. Today, she is wearing black legging with a big sweatshirt black. Her favorite color is black, she wears black clothes almost everyday.

Just as she finishes putting on her clothes, her stomach makes some noise. She remembers that she didn't eat anything yesterday. She didn't want to be on the same table as those person and she don't want today either. Whatever, she is gonna buy something when she is going to the dorm.

The school begin in two days, so she is going today to install in the dorm. The earlier she is leaving this house the better.

After repacking her stuff, she exits her room to go to the back door for the maid.

Before she could go to the backdoor, she meets Chen Yuna in the corridor. Chen Yuna try to stop yume but yume ignore her. She just wants to leave this f**king house ‼

"You‼ b*tch ‼ you're ignoring me ‼ You're just like you sl*t of mother ‼ you're bastard ‼ don't be cocky ‼" Chen Yuna yell in anger

Even after insulting her Yume still try to ignore Chen Yuna.

But Chen Yuna try to seize the arm of yume. faster then Chen yuna, Yume catch her arm. She decides to stop ignoring her and say on a calm, murderous tone.

"Touch my arm, and I will make sure you can't use it again."

Yume was glaring at her with her eyes red. Her king aura was soo strong that Chen Yuna was feeling scared. Cold sweat was started falling all over her body. Her legs were filling numb, she was gasping for air, she felt like a knife on her throat. Seeing Chen Yuna in this condition. A devil smirk was forming on yume face. Yume release chen Yuna arm, take her luggage she left on the side and exit this house.

Chen Yuna fall on the floor numb and glare at the direction where yume exit.

"B**ch‼ I'm gonna make you pay for this you see"

Chen Yuna didn't understand how Yume made her feel like this.And just think that it must be a trick. It's impossible for Chen Yuna that Yume, the bastard child, could scare her.

But what Chen Yuna doesn't know is that she only uses a one percent of the killing attempt she could use and it wasn't a trick but technique to release all Bloodthirst and murder aura on a person. It her master who taughs her this technique. Normally, you use this technic on the beast like the wolf or tiger to prove your superiority. yume doesn't care she just wanted to scare chen yuna. But didn't she know that not only chen Yuna think it a trick, she is also thinking on a way to pay her back. Because Chen Yuna is a stupid and arrogant brat.