

After dropping Cammy at school, she thought of things to do, to while away time instead of going back home.

After thinking for some time, she concluded on visiting her best friend. She has a best friend, Ria, who is a year older and acts like a sister to her. They met at the restaurant her mom works at and they became best friends.

That day, Yvonne came out with the dirt, she helped her mom pack, she hates passing the back door because it looks scary so she went through the front door.

She managed to open the door, raised her right hand with the dirt but suddenly she bumped her head with someone coming into the restaurant and they both fell. She watched as the bag went high and the dirt poured out and fell on both of them.

"Am sorry." She said, apologizing to the person she bumped into.

On seeing Ria for the first time, Yvonne thought she's was a rich spoilt rude brat, she stood up and bowed her head waiting for a big insult and resounding slap but got a burst of hearty laughter.

"A peel of banana is on your head." The girl laughed loudly, She bent slightly to laugh harder.

Looking surprised, "Huh... You aren't angry?"

"We are both bathed with it, so? Help me up please" The girl raised her hand and Yvonne helped her up.

"Am sorry. I wasn't looking at where I was going."

"It's okay. Am not angry at what happened, babe." She smiled and pinched Yvonne's cheek gently.

"Am Ria, you are?" Stretching her hand for a handshake.

"Am Yvonne." Receiving the handshake.

"Nice, V or Von for short then." Yvonne nodded and smiled.

They both pack the dirt and threw them away before going back to the restaurant, talking and laughing.

She tells her things when in need of advice on what to do or things she finds difficult to understand. Yvonne told her of her moving away from New York to California but she hasn't and knows she can't tell her the main reason they left New york.

She doesn't want to trust too much than expected, knowing she was also betrayed by someone she trusted too much back then.

She called Ria up... After 2 rings, Ria picked up the call, "Hey Von."

"Babes, are you at home or work?"

"I am at work of course."

"What of Samz?" The short form for Samuel. Ria's twin brother.

"He's good."

"Is he at work?"

"Nope, he's at home."

"Is he ill? why isn't he at work but home?"

"I don't know for him." She said nonchalantly.

Yvonne laughs at what she said, "He's your brother Ria."

"We came to this world to lead our life the way we want, so I mind my business and he minds his. I can't kill myself for someone, am not his mama," She scoffs.

Yvonne laughs harder, "That's the Ria I know,"

Yvonne heard some shuffling around in the background before Ria talked, "Gonna hang up now, my boss is calling me."

"Okay later." She ended the call.

Ria Simone and Samuel Simone are twins. Samuel Simone is the cool, calm, reserved guy, introvert but not a 100% introvert, he's funny and all.

Ria Simone is a blonde, dyed the tip of her hair, blue. The exact opposite of her twin brother, sharp mouth with a witty comment and crazy, you can never be in a bad or fair mood with her around, always in a happy mood.

Ria works in Dell Company, One of the best and so far the Third richest, in the world.

She works in the Accounting department as a Cashier.

The First richest was taken over by Mond Enterprises 3 years ago when it came into existence.

It started 3 years ago and is now at the top. The owner is known as Masked or the unknown.

No one knows what he looks like if he's short, tall, huge, slim, or anything because people rarely see him except those who work in his company, even in the company, it's only a few, not all.

He doesn't show up at any event or even at Top companies' functions which all other companies attend or even Award-winning events.

People say maybe he has a thing for being in a crowded place or he killed someone and sees the person around or he is a sadist and many more but no evidence to prove it's real or true. It was like he doesn't even exist at all from the onset.

Yvonne boarded a cab to Ria's house, at least to waste time and also better than being alone at home.

Yvonne noticed Samz's car and shakes her head negatively.

Saying to herself, "Lazy-guy."

"Hello, anybody home?" She knocked on the door.

Samuel, who was in the sitting room, opened the door "Hey."

"Hey yourself... no work?" Mocking him childishly, "Lazy fellow."

"Work is stressful babe," He opens the door wider to let her in "Come in."

"Thanks." She entered.

She sat on a three-seater, "Reduce the stress yourself. We both know you can"

Samuel sighs "Yeah but..." He went to the kitchen to get water and gave it to her. She collected it, thanked him, and drank the water.

She dropped the cup on the center table and looked at him, "But what?... Samz, you add your other colleague's work to yours, Mr. Helper."

Samuel works as a part-time graphic designer, Programmer, and web editor, and creator in different companies.

The pay is good and the work isn't stressful as he seems but he makes it stressful for himself. He helps his colleagues at work with theirs, adding all together, makes it looks stressful to him.

"I wish I am like you."

Samuel shakes his head, "No... Don't wish for that."

She looked at him confused, "Why?? A part-time job with good pay is something everyone wishes for and wants, not a full-time job every day."

He raised his eyebrows at her "So?"

"You work three times a week..." Trying to reason with him.

Samuel shrugged asst what she said, "Haven't found a job yet?"

"Nope," Popping the "p" in the NOPE. "I haven't."

"Why don't you work with Ria?" Samuel asked returning the glass cup to the kitchen.

Yvonne spoke louder for him to hear her in the kitchen, "Working with her as to how?"

He didn't respond until he came back to the sitting room, "There is a vacancy in need of a clerk there."

Yvonne frowns and nods negatively, "I don't want that."

Samuel laughs, "Now tell me, who's lazy?"

Pretending to be angry at him "You are calling your girlfriend lazy." She playfully glared at him.

Samuel gave her, the puppy eyes in an apologizing manner, "Sorry baby."

Yvonne dropped the act when she saw the puppy eyes, he have her and laughed.

The first day, she was introduced to Samz through Ria, he gave her the nickname "Girlfriend."


After eating, Ria and Yvonne carried the plates to the kitchen to wash while Samz went to the sitting room to set up a movie that they would watch.

Soon they were true with washing and came back to the sitting room. Samz began the movie as they settled down.

After 30 minutes of watching the movie, Samz turned to Yvonne, taking his eyes away from the movie, "Hey Vonny."

Yvonne looked straight at him as she and Ria were sitting across him," Yes?"

"Does anyone call you Vonny?"

Confused at his question, "Yes."


"Yes." She raised her eyebrows at him questionably.



Samz frowns and raised his hands in an annoyed manner, "Ahhh."

She laughed hard at his reaction, "What?"

With a determined glint in his eyes, " I will call you girlfriend then."

Ria, who has been quiet and watching Samz from the time he started asking the questions, responded to his statement.

"Samz she can't marry you." She scoffed.

Samz glares at Ria, "Mind your biz... I will prove my love to her too."

"The love that you already have on the first day of meeting... Love in first sight." Ria said sarcastically. "You need to get your head operated on."

Samz frowns at his sister "You were supposed to be on my side and not hers."

"I ain't your mama." She smacked his head lightly making Samz hiss at her. Yvonne laughs hard watching them banter.


Yvonne stayed till noon before leaving. She moved to the edge of the sofa, carried her purse, and stood up to leave, "I have to get going."

He winks at her, "Okay babe." She pecked him goodbye and left while Samz moved to the window to watch her go.

He looked sad with longing in his eyes, "I have fallen hard for you, why can't you notice it?."

He stood at the window for some time even as she had left, thinking.

He was brought back to the present from the ringing of his phone...