
Heart shades

There are two different heart shades that's white and black .When the two heart shades meet they repel so white can only go with white and black can only go with black . What happens when coincidentally the two heart shades attract ? Join me in this tourney of Noor and Zayyad in HEART SHADES

_H_O_V · Teen
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16 Chs

Chapter 14

Noor saw Zayyad there sitting on the cushion there but what shocked her was the cigarette he was smoking between his two fingers .

Noor knows that Kabir , Irfan , Adam and Tahir do smoke but Zayyad, this is the first time she is seeing him smoking.

Noor snatched the cigarette from his hand and matched it with her shoe .

"What again ? " Zayyad dryly asked .

"Don't do this again , it's haram ! " Noor said

"And talking about my mother like that is not Haram ? " Zayyad said

"I'm..I didn't really mean to offend you ! " Noor said

"Well.. you did .." Zayyad said

"I'm sorry then ! " Noor apologized.

"Not accepted " Zayyad replied boringly .

"The first time I saw you , my first thought about you was that you were quite handsome " Noor said hoping she can sweet-talk Zayyad.

"Ke ! Leave ! " Zayyad said and turned his head away from Noor .

"C'mon ! I just told you one of my darkest secrets ! " Noor pleaded .

"What do you want ? " Zayyad asked and turned to face Nooriya .

"Accept my apology ? " Noor said

Zayyad stared at her for not up to a minute before lowering his gaze .

"Accepted , now leave me " He replied

Zayyad thought Noor will leave now but Noor still stayed in front of the seated guy .

"What now ? " Zayyad asked

" well..we need you to come and drive us to our uni actually " Noor said while playing with her fingers .

"You have to answer my question first Noor " Zayyad said and also stood up in front of Noor and that's when Noor realized how short she is compared to the tall Zayyad.

"I'm ready " Noor said

"Have you ever liked Kabir ? " Zayyad asked with a slight frown .

Noor playfully glared at him because of the question .

"Stop looking at me like that and answer me " Zayyad said .

"Have you ever liked me ? " Noor playfully asked .

Zayyad stayed mute for some minutes and Noor thought he was not going to speak until he said "No " .

Noor clapped her Hands once as if she has made a point and said "Exactly! That's just how it is between me and Kabir . The same way we don't like each other and can never like each other that's just how I don't like Kabir and can never like him "

Zayyad's frown deepened and then he said

" So If by any chance I start to like you then can you like Kabir kenan ? "

Noor chuckled a bit before saying "The thing is that there is no any chance that that will happen "

"What if I say I lik..." Zayyad was speaking when the door was opened by his sister's who then interrupted him .

"So will you drive us or not ? " Fatima asked

Zayyad looked at Noor for some seconds before saying "let's go "

Fatima thanked her brother and went out .

Noor was about to leave when Zayyad stopped her .

"Don't tell anyone about the cigarette " Zayyad said .

"We will see.." Noor said and turned to leave yet was stopped again .

"Noor " Zayyad called.

"Yes ? " she replied .

"We have talks later .." Zayyad said in a more like pigin structure of English.

"I guess.." Noor said and then quickly went out not wanting to be stopped again .




