
Basketball game is coming

The bell rang as class began, and their homeroom teacher, Ms. Lu, walked into the classroom. The students stood up one by one and respectfully saluted her. Ms. Lu smiled and announced some exciting news: "Students, in order to increase mutual understanding among classmates, our school will hold a basketball game in one week. I hope everyone will enthusiastically sign up to participate."

Upon hearing this news, Lin Yu immediately stood up and registered, recommending Qiao Yi to join as well. Before Qiao Yi could refuse, Ms. Lu had already agreed. Seeing Qiao Yi's expression, Lin Yu guessed that he didn't want to participate, but he believed that this was a great opportunity to showcase Qiao Yi's excellent basketball skills.

The girls were going to form a cheerleading team, and Wang Rui was very good at this kind of activity. She volunteered and also convinced her good friend Lin Yingshi to join. Although Lin Yingshi had wanted to refuse, she didn't want to disappoint Wang Rui, and she also wanted a chance to get closer to Qiao Yi, so she reluctantly agreed.

Everyone was very excited after hearing this news and began discussing the details of the game. Both Qiao Yi and Lin Yingshi felt a bit nervous. They knew that this was a very important game and that they needed to fully prepare in order to perform at their best.

So they began to prepare. Qiao Yi practiced basketball skills every day, while Lin Yingshi and Wang Rui practiced the cheerleading dance and slogans, hoping to cheer on the team during the game. After each practice, Wang Rui would take Lin Yingshi to the basketball court to watch Qiao Yi practice. This seemed to become their regular activity. Lin Yingshi could feel Wang Rui's interest and enthusiasm for Qiao Yi, and she was struggling with whether or not to tell her best friend about her own feelings. She wondered if keeping it a secret would be dishonest, but then she remembered that in high school, she never expressed her feelings and just wanted to silently admire and keep up with Qiao Yi's footsteps.

This game became one of the most anticipated events for the students, and everyone was looking forward to showcasing their best performance on this occasion.

On the day of the school's basketball game, the campus was bustling with excitement. Boys and girls gathered around the basketball court, ready to cheer on their class teams. Qiao Yi was the star player of the school basketball team, standing in the center of the court, with a focused look in his eyes as he prepared to start the game. There were even girls running over to cheer for Qiao Yi, shouting his name loudly. Seeing this scene, Wang Rui excitedly shouted to Lin Yingshi, "Do you see that? That's the charm of Qiao the Great! Can you believe that he's only been in school for a few weeks, but he's already so famous!" She then became a bit melancholy and sad, asking, "What kind of girl would the Great Qiao like?"

Just then, a basketball suddenly flew towards Lin Yingshi, who was so scared that she froze in place. At this moment, Qiao Yi timely reached out and used his arm to protect Lin Yingshi. Qiao Yi asked with concern, "Are you hurt?" Lin Yingshi, who had just recovered from the shock, softly replied, "No, I'm not." She said, "Thank you." After Qiao Yi blocked the ball, he hurriedly returned to the court. At this point, Lin Yingshi's heart was pounding, and she couldn't tell whether it was from fright or joy. She felt like Qiao Yi was like the god of love rushing towards her with a sword, piercing her heart once again. During the rest of the game, Lin Yingshi was completely immersed in her own thoughts, completely ignoring Wang Rui, who was whispering to her on the side. Wang Rui felt a little jealous and sad, constantly muttering, "Why didn't the ball fly to my side just now? It's like Qiao the Great Hero saving the beauty."