
Flaxen Invasion

A/N: Sorry for the long pause in chapters people. This isn't dropped, but I wanted to finish up my other fanfic first so I could dedicate all my time to this one. Unfortunately, as a 25yo man, I have to work for a living, and with all the uncertainty in the world and a few changes in my job situation, I have less free/leisure time to write and less motivation to do so even when I do have it.

I'll try to be a bit more consistent from now on, not prioritizing my other book over this one, but the uploads probably still won't be super consistent unless I win the lottery or something.


(3rd POV)

It was a Tuesday morning on the Eastern Coast of the United States when the invasion first happened. One second Central Park was as it ever was. Relatively peaceful, full of people who were bird-watching, exercising, or even just relaxing between shifts and trying to soak in some spring sunshine.

Then the alarms rang.

"Attention all residents of New York City! An imminent invasion by extradimensional aliens is imminent. Please find your way to the nearest shelter immediately! This is not a drill! I repeat, this is NOT A DRILL!!!" A loud voice came from all around.

At first, everyone stopped what they were doing and began to look around. No one had seen where the warning had come from, and worse still, only the most mentally unstable inside the park heeded the warning. And why would they think any differently?

The people of the Earth were fully aware that life existed on other planets. Superman proved as much, but an invasion by 'extradimensional aliens?' On a nice day like today? That was harder to swallow. Most people began to scoff as they peered around, not seeing anything out of place. Some groups of friends began to laugh at the absurdity of the warning. It was obviously just a prank, right?

Some teenagers get access to the park's speaker system and deciding to have a laugh with their friends something.

The laughter ceased as soon as the gigantic Helicarrier de-cloaked above the park, however. Everyone's eyes were glued to the floating craft blazingly baring the colors of the United States's Star Spangled Banner. The people were in shock. The sight of the sudden craft's appearance nearly removed the earlier warning from their minds entirely.

"Attention all citizens of New York City! An imminent attack by a foreign hostile force is imminent. Please speak shelter immediately! This is NOT a drill!" The warning came again, this time more concise as the airship's hull began to fold inwards on itself in several places, and large underbelly cannons revealed themselves.

The fact that there was no panic was a miracle, as tens of thousands of people, all across the city began preparing for the imminent attack by barricading themselves inside of their homes and stores began shutting down. Sure, there was alot of confusion, but seemingly all at once, the NYPD and US National Guard Units had arrived in order to keep the peace and ensure the safety of the populace. The Spider family swung along the skyscrapers, helping anyone that needed it and stopping the few bad actors looking to take advantage of the chaos for personal gain. After three hours time, the streets were seemingly a ghost town with only a few stragglers or those without homes trying to find shelter wherever they could, including in subways or abandoned buildings when possible.

This event wasn't localized to just one city in the United States. Similar evacuations and preparations, orderly and otherwise, were being handled around the globe. In Shanghai, London, St Petersberg, Paris, Vienna, Cairo, Los Angeles, Mexico City, and many more, all these locations were being effectively locked down while the world began to hold its breath.

(Damian POV)

"Really? 'Extradimensional Aliens?' Couldn't you have worded that better Ferguson?" Fury asked, sarcastically.

"Sorry, sir." Agent Donald Ferguson responded.

"Well, it saves explaining things to the press later on." Agent Romanov added, wittily

"Save what? Half a sentence?" Agent Barton added, to which the Black Widow gave a side head-tilt acknowledging the truth of his retort.

Fury gave a tired sigh before looking over the command deck. "Look, Miricle has given us a golden opportunity here to minimize civilian casualties and damage to infrastructure. We are unable to do any pre-emptive strikes against them, as they are situated inside another dimension. It is up to all of us now, as well as the presumed goodwill of the metahuman population, to ensure this attack does not succeed." Fury's speech began but was interrupted by a shout coming from one of the junior officers.

"Contact! We are detecting Six-Seven-no Twelve portals have opened up across the city!" He reported loudly as a large green portal came into view in the middle of central park.

From the portals emerged several large semi-mechs that looked like slightly oversized power armor. They lead the vanguard followed by thousands of infantry swarming out of the nearby portals and a few hovercraft tanks for good measure.

The hall was silent, many people giving me small glances in awe that I foresaw such an event and grateful for the warning, knowing just how much of a bloodbath this would have been if the park wasn't evacuated a few hours earlier. I saw many of them gulp in nervousness and everyone had beads of sweat on their faces as they watched the alien invaders begin bringing in larger stationary weapons and supplies, clearly confused as to why they hadn't received any resistance, but chalking it up to good luck on their part.

Fury took a deep breath before a stern look appeared on his face. "Let's go kill some aliens." He said as the entire ship sprung to life. Crews ran to their nearest station, marking targets and organizing strike teams for ground assaults while National Guard units began skirmishing with forward Flaxan Units, trying to corral them and keeping them in their designated kill zones.

Unfortunately, there were simply too many of them, and their technology was too good so occasionally, a few groups would break out of their encirclements and make their way into the city, where they'd be met by police and militia units.

The Spider family was on the scene of many of these breakouts, keeping damage to a minimum by webbing up their weapons before they could be fired, though as time went on and more and more Flaxans poured out of the portals, this strategy became untenable. It was exactly as I had predicted. The Flaxans were too numerous and too technologically advanced, while the responders couldn't be everywhere at once.

News Crews and Helicopters circled the sky, broadcasting the invasion to over a billion screens worldwide. Families huddled together in their homes, praying for the future as they watched, from their perspective, the coming end of the world.

However, that end would never come.

As the world watched as a Flaxan officer marched towards the News crew, weapons drawn and raised to gun down the innocent media employees, a beam of solid blue light immediately descended from the heavens, scorching the alien black as a man in a metal suit landed with style directly in front of them.

"Whatever they're paying you, it wasn't enough. Get out of here!" Ironman said as he turned his repulsor to the nearby swad of Flaxan Grunts and fired it, blasting them away as an explosion rocked the center of their formation.

The news crew began to run while the feed swapped to a different screen.

"Hey, Snotface!" Spiderman called out, causing one of the Flaxans to stop shooting at a group of pinned police officers to look up, just in time to be struck in the face by Spiderman's fist. "Man, I knew there were some ugly people in Brooklyn, but this guy takes the cake." He quipped to the police, who were just now peeking out from behind cover. Spiderman then webbed up the knocked-out invader before winging away, off to help more people.

The camera now turned to Hells Kitchen, where the daredevil was seen effortlessly dodging the blows of a Flaxan in power armor before jumping onto its arm and using it as a foothold to jump over to a hover tank. The Red Ninja struck the Flaxan controlling the craft, causing it to careen downward, directly on top of a few mechanized warriors who were firing at him, crushing them all as Daredevil jumped off at the last moment, before landing into a shoulder roll and popping back up to his feet to continue the beatdown on the grunts nearby.

The Camera once again shifted, this time, it was a zoomed-out shot, showing a sniper from the roof of a building in midtown, though this sniper wasn't using a rifle of any kind, instead, he was using a bow and arrows. Hawkeye could be seen, clear as day, having taken a vantage point and snipping the Flaxan Hovertank pilots with pinpoint accuracy and sending explosive arrows and electric arrows at the mechanized infantry to disable them while on the ground, Captain America himself could be seen, tossing his iconic shield at the invaders, knocking them on their ass before catching his throne shield back precisely in time to deflect a later blast from a mech back at it, destroying it.

I smiled as I imagined the commentators around the world were probably yelling and screaming at the top of their lungs at seeing the living legend, still young and in his prime, and still fighting the good old fight.

I swapped the feed out of New York and to Metropolis, where Superman was going to town on the invaders. The Daily Planet had specialized high-speed cameras which they used to track superman's exploits in the past, and even they were having trouble keeping up with the Man of Steel's moves as he decimated the attacker's mechs and tanks. Behind him was a black man in street clothes who shot blue lightning from his fingertips electrocuting many hundreds of Flaxan Grunts at a time while also frying the equipment of the larger ships which flew in the sky.

Another screen showed Luxcorp's main building being defended by the man himself, Lex Luthor, using an advanced power suit that looks like it'd make Ironman jealous. He shot his own energy beams from his hands at the invaders, decimating any who were hit while a forcefield blocked any counter-fire aimed at him. He really did make it look too easy.

In Los Angeles, Red Rush couldn't really be seen, but his presence was definitely felt, as a red blur raced through the streets, tying up Flaxan invaders left and right. A disheveled-looking middle-aged man with 'knives for hands' was seen shredding the aliens up in Holywood, quite literally. And savagely.

There was even some reports on Twitter that some people had seen a handsome blonde-haired man with angelic wings and blonde hair was spotted blasting away or cutting up any Flaxan that walked down his street. A few people responded to that saying they knew him as a bar owner, though admitted to never knowing him much personally. Several beings that appeared to be Demons were also seen savagely beating and killing the aliens as they made their way through the nearby neighborhoods and were supposedly under the angel's command.

I wanted to chuckle to myself at just how unlucky they were that they somehow attained the ire of the Devil himself and thought that it would be nice to have him on my side in the future but decided against it. Having the Morningstar even aware of me was already probably going to be a pain.

In Tokyo, cars were being telekinetically flung at the invaders at high speeds as the Tornado of Terror lived up to her namesake and ripped the invading aliens a new one while All Might's voice shouting 'Texas Smash' could be heard in the background.

The Fantastic Four, who were on a trip to a Pan-European Science Convention, were spotted flying around the streets of Vienna, Jonny blasting the hostile crafts out of the air as the Thing punched one enemy hover tank so hard it sent it flying back into a group of his buddies like he was bowling using the hovercraft as the ball and the mechas as pins before shrugging off the small arms fire the grunts used in response against him.

Sue Storm was seen under the Eiffel Tower, holding a portal closed with her forcefields which were slowly being coated red with the blood of Flaxans crushed by the force of exiting the portal, only to be immediately being struck by a forefield before their bodies could fully convert back from energy into matter. Sue appeared to be having a hard time, though whether it was due to the body count of the dead, or the strain of keeping the portal locked up, no one could say.

Mr. Fantastic was already disassembling the Flaxan technology trying to find out how it worked while explaining, in great detail to his struggling wife, how 'amazing' the tech was. Thankfully, he was able to use one of the devices inside of a Flaxan Commander he'd taken down to close the portal Sue was holding shut moments later.

Even China had its fair share of heroes, as Lei Ling, otherwise known as Aero, was seen flying through the streets of Shanghai, firing air bullets into the skulls of the invaders dropping them like flys. An army made up of Collective Men assaulted the Flaxan Grunts outside the Forbidden City in Bejing, using human wave tactics and their superior physical capabilities to decimate Flaxan lines. I had to ignore his comments on 'foreigners' though and assume he hopefully wasn't as racist towards humans of other nationalities as he was to the aliens.

I was a bit shocked, however, to see Crimson Dynamo fighting outside of the Great Hall of the People on the news, as I always assumed he was just an Ironman villain and was Societ, but I guess in this world he was Chinese, and just Tony's rival, although Powersuits weren't as special considering how many people had them now and how many more would probably have them in the future considering all the mechas that were being tossed around.

I sighed and shook my head. Another problem, but one for the future. By in large, my plan was a resounding success. Casualties were at a minimum, with only a few thousand people having died initially, and most of them being the armed forces who were in the fight rather than civilians. Ideally, I would have had no casualties, but that scenario would be too unrealistic as wouldn't be a big enough drive for unity among the various heroes into a single super-national organization.

All around the world, people were taking up arms against this common threat, and smaller groups of heroes were teaming up against the hordes of invaders The Flaxans were already halted, for the most part, thanks to their contributions, so hopefully, there wouldn't be too bad of a stigma towards us in the future.

Each and every hour, more new potential 'heroes' would show up to help, and I made sure to use my power to especially protect those that did, only letting them receive minor injuries unless they were total scumbags and were looting or had murdered or raped someone in cold blood. In that case, they died 'admirably' at least according to what the news would say about them in the future.

It was time to finish this and officially get Project Overwatch off the ground.

First Chappy in a while.

Golden_Slimecreators' thoughts