
Hear of Fire

A Fire Force Inspired Story where it takes place in old japan

Glitch_Yashi · War
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Real Life?

Jigoku sat on his couch, staring intently at the screen of his gaming console. He had been playing a game called "Shinmon: The Legendary Sage" for hours, immersing himself in the world of mythical creatures and powerful warriors. The game had been crafted from various stories of the legendary sage Shinmon, and Jigoku had been hooked ever since he started playing.

But suddenly, the world around him began to shake violently. Jigoku's eyes widened in disbelief as he saw monsters appearing out of thin air and from the clouds. He could hear screams and shouts outside as people panicked and ran for their lives.

As Jigoku tried to comprehend what was happening, a small status screen appeared in front of him. It displayed his name, level, and health, and showed that he had been given a low tier scythe as his starter weapon.

Confused and scared, Jigoku quickly made his way to his basement, hoping to find safety there. He barricaded himself in and waited, listening to the chaos unfolding outside.

Days turned into weeks, and Jigoku remained hidden in his basement, surviving on the supplies he had stockpiled. As time passed, he began to grow restless and frustrated. He couldn't just stay cooped up in his basement forever.

So he started training. He had nothing but time on his hands, so he trained relentlessly, pushing himself to the limits. He practiced with his scythe, honing his skills until he could wield it with ease.

And as the days turned into a month, Jigoku emerged from his basement, ready to face whatever the world had become. He took a deep breath and stepped outside, scythe in hand, ready for whatever lay ahead.

Jigoku walked cautiously through the empty streets, his scythe at the ready. The city he once knew was unrecognizable, the buildings in ruin and the streets littered with debris. The air was thick with the smell of smoke and death, and he could see the bodies of both humans and monsters scattered throughout the city.

As he walked, he couldn't help but wonder how this had happened. Was it some sort of catastrophic event, or had someone or something caused this destruction intentionally? He knew he had to find answers, but first, he needed to find survivors.

After hours of searching, Jigoku came across a small group of survivors huddled in a makeshift shelter. They were wary of him at first, but after explaining that he was also a survivor, they welcomed him into their group.

Jigoku was relieved to have found some companionship in this desolate world. The group consisted of men, women, and children of all ages, and they all had their own stories of how they survived. Some had barricaded themselves in their homes, while others had fled the city when the monsters first appeared.

As they sat around a small fire, Jigoku listened intently to their stories, hoping to piece together what had happened to the world. One of the survivors, an elderly man, told a story of a powerful sorcerer who had summoned the monsters from another realm, hoping to rule over the world. The sorcerer had been defeated by a group of powerful warriors, but not before the monsters had already wreaked havoc on the world.

Jigoku was grateful for the information, but he knew that the story didn't give him a clear path forward. He needed to find a way to stop the monsters and prevent any other sorcerers from summoning them again.

With the help of the survivors, Jigoku set out to find any other groups of survivors and gather more information. They traveled through the ruins of the city, encountering both friendly and hostile survivors along the way.

During their journey, Jigoku found himself becoming a natural leader, his skills with the scythe and his knowledge of the world of Shinmon inspiring confidence in the other survivors. Together, they scouted the city for resources and built makeshift shelters, all while keeping an eye out for any signs of danger.

One day, while exploring a previously unexplored section of the city, Jigoku and his group stumbled upon an old temple. It was ancient, and clearly abandoned for a long time, but something about it called to Jigoku.

As they explored the temple, they found a hidden chamber filled with ancient scrolls and artifacts. Jigoku knew immediately that these were of great importance. He spent days pouring over the scrolls, learning ancient spells and techniques that he could use to fight against the monsters and their summoners.

With his newfound knowledge, Jigoku and his group set out to put a stop to the sorcerers and their monstrous creations. They encountered fierce battles, and many of them were injured, but Jigoku's leadership and combat skills kept them moving forward.

Finally, after months of fighting and struggling, Jigoku and his group succeeded in their mission. They defeated the last of the sorcerers and banished the monsters back to their own realm.

As the survivors began to rebuild their world, Jigoku knew that he had found a new purpose in life. He had become a hero in this new world, and he vowed to continue fighting against any threats that might arise.

And so, Jigoku walked forward into the new world, his scythe at the ready and his eyes fixed firmly on the future. He knew that he couldn't change the past, but he could create a better future for himself and for those he had come.

tell me if yall like the change boom plot twist

Glitch_Yashicreators' thoughts