
Hear of Fire

A Fire Force Inspired Story where it takes place in old japan

Glitch_Yashi · War
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11 Chs

Chapter 6

Sage continued on his journey, his white flames guiding him through the desolate wasteland that was once his home. As he walked, memories of his fallen comrades flooded his mind, their faces and voices haunting him.

But he couldn't let himself be consumed by his grief. He had a mission to complete, a purpose to fulfill. And he knew that his friends would want him to keep fighting.

Days turned into weeks, and Sage traversed across various terrains. He climbed mountains, crossed rivers, and braved harsh deserts. Along the way, he encountered many other survivors, some friendly, some not.

Despite the dangers, Sage refused to give up. His white flames burned with an intensity that never wavered, and his sword arm remained steady and true.

Finally, after weeks of traveling, Sage arrived at a sprawling city, one unlike any he had ever seen before. It was filled with towering buildings and bustling crowds, but there was a sense of darkness that hung over it all.

Sage knew that he had to be careful. The city was crawling with infernals and other dangers, but he also sensed that there was something more sinister lurking in the shadows.

He spent days scouting the city, gathering information and formulating a plan. And finally, he discovered what he had been searching for - the source of the darkness.

It was a group of cultists, led by a powerful pyrokinetic known as the "Blazing Prophet." They were performing dark rituals, sacrificing innocents and using their blood to fuel their own twisted powers.

Sage knew that he had to put an end to their madness. He approached the cultists with caution, his white flames burning brighter than ever before.

The cultists sneered and laughed, thinking that they could easily defeat him. But Sage was not so easily beaten. He unleashed his full power, his white flames surging forward and incinerating everything in their path.

The Blazing Prophet himself stepped forward, his eyes glowing with a fierce intensity. Sage and the Prophet engaged in a fierce battle, their flames colliding and sending shockwaves through the air.

But Sage was determined. He pushed himself beyond his limits, tapping into an even greater power - his Adolla Burst. His flames turned pure white, and his sword glowed with an otherworldly light.

With a mighty swing, Sage struck the Blazing Prophet down, ending his reign of terror once and for all. The cultists fled, their twisted plans thwarted.

As the city began to heal and rebuild, Sage took a moment to reflect on his journey. He had lost so much, but he had also gained something valuable - a sense of purpose, a reason to keep fighting.

And as he looked out at the world, his white flames burning brightly, he knew that he was destined for even greater things. For he was Sage Shinmon, Third Generation Pyrokinetic, and his flames burned with the power of the future.

As Sage continued on his journey, he heard rumors of a powerful pyrokinetic who was wreaking havoc across the wasteland. The locals called him The Grim Reaper, and his flames were said to burn black, a color that was never before seen in the world of pyrokinesis. Sage couldn't resist the opportunity to face such a formidable opponent, and he set out to find The Grim Reaper.

After days of traveling, Sage finally came across The Grim Reaper. He was standing on a barren hilltop, surrounded by black flames that seemed to flicker and dance in the wind. Sage could feel the intensity of his opponent's flames, and he knew that this would be the most challenging fight of his life.

The Grim Reaper looked at Sage with a cold, emotionless stare. He said nothing, but the look in his eyes conveyed a message of pure hatred and malice. Sage braced himself for the fight, knowing that he would have to use all his skills and strength to defeat this opponent.

The fight began with a fierce exchange of blows. The Grim Reaper's black flames were unlike anything Sage had ever seen before, and he struggled to counter them. The Grim Reaper was incredibly fast and agile, moving with an almost unnatural grace as he evaded Sage's attacks and launched his own in return.

The two combatants circled each other warily, looking for an opening. Sage struck first, sending a wave of flames towards The Grim Reaper. But he was ready, and he deflected the attack with ease, sending the flames back towards Sage. Sage barely managed to dodge the counter-attack, and he realized that he was up against a master of pyrokinesis.

The fight continued, with both combatants pushing themselves to the limit. Sage used all his training and experience to try and gain the upper hand, but The Grim Reaper was always one step ahead, his black flames burning hotter and stronger with each passing moment.

As the fight wore on, Sage began to feel a strange energy building within him. It was as if his body was reacting to the intense heat of the black flames, and he could feel his own flames growing stronger and more intense. Sage realized that he had never felt such power before, and he knew that this was the moment where he would have to break his limits.

With a burst of energy, Sage unleashed his adola burst, and his flames turned white. The intensity of his flames overwhelmed The Grim Reaper, and Sage was able to land a critical blow. The Grim Reaper fell to the ground, defeated.

Sage approached The Grim Reaper, and he could see the pain and anguish in his eyes. The Grim Reaper told Sage his story, of how he was once a powerful pyrokinetic, but he was consumed by his own flames, which turned black as they burned hotter and hotter. The Grim Reaper had lost control, and he had become a monster, destroying everything in his path.

Sage felt a sense of sadness and pity for his defeated opponent, but he knew that The Grim Reaper had to be stopped. As he walked away from the battlefield, Sage knew that he had faced his greatest challenge yet, and he had emerged victorious. But he also knew that the world was still a dangerous and unpredictable place, and that he would have to remain vigilant if he wanted to protect those he cared about.

Sage's hair had turned white, and his eyes looked horrified as he entered the void space once again. The void space was eerily quiet, and he knew that he was not alone. Suddenly, he sensed a powerful presence, and he turned to face it.

In front of him stood a colossal figure, with skin as black as the void itself. It was G.O.D, a being of immense power that had appeared during the chaos. Sage could feel his heart racing as he realized the gravity of the situation.

G.O.D's eyes glowed with an otherworldly light, and its voice boomed through the void space. "You are the one they call Sage Shinmon," it said. "I have been waiting for you."

Sage's mind raced as he tried to come up with a plan. He knew that G.O.D was far more powerful than anything he had ever faced before. But he also knew that he had to try.

The two began to fight, their flames clashing in a fierce battle. Sage pushed himself to his limits, drawing upon all of his strength and training. G.O.D was relentless, and its power seemed to be limitless.

As they fought, the void space around them began to crack and break apart. The very fabric of reality was tearing apart, and Sage knew that if he didn't end this soon, everything would be destroyed.

Sweat poured down Sage's face as he fought with all his might. His flames burned brighter than ever before, turning white-hot as he poured all of his energy into them.

Finally, with a burst of power, Sage landed a decisive blow, sending G.O.D hurtling back. But as he looked on, he realized that it was not over. G.O.D was not defeated.

Instead, it began to change. Its body twisted and contorted, taking on a new form. Sage watched in horror as G.O.D transformed into an even more powerful foe.

The fight continued, with Sage pushing himself to new heights. He knew that he had to end this, no matter what it took. The void space around them was crumbling, and time seemed to be running out.

With one final burst of energy, Sage unleashed all of his power, sending a wave of white-hot flames crashing towards G.O.D. The creature roared in defiance, but it was no use. The flames consumed it, and it vanished in a burst of light.

Sage fell to his knees, exhausted and in pain. The void space around him began to crumble, and he knew that he had to leave. As he stood up, he felt a strange sensation wash over him.

His hair turned completely white, and his eyes took on a horrified look. He had pushed himself too far, and his mind could not handle the strain. With a final burst of energy, he opened a portal and stepped through, back to the real world.

As he emerged, he saw that everything had changed. The world was in ruins, and the sky was dark. But he knew that he had to keep going. He had to find a way to restore the world to what it once was, no matter what it took.

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