

Discover how the young man of the modern world transmigrated into the ancient world. See how he handle his life after becoming the empress into the cultivation paradise.

Callahannnnnn · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Chapter 9

The chirping sounds of the bird can be heard everywhere, but the two figure are still at their own dream.

The emperor of tang dynasty would celebrate his birthday the day after tomorrow making the capital quite busy preparing everything.

For high class family this would be the perfect time to impress the emperor and gaining it's favor. The minister who want to strengthen their power invited all their prettiest daughter at the party in a hope that would capture the emperor's interest.

The current emperor of the tang dynasty was called Zhao xianglan. Zhao xianglan ascended to the thrown at the age of 18, when the late emperor Zhao yunlan died at dealing the rebels. The rebel was leaded by the the minister of right before who gathered several thousands of soldiers under his lead. Though the the rebel was demolished, Zhao yunlan acquired a fatal injury that causes his death.

The tang dynasty become chaotic because of the death of the monarch. Some minister who are greedy for power take its move to take over the thrown and banned the current crown prince and the empress.

The late emperor Zhao yunlan was a very kind person, he only had his empress at his lifetime who gave him the son. He rule the empire prosperously with piece. He didn't used his power to abuse weak, rather he used his voice to raise awareness of those ignorant and widen the wisdom of the people to differentiate what is right and what is wrong .

Zhao xianglan was the only son of the late emperor and empress Zhao leying. Beside the downfall of the empire the empress manage to surpass it's crisis and crowned the crown prince as the new emperor.

The journey of the mother and the son was not easy. They need to become ruthless and cold blooded to be able to survive, cuz one mistake is enough to cost both of their life. They need to be careful in everything, that's why they only trust each other.

Zhao xianglan's experience makes him become a bloodthirst and cold blooded person, who won't even show any emotion even at the peck of dying.

The civilian called him the " ghost emperor" because of it's enormous achievements and incredible talent. In every battle, victory was the only choice. His move is almost invisible to detect added by his fast cultivation speed making every enemies to shiver upon hearing his name. Those few who are quite smart build its alliance to the emperor, sending their daughter's as an ally.

This upcoming 28 of autumn will be the 21th birthday of the nation's monarch. Which will be celebrated by everyone.

Startled by the knock of the door both wang xian and Xiao Yu hurriedly wake up.

" Childe, breakfast are already ready, would you like to dine at the table or in your room " said by the attendant.

" Thank you, we would like to have our food in our room." Answered by wang xian who is now as good as knew after restoring it's lost qi. To replenish his qi, Xiao Yu give him the moon light potion, which was refined by him.

The moonlight potion was consist of a dirit herb which will glow during night under the light of the moon and an elephant violet flower which was good at healing any injury. Xiao Yu acquired it with the guidance of Mara.

After a few minutes the attendant was back with the breakfast table on his hand which is full of food.

Mara who turn his body into invisible slowly change its form into a human form. Wang Xian and Xiao Yu was not that shocked at all since this is not the first time Mara showed something impossible.

Though Mara was same old as Xiao Yu, base upon her appearance she is like a 14 years old young lady.

After taking their breakfast the three of them started to plan about what will they present at the birthday party of the emperor.

Wang Xian is not quite sure though why would he do this but this is told by lili which he won't have the choice to refute.

To explain their plan to Mara is not a big deal since she can easily read it through Xiao Yu's mind. Not unless xiao Yu casted a barrier to prevent it. Which he did after sharing his information with her.

After weighing out all the possibilities they come up to an idea to perform a sword dance. Xiao Yu will be the one dancing and wang xian will be in charge at the music while Mara will be responsible for the effect.

Mara's cultivation level is at the silver 8 phase. So a small effect won't be a problem.

They prepare all the necessary things and register their name to the talent coordinator which was responsible for the examination of the presentor for the emperor's safety.

It cost them two days to organize everything and now, finally the time they're all been waiting for the, emperor's 21th birthday.