

Discover how the young man of the modern world transmigrated into the ancient world. See how he handle his life after becoming the empress into the cultivation paradise.

Callahannnnnn · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Chapter 18

Red silk was now all over the castle. Everyone is excited for the event. But not the main character for this event, xiao yu. He don't know what would happen next. The misery is written all over his face. Because not the usual wedding where the bride will only take off its veil to the moment they will arrive at the grooms room. On the case of xiao yu, he is obliged to take of his veil for the public to see his face. He is against with that idea, but with the emperor's verdict, he has no choice than to comply.

Mara is the one who help xiao yu from his dressing up until to his hair and light make up. While wang xian is the assistant. Xiao yu is wearing a red gown embroidered with ice Phoenix on it. His hair seemingly tied up with a sapphire hair pen. His white veil, replaced by a red one.

" My lady, the carriage is already waiting. " The eunuchs said outside the room.

Even with the resentment on his heart, xiao yu still complied. There is a distance from where xiao yu Is staying, and to the hall where the wedding will be held.

And the ' mylady ' is making him puke.

' my lady your ass '

Upon arriving there all the important personnel, especially the pillars of the palace are already on the main hall, with their curiosity upon who would this mysterious soon to be empress is.

The empress dowager still maintain her calmness besides the obvious commotion about this rush wedding, and who is this soon to be empress. She is sitting above all of the official which is at the left side of the emperor.

Of course the emperor Zhao xianlan is already waiting at the entrance to personally guide his soon to be empress to the altar where the ceremony will be held.

Zhao xianlan is wearing a red dress with a dragon embroidered on it. At one glance, one can tell that he is strong and powerful. His white perplexity added more to his charm.

" the soon to be empress has arrived "

The murmuring became more louder than earlier. Everyone had different thoughts about this turn of event and of course about this mysterious lady.

" silent " said by the empress dowager. With just one word everyone instantly shut their mouth.

The emperor open the door and xiao yu who is inside at the carriage is shaking like hell. His Qi is yet to recovered so he is kinda devastated.

Zhao xianlan extended his hand towards xiao yu and reluctantly xiao accepted it. With the veil, no one see his flustered face.

The emperor gently guided him up until to the altar. All eyes are on them. The concubines who are watching from afar are staring on xiao yu with hatred and jealousy since the position they are all fighting for is given to him that easy.

The ceremony begin. The empress is the one who lead the ritual. Then finally at the last part. The exchange of wine with their blood on it and then followed by the giving vow to the parents and to the heaven.

After that the marriage is finally complete. When the emperor are about to open xiao yu's veil. A shooting dark fog hit Zhao xianlan's hand.

" protect the emperor and empress, we are being attack " shouted by the leader of the guard Bai Lao. The soldiers hurriedly sorrounded the altar where the royals are to be protected.

" who dare to assassinate the emperor on his wedding show yourself " the empress dowager shouted.

" hahahaahaaha you lowly human, do you think you can match yourself with a god like me?" A voice echoed around the corner and its a man's voice which is filled with mockery.

" show yourself " Zhao xianlan retorted. He would see who really have the guts to intervene on his wedding.

People are scrambling everywhere looking for an exit to save themselves. A dark fog slowly form into a human and there it is a man with a black dress appear.

" Give me that woman and I will spare you and your people " the man on black said.