

Discover how the young man of the modern world transmigrated into the ancient world. See how he handle his life after becoming the empress into the cultivation paradise.

Callahannnnnn · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Chapter 17

Zhao xianlan know that he can't underestimate the ability of xiao yu. But he also know the fact that he can't use too much of his spiritual qi as his body won't be able to handle it all after being over used it just this moment.

'If this is the only way I could make you surrender into my arm, then let it be'

Zhao xianlan thought and smiled triumphantly.

Two sword swing into the wind. The sound of two clashing metal echoed around. Soon a lot of soldiers and even palace officials are there to witness.

Some can't believe what they see, an emperor fighting with a woman? That's insane.

Soon even concubine yan feng is there watching. As she saw xiao yu with that veil, she directly remembered xiao yu is the one who over powered his performance at the banquet. Thus, she grow intense hatred towards xiao yu, especially when the emperor grant him to become an empress.

Concubine yan feng can be considered as a beauty as well. Her thin features accompanied by her small slender hips and small plump lips making her look more pleasing to the eyes.

She is one of the most powerful woman in the harem In both physics and manpower. She can be considered as a perfect candidate to become an empress.

At the banquet before, when Zhao xianlan force xiao yu to become a concubine she can't help but to develop hatred towards xiao yu. Her hatred rose to the higher level when the emperor proclaimed that xiao yu would be his empress at the court. She wanted to kill xiao yu and rip that body apart.

" I won't let you stand against my way." Yang feng murmured. A noble woman like her who practice etiquette from the day she can walk, maintaining her calm look is not that difficult. Thus, she still looks unfathomable.

Two expert swordsman dancing on the ground. One dance with ease while the other dance with excitement. What a perfect match indeed.

" that woman must be insane, how dare she to compete with the emperor!"

" look at that moves, they are so well perfect"

" that must be lady xiao yu, the future empress. Rumour said that she even defeated the general. Uwo she is not only beautiful but she is also very powerful, the emperor is so bless to have here. "

Different opinion from the people who are watching storm side by side. Others are praising xiao yu while others are cursing him.

" You really are capable my empress. " Zhao xianlan teased when both of their swords thrown away. He can't hide the excitement from his heart.

" Ice winged " xiao yu release his spiritual power to sustain the enchantment. Though this is not as powerful as the ice termination, it can also be considered as mighty. Between his three elements only water is he willing to show.

The emperor was taken aback. He know that xiao yu is already exhausted and his qi is already worn yet he still can create a powerful enchantment.

" Hahahhaa great great, you really didn't disappoint me." Zhao xianlan laughing so proudly watching xiao yu who is now levitating at the air with the support of the ice winged.

" oh my is that the legendary ice winged? I can't believe she can do it she really is amazing"

People are praising xiao yu once again. The ice winged is one of the most dangerous and powerful creation a water cultivator can have. But it can only be attained by cleansing your mind and soul together, that's why this technique becomes extinct long ago after almost all of the water cultivator failed by doing the process.

" Fire Phoenix arise and stand with me" the emperor summoned the fire phoenix. Not long a majestic flaming bird flew over encircling the body of Zhao xianlan.

Xiao yu that witness how intense the mana coming from the Phoenix, he is sure that, just his ice winged can't defeat the emperor. Having no choice and wanting to win. Even though he know that it might kill him he still did. He concentrated his remaining qi . Once again his eyes glow with white light.

" Ice termination " He shouted. The combined power of the ice winged and the ice termination hit the emperor instantly. Zhao xianlan who aren't prepared thrown a few meters away and puke a mouthful of blood.

The people that are watching become silent, no one in the entire palace can harm the emperor but what was they just see right know? They rolled their eyes trying to make sure if they aren't hallucinating. But the result is still the same. The emperor did really was thrown away.

After infusing all his qi and energy to create a strong enchantment together. Xiao yu is certain that he is destined to loss.

The ice feather slowly disappearing as well as the thick layer of ice that frozen almost including the emperor and the Phoenix bird.

Xiao yu passed out and now is falling to the ground. But before he could reach to the ground he was catch by the emperor.

" Now you really can't run away from me forever. "