
healing hearts

dear reader , i know how you feel .. this feeling is real this my first time plz support

bibi_book · Teen
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4 Chs


Dear reader , i know how you feel.....

i know that your mind threatens to shut your heart out and that you feel as if your soul left you a long time ago. i know this feeling is eating you alive up inside. i see you slowly abandoning who you are, trying to gain approval of others. 

I need you to know that perfection is not neccessary. your flaws make you unigue and wonderful.

its difficult to explain how you can be so emotional and yet devoid of emotionsat the same time. the problem is that the emotions which bought you happiness or comfort in solitude are not within your reach anymore. i understand you ae tired. Tired of never being strong enough, or beautiful enough , of always feeling second- best. tried of feeling like you are the second option , it is better to keep others out. out of this pit of darkness that consumes you. 

i see you pretending to be happy , smiling , participating in the crowd to fit in . you feel like you need to emerge in this people so you dont feel like you are not excepted. you smile because its expected from you. you feel like no one is there for you. 

dear reader, you should know that you dont need to live like this . i want you to know you are the master of your own existance, you dont need to prove yourself to others, you have the power to turn your life around. 

you are not a burden . 

love yourself with all your heart.

take care of yourself, be gentle and dont criticise yourself..

remember that the moon and the star need the darkness in order to shine 

sending you comfort and acceptance. 

sending love and joy to my dear reader.

plz share your views, you inspire me to write

i know this is not a comic but i just want my readers to know how precious you are....
