
Chapter 77: The Sin of a Father. 

In the Party Hall, which is the entire 44th floor of the Asano Robotics building.

It is now 6.00 pm. The announcer taps on the mic behind the podium to get everyone's attention. The announcer is a middle-aged white man with almost no hair, wearing golden-rimmed spectacles and a white suit.

"Ladies and Gentleman. The party is about to begin. Today marks a historic moment for Asano's family, as our founder is celebrating this 65th birthday together with his celebration of becoming an American citizen!"

The crowd claps and cheers at the remarks. They are really happy, especially the generals there. Ryan wonders why he did that.

'If he becomes a citizen, and bombs the United States, will this country makes trouble with Japan?' 

It's the type of hypothetical question that people won't have the answers to until it truly happened. 

Ryan looks around the floor. There isn't a single employee of Asano's Robotic around. Even Tetsu, the current chairman, is not to be seen.

He walked around with champagne in his hand, until he saw a familiar face greeting him.

"Mr. Knight, long time no see." Norman Osborne is happily greeting Ryan with a smile on his face.

"Mr. Obsorn. You're looking more handsome today compared to when we first met. Also, please call me Ryan. Mr. Knight is my father." He is being courteous with the future supervillain.

"Hahaha, you too can call me Norman." He shakes hands with Ryan. "I assume you have heard the news?"

"Yes, I did. I was pretty surprised by it," he replied.  By the end of the year, Norman Osborne is going to run for Mayor of New York. 

"I am counting on your support." Norman behaved like a politician, and it creeps Ryan out a little bit. After some polite exchange, he moves on to bother the waitress.

"Did you finish your mission?" Ryan said nonchalantly. 

Natasha is a little flabbergasted. "Are you seriously asking me that, HERE?" 

"Why not, everyone is either hearing the announcer talking about some bullshit or hitting on the waitress. No one will mind." Ryan smirks.

"(Scoff) and why do you think I want to talk to you?" She didn't quite understand where he got his self-confidence.

"Simple. Your organization is on bad terms with me. If you had the chance to smooth some things over, wouldn't you gladly take it?" He said while putting the empty glasses on Natasha's champagne tray.

After Ryan walked away, Natasha mutters " See, this type of skill that can reverse my technique is why you are labeled a dangerous person" 

As a matter of fact, she is working on Ryan a little bit. By ignoring him and pretending she is seriously on a mission, she can get more of his attention if his personality sheet is true.

However, when he directly gets to the topic and brings out the issue, all the initiative is taken by him. If Natasha wants to fix the relationship of Shield with Ryan, then she has to be the one to work hard to get close to him.

The announcer is still going "...BlaBlaBla Asano will enter the American Military, …BlaBlaBla Asano will donate…BlaBlaBla Asano will do this, will do that…"

When he skims through the speech he knows that all of it is bullshit. Yoshida Asano is monitoring the floor behind the scenes and greatly enjoyed seeing the Americans cheer at the speech he wrote.

"When you are at your highest pleasure, then I will deliver my revenge," Yoshida mutters.

Besides him, Tetsu, who is still tied up, yelled at him. "You can still stop this. Tony Stark already stopped making weapons. Howard Stark is already dead!"

"Most of the people involved in the explosion are dead. What you will do is create many more people like you." Tetsu tries hard to stop this madness.

" That's the point," Yoshida said coldly. Then, he punches Tetsu's face. The chairman is now out cold. Yoshida can't let Tetsu interfere in his revenge.

While Yoshida Asano is plotting. Ryan is browsing through his chat group. "I wonder if there is any quest related to nuclear bombs."

He is browsing through the infinite quests. There isn't any that included the nuclear keyword, but he did find something else. 

CommanderShepard: Prevent potentially catastrophic destruction to your country. (No specified destruction)

Reward: 10 kg refined Eezo, and a hard drive.

He is a little dissatisfied with the reward. 'This is a very difficult quest though. Why the hell did the reward be so simple?'

He had never heard of Eezo before. 'Hmm, let's just take it. It'll be quest number 16."

To reach the tier 3 marketplace, he needs to do 20 quests. He couldn't be picky. 

'Why did I need to do a quest to level up anyway? How the hell is it related? I really think the system is designed by a drunk person.'

All the quests are funny. There isn't an official quest or anything. How the hell is trade related to a quest given by a trader? It will be far in the future when he pieces it together.

"Finally, the man of the hour you have all been waiting for. Mr. Yoshida Asano!!" The announcer welcomed the founder on the stage. Yoshida comes out wearing a red helmet, an oversized Yukata, and red shoes. 

Tony Stark feels a little ominous. 'The helmet color is blood red. But it can't be …right?' 

It has been 50 years since the company was founded. All that time, Yoshida Asano had worn a mask every time he faced the public.  

Stark quickly dismissed his thoughts on how a 65-year-old man breaks into two nation military bases and steals some stuff.

It is now 7.00 p.m. Ryan is still busy scrolling through the quest board. He pretended to be scrolling on his phone to avoid people talking to him. A master of multitasking, there are no difficulties in him doing many things at once.

"Hello, Fellow Americans," Yoshida said on the microphone. Three words and it gets explosive reactions from the crowd. Yoshida is greatly satisfied with this.

"I have kept something in my chest for so long, and now, I will finally share it with the world," Yoshida said with a kind tone. The reporters are quickly clicking the cameras. Flashes of light brighten up the stage.

Yoshida Asano had never done an interview before. No one knows the entirety of his background, and what he looks like. So when he said he is sharing something personal, he got the attention of the world.

Yoshida continues his speech.

"6 August 1945, my hometown was bombed." Suddenly the hall is silent. The happy military generals all become solemn.

"My parents suffered from radiation burns. My pregnant mother feared for the life of her unborn child. At that time, she just found out she is pregnant."

"Tragically, I was born. Hideously deformed, arms and legs useless, my face…a mangled atrocity."

The atmosphere becomes solemn. Some people start to get on guard even though Yoshida is just sharing his story.

"When I was 15, my parents could hold on any longer. They died, looking like a monster. " Yoshida remembered his mother and father's faces at that time.' Not much longer mum and dad.'

"I was left alone in this world…" The camera flashes do not stop. This is a big scoop for the reporters! 

"But I was left with my superior intelligence. With that, I build a working body, more powerful than flesh and blood. With that, I escaped my life in the wheelchair " 

He then turned to Ryan Knight, someone who he did not want to be there. Nevertheless, his plan needs to continue.

The audience is absorbed in hearing Yoshida's sob story. Especially the young ones. 

"Today marks my 65th year in this world and I finally got the answer to my questions. Why am I still living?"

His tone suddenly changes. " The answer is, it's to take revenge for the one who murdered my family. "

*Bam* The door to the floor is sealed shut. Iron bar suddenly appeared and blocked the windows. All of the guests are now trapped.

"What is the meaning of this?!" A military general yelled. 

Yoshida ignored him and continued his speech.

"The Samurai code of honor said, the descendant must be held accountable for the ancestors' actions. Today. All of America will be held accountable."

*Bam* A mechanism is activated and part of the floor is rising upwards. The room that holds the nuclear bombs, is now displayed for all to see.

"At 8.15 am in the past, the Americans dropped their bombs in my hometown. At 8.15 p.m today, my nuclear bomb will burn down New York City."

He started the countdown at 7:15 pm. Now, they only have an hour to live.

Natasha is trying to contact Shield. Tony is lost without his armor. The armor is with Happy who is on the floor underneath them.

"Dude, get off your phone" Tony yelled at Ryan.

"I almost broke the high score!" Ryan said sadly. 

Yoshida is explaining his invention. "If you get near it, It'll explode. Try to study it, and it'll explode. There is no chance for you to get out of this."

Some people kneeled in despair. Some had other thoughts. There is still time for them to get away from the city. It is a glimmer of hope that Asano purposely planted. 

There are 112 people in the room, people think there is strength in numbers. Asano laughed in his heart.

While Tony and Ryan are goofing off, some military general is attacking Yoshida. *Zing* A blast of energy cuts down the generals in half. Their legs were split from their torso. 

People start to fear getting near Samurai Steel. "I will give you a chance. Anyone who thinks they deserve to live, go stand by the bomb. There is a helicopter on the rooftop. But there are only 5 seats on it." 

He starts his insidious plot. At this time, people's true colors will show. This is what he wanted. Before that, he needs to settle with a certain someone.

"Tony Stark!" Suddenly the samurai called out. 

"Dude he is calling you," Ryan said to the stunned Tony.

"Do you think I'm deaf? I know he is calling for me. The problem is I didn't have my suit." Tony said anxiously.

"Oh, I brought your suit. It's under the table I sat on earlier." Ryan said nonchalantly. He had taken it from Happy.

"NICE!" Tony exclaimed. They now have a chance. But first, they need a distraction.

"When the general is attacking him…hey HEY WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!!" Tony yelled at Ryan who was walking toward Yoshida.

Natasha's eyes widened, and so did all of the audience here. 

"Hi, Ryan Knight. I believe we haven't met." He holds her hand to shake Yoshida's. 

'That stupid kid!' Tony runs quickly to get his suit. Yoshida knows about it, and he let him. 

"I know who Ryan Knight is. You shouldn't be here. Next time, don't come to a party you're not invited to." He ignored Ryan's handshake.

"I am curious. Why didn't you invite me?" Ryan is really curious about it. Why is he spared?

"You are not like the Americans. You are…different, " Yoshida said. 

"The first time I stood on my own leg instead of wearing a suit, is because of you… '' Yoshida explained. 

" Ahh, so that's it." He got it now. He is also trying to read Yoshida's mind, but apparently, the helmet is blocking Ryan's entry. 'Magneto's helmet?' 

"Now, if you'll excuse me. I got a Stark to Kill." Yoshida moves away from Ryan and walks toward Stark. At that time, Natasha is near the bomb, trying to study it.

"Look, it's Iron Man!" A random voice said.

"Hi, nice to meet you. I'm Iron Man." Tony said while facing Samurai Steel.

"I know who you are. An American War-Monger who had made a fortune on the suffering of others." He had a personal grudge toward Stark.

"I didn't do that anymore," Tony said, a little sad. He regretted his past as a weapon dealer.

"It was men like you who unleashed the atomic destruction that killed hundreds of thousands of my people." Yoshida is angered. Howard Stark is the one leading the Manhattan project. His family is responsible for the nuclear bombs!

"You have created me, Stark! I have lived the personal tragedy of your country's greed and lust for war! All thanks to Howard Stark!!" He yells while aiming his particle beam cannon at the metal man.

"Sir, all communication to the outside world is blocked," Jarvis said to Tony in the suit.

"Then we have to make one Jarvis. New York needs to be evacuated."

"Come and face justice Killer! Honor demands that I avenge the death of my parents! For your father's sin, you must die."

*Boom* Tony shoots first. "You talk too much".

Coming out of the smoke unscathed, Yoshida said "I am Samurai Steel! And I am Invincible!"

Ryan is leaving the battle to Tony. He walked to Natasha's position. "Hold it!" He quickly grabs her shoulder. She is entering the weight sensor zone.

"Do you have a better idea?" Natasha asks. 

"As a matter of fact. I do.."

He throws an electric disk at a 90° angle, to enter a certain part of the floor. *Bzz* The weight sensor is turned off.

When he wants to continue, suddenly a red streak is seen crashing into the walls. He turns his attention to it, and he is greatly shocked. 

The one who is defeated is…Tony!

A minute before.

"I am Samurai Steel, I am Invincible!" Using his jet's boots, he closes the distance to the hovering Stark. Then, he attached a certain device to Stark's suit.

"What the?" Tony finds himself couldn't control his flight. Asano attached a flight destabilizer to his suit. His most versatile ability, flight, is removed from him.

"Jarvis, Run statistics!" Tony said urgently.

Asano targets Stark again with his particle beam and shoots his back. *BOOM* Tony flew to the walls. 

All the audience is stunned. They stopped what they were doing. Seeing the hero lost, they know they only can follow the condition of Samurai Steel.

90 people are left in the room. 22 are now dead. 

The clocks ticked. [48: 51] minutes left on the timer.

"Now, we can proceed with our talk. Choose 5 people to stand by the bomb. Those chosen will get out of the blast zone safely."

Ryan who is by the bomb suddenly gets yelled at. "Get out of there. You aren't chosen yet!"

Yoshida walks toward Ryan. "Impressive. In a short amount of time, you managed to defuse a detonator. I had planned this device for over 50 years. You managed to study it in a few minutes."

"Too bad you can't proceed any further." Yoshida aims his cannon at Ryan. Ryan puts his arm up and walks away to the back of the crowd with Natasha.

"What should we do about Stark?" Natasha asks.

"Don't worry, he is just rebooting his suit. It'll take a few minutes." Ryan said with confidence. 

He takes a napkin and starts to write something. He does it away from the eyesight of Samurai Steel who is monitoring him.

Stark is just pretending to be knocked out. The audience starts to vote on who shall be the one who gets to live. 

"It should be me. I am the right hand of the ministry of defense." An old general said.

"I will buy my spot for 100 million dollars." A billionaire said. 

At first, it starts peacefully, but then it quickly turns into chaos. 

*Bang* A military general shoots the other general. "This spot should be mine!"

The waiter is crying. They know they are not part of the considerations. 

"Please, I have children!" 

"I am your wife! You can't leave me here!"

"I will pay a billion dollars to get the spot!"

Screams can be heard here and there. Starks stood back up, but at that time, people had lost it in their fears. 

"This is…what he wanted." General Hawkins said while lighting up his cigar. He withdrew himself from consideration.

Starks walks toward Asano. "Why Steel? Why all this destruction? Your parents won't be back even when you do this!"

"Why? I'll show you why. A DOOMED man deserves that much" Yoshida Asano opens up his helmet and shows his face to the world. 

All the audience is greatly shocked seeing his face. He had pus all over his face, part of his face is green, making him extremely ugly. He has almost no teeth. He had to put cybernetic eyes on his eyes just to get them open. 

"LOOK UPON ME IRON MAN! Look upon me and Retch!" Some of the audience did. Stark is extremely surprised.

"Can you know the heartbreak of living life in this hideous shell? Can you know the horror of life as a monstrous cripple? Your father is responsible for this. America is responsible for this!"

He puts his helmet back on. Even at the end of his life, he considers the suit as part of him, not his true face. 

Stark is connecting with Ryan secretly. When the incident started, Ryan was wearing a communication earpiece.

"Can you defuse the bomb?" Stark asks 

"I can…" Ryan mumbled to Stark. When Asano opened his helmet, he learned the terrible news.

'There is…another bomb!' 

"Do it. Leave him to me." Tony builds up his repulsor and shoots toward Asano. At the same time, he shoots a missile toward the walls. 

He grabs Asano and flies together with him outside the buildings!

Ryan quickly gets to the bomb. Natasha follows him from behind.

"Need any help?" She asks.

"Yes, this is the way to defuse the bomb."  He gives her the napkin he drew on earlier. 

Quickly, Ryan shot down the transmitter channel from the mechanism. He makes way for Natasha to start the process.

She is a little confused, but she did it anyway. 

It's easy for him to make the path, but he needs time to defuse the bomb. And right now, he doesn't have time.

[30:00] minutes left until it explodes.