

Xian died drowning, but he still haven't accept his death. Given a second chance in life, he woke up one day in a body of a tyrant king. He is Alive! What his Queen want to kill him? Xian: My Queen, you cannot kill me. Queen: Why not ? Xian: If you kill me, then who would satisfy you at night? Queen: ...

ClegFuji · LGBT+
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32 Chs

Chapter 18: Oleander ( 2 )

Samael looked out the window as he saw his bandits brothers getting ready for training. With a sigh Samael forced himself to leave his beloved bed and head out of his house.

" Big brother Sam!" a young man called him, smiling from ear to ear.

" James! " Samael said, calling the little man's name as he carried him and spun him around. James laughs obviously enjoying himself being carried by the young man.

" How are you, young man? I haven't seen you for a while" Samael said as he put down James and ruffled his hair.

" Big brother!" James said as he pouted glaring at his big brother.

" You really adjust yourself well with your new environment. Who would have thought that just a couple of weeks ago we just saw you laying on the road half dead." A Blond haired young lady said, smiling at Samael holding a straw basket.

" Well maybe because I don't remember my past before coming here that makes it easier to adapt to the environment'" Samael smiled at the young lady.

"What are you holding?" Samael asked the young lady to help her carry her load.

" Well, Jaida saw them in the forest and decided to share some with us." the young lady said, smiling.

" Big sister Pearl! Big sister Pearl! " James called the young lady pulling the hem of her shirt.

" Yes? " Pearl asked, smiling at the young man.

" Big sister Pearl, are we having a feast tonight?" James asked, looking at his big sister expectedly.

" Yes we are." Pearl said, smiling while looking at James.

Samael looked at his bandits brothers that seemed to be more restless than normal.

" Did something happen?" Samael asked, looking at Pearl. Normally the brothers would only be this restless when they were about to have a huge operation or something bad happened.

" James, how about playing with Nilla for a while?" Pearl said, smiling at James.

" Okay then big sister Pearl" James said and ran away from them.

" Well?" Samael asked, looking at Pearl as he followed her to the kitchen.

" Well apparently there's a rumor that the capitol sent some troops to attack the camp. We managed to defeat them last time but according to the news the Cold hearted General was with them to lead them now." Pearl said, washing the vegetables.

" Cold hearted general?" Samael asked, confused.

" Well it's not surprising that you didn't know him as you've lost young memories but he once was a Great general that led the troops to the war. According to the rumors he was a cold hearted warrior that wouldn't think twice about killing his enemies whether they were young or old. He brought achievement to the empire at the age of 19 and has won multiple wars more, the enemies begin to tremble just hearing his name. I heard he has retired being a general, that's why no one would think he would come here to lead the troops" Pearl said with fear in her voice.

"If he's really that great, why would he retire ?" Samael asked, looking at Pearl.

" Because he has turned into the Queen." Pearl replied.

" And this general's name is?"

" The Cold hearted General Aizel Von Kinsley"

" Aizel Von Kinsley " Samael repeated the name.

" Is this name familiar to you?" Pearl asked, looking at Samael.

" I don't know but somehow feel like I heard this name before I just couldn't remember it." Samael said, as he wrinkled his forehead thinking, who is the man?

" Well, he is quite famous so it would be strange if you haven't heard of him in your life. Not unless you are living on a rock" Pearl said smiling.

" So, when will the troops plan to attack?" Samael asked as he washed the vegetables.

" We were not certain yet but the second brother already sent some of our brothers to spy on the troops. As of now everyone is alert and preparing for war." Pearl said as she sighed " I just hope that everything will end soon."

" I hope so." Samael said as he continued to clean the vegetables.

After cleaning up and preparing the meal Pearl called the kids. As the kids run toward them as a young man that's about 4' 5 in height, has short black hair, and cold bright amber eyes walks behind them.

" Jaida!" Pearl happily called as she pulled Jaida's ear. " How dare you suddenly disappear as soon as you give me the vegetables?!" Pearl said as she pulled the young man's ear.

" Pearl! My ear! My ear!" Jaida said as he closed one of his eyes and held Pearl's hand that's pulling his ear.

" Pearl, you should stop pulling Jaida's ear now. He looks hurt. He might have a good reason to do so and besides he gave you the vegetables right?" Samael said as he tried to convince Pearl.

Pearl looked at Samael as she sighed.

" You're too lenient to them Samael. You're spoiling them too much!" Pearl said as she let go of Jaida's ear and scolded Samael instead. Samael patiently listens to Pearl's scolding as Pearl finally stops seeing Samael just smiling at her.

After a noisy but happy breakfast they bid their goodbyes to Samael as he goes to the training field to train his body. He may have lost his memories but it appears that his body still remembers how to fight and hold a sword.

" Samael! You're getting better and better" a brother said.

" I heard that Pearl cooked for you again. You lucky bastard!" another brother said as he wrapped his around his shoulders.

" Ah! You're bullying brother Sam again aren't you?!" James said, looking at their brothers.

" You got it wrong young man, and besides what are you doing here? This place is just for grown ups." a brother said as he looked at James.

James pouted his cheeks as he fumingly resorted to his brothers making them tease and laughed at the child's cuteness.

Samael looked at his laughing brothers. He just wishes for everything to remain the way they are. Even though he knew it might be impossible, Samael still hoped for a miracle.