

Summer Dean is a young and beautiful woman in her mid-20s, she is the heiress of a multi-billion company, and she can only become the CEO of the company after she gets married. To Summer, she can't get married because she still hasn't found her Prince charming. She is a social butterfly and an extrovert, always on the news for the wrong reasons. Xavier Knight is a young and handsome billionaire in his early 30s business-minded and doesn't have time for women, shy and introverted. He loves his only sister" Cherish ” and can do anything to make her happy. Cherish is just like Summer, always causing trouble. Summer met Xavier during a business meeting and fell in love with him, she intended to make him marry her, to Summer, it was love at first sight. When Summers finds out that Xavier is Cherish's older brother, she plans with Cherish to make Xavier accept her as his wife. Xavier finally agrees to marry Summer, but on the condition that they will get divorced if he doesn't feel the same way about Summer after one year. What happens when Xavier doesn't feel the same way about Summer after one year? Would they eventually end up together? Can Summer get Xavier to love her?

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Moving In

After driving for 30 minutes. Summer, finally, got to Xavier's mansion. She gets off her car and looked around to find help, luckily she saw Aaron, "Hey dear!"She said. Aaron quickly went over to where she was standing and greeted her. " Good day, ma! How may I be of help?" He inquired of her. " Please help me with my luggage and take them inside", Summer replied.

Aaron carried Summer's luggage looking confused, it was his first time seeing Summer; he didn't know who she was while heading into the house, he decided to ask her, "It's my first time seeing you ma, and I don't know you!", he said. "Oh!!! Sorry, dear am Xavier's wife," Summer explained. "Really!!!" Aaron exclaimed. "Yes, we got married this afternoon", Summer said.

"Oh!! I see Congratulations, ma", Aaron said. Thanks, so what's your name?" Summer asked." Is Aaron ma, he answered. "Nice to meet you, Aaron" Summer said. "It's my pleasure, Mrs Knight", Aaron replied. He quickly carried Summer's luggage to the sitting room, "Mrs Knight, this is how far I can get", Aaron explained. "Alright, dear," she replied. Aaron left for his room, leaving Summer alone in the sitting room.

Cherish, who had been sleeping since noon, came down to grab a bottle of water, and then she saw Summer." Aunty Summer" She screamed, then ran and hugged Summer. "Hey, my love, how are you doing?" Summer asked.

"I'm fine Aunty Summer, but I have missed you", Cherish said." Have missed you too baby girl, but guess what Summer said?". " Hmm", While Cherish was still trying to guess, Summer raised her left hand, flashing her diamond ring." Oh my God!!! Are you married to Xavier? ", Cherish asked. "Yes baby girl is officially your sister now", Summer explained.

Hurray!!!! Cherish screamed and hugged Summer again, "Aww you are so adorable", Summer then kissed Cherish on the Cheek. "Aunty Summer, will you be sleeping in my room?", Cherish asked." I would love to sweetheart, but you know Xavier is the one to decide where I get to sleep", Summer explained.

"Alright," Cherish looked around the house and then asked where is Xavier?". "Oh!! He went back to the office, but he would be back soon", Summer replied. "You guys got married today, I thought you both were supposed to be together now", Cherish said. "He was with me a few hours ago, but he got an urgent call that needed his attention", Summer explained.

"Cherish, come and show me, Xavier's room. I need to take my luggage in and then get settled am tired," Summer said, yawning. "Okay," Cherish replied. She grabbed Summer's luggage and headed upstairs, she got to Xavier's room and dropped Summer's luggage. "Aunty Summer, you can rest now I will call you when dinner is served," Cherish said. "Jeez!! I almost forgot I promised Xavier dinner tonight," Summer said.

"Don't stress yourself, Aunty Summer, my brother will not be back for dinner, he comes home late at night", Cherish explained. "Oh. I see, alright I will just rest for now, call me when dinner is ready", Summer said. "Alright, I need to leave, so you can rest", Cherish said while heading to the door. " Okay", dear Summer replied.

Cherish heads to her room while doing a small dance," Summer is my Big sister now. Finally, I have a big sister".