

Summer Dean is a young and beautiful woman in her mid-20s, she is the heiress of a multi-billion company, and she can only become the CEO of the company after she gets married. To Summer, she can't get married because she still hasn't found her Prince charming. She is a social butterfly and an extrovert, always on the news for the wrong reasons. Xavier Knight is a young and handsome billionaire in his early 30s business-minded and doesn't have time for women, shy and introverted. He loves his only sister" Cherish ” and can do anything to make her happy. Cherish is just like Summer, always causing trouble. Summer met Xavier during a business meeting and fell in love with him, she intended to make him marry her, to Summer, it was love at first sight. When Summers finds out that Xavier is Cherish's older brother, she plans with Cherish to make Xavier accept her as his wife. Xavier finally agrees to marry Summer, but on the condition that they will get divorced if he doesn't feel the same way about Summer after one year. What happens when Xavier doesn't feel the same way about Summer after one year? Would they eventually end up together? Can Summer get Xavier to love her?

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50 Chs

Marriage Registry

"Mom! Dad! I'm getting married," Summer declared." What", He r parents replied in shock. " I am getting married, "Summer repeated.

"At least someone is becoming serious with her life," Mr Dean said. "Honey!!!" Is that all you have to say", Mrs. Joan complained. " What will you have me say? Sweetheart, your daughter here suddenly gets tired of showing up on News Headlines and decides to get married. I'm happy for her, but I pity the young man who decides to settle with a troublemaker," Mr Dean explained.

"So, who is this unlucky guy?" Mr. Dean asked. "It's Xavier Knight", Summer answered. "Oh!! That's New, Xavier is a nice guy, but I wonder how on earth you got him to agree to marry you," Mr Dean said.

"Dad, you have been on my neck, saying that I should be responsible, you even withheld my position as the CEO, saying I would only get the CEO position after my marriage. And now you are trying to discourage me from getting married", Summer said in anger.

"Are sure you want to do this, sweetheart?" Mrs Joan asked her daughter. "Yes Mom is sure about this", Summer explained. "Alright! So, When is the wedding?", Mr. Dean asked.

"No wedding for now, Dad, but we decided to register our marriage tomorrow. The wedding will come later, "Summer explained. " Okay, dear, I wish you a happy home after marriage", Mrs Joan said.

"Thanks, Mom!! I almost forgot we will be heading to the registry tomorrow to register our marriage then I will move in with my husband," Summer said.

"I will miss you sweetheart", her mom said hugging her, "I will miss you too Mom", Summer replied.


The next day, Summer's phone rings!!! " Hello", Summer answered." Miss Dean meet me up at the Marriage registry," Xavier said. " Alright, see you in a few minutes", Summer replied.

At the marriage registry, "Please Mr. Knight stand closer to your wife for your pictures," the photographer urges Xavier. " Okay, that's it. Am done with the pictures", Xavier said.

"Miss Dean, you can go back now I am heading back to work," Xavier said." I beg your pardon?", Summer said. " Sorry, I mean Mrs Knight", Xavier corrected himself.

"Well, I am going home to pack my things, then head over to your place later this evening," Summer said.

"Alright, do whatever you want," Xavier said while heading to the car. "Xavier. Come home early for dinner", Summer said.

Xavier ignores her, enters his car and drove off." You are officially mine Xavier", summer said smiling. She entered her car and drove home.

"Hey, Mom guesses who is the latest Mrs.… ", Summer screams flashing her diamond ring, immediately after she got home. "Congratulations my baby", Mrs Joan said and then hugged her daughter.

"Mom, I need to pack my stuff, I will be moving in with my husband later in the evening", summer explained.

"Alright, sweetheart, but you need to bring your husband home for dinner," Mrs Joan said. "Okay Mom", Summer answered.

After packing her stuff, she quickly puts them in her car, hugs her Mom and then drove to Xavier's mansion.

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