
Hazel Marshall

Hazel, the girl who was broken to shards by the cruel world, by her family, by her friends, she lost herself into the cruel world, until realizing her worth.... She realized she was born an warrior and a leader, but before that she must face difficulties, she must prove her worth She must unite the shards of the mirror that scattered when she broke... Uniting a broken person requires love, strength, and friendship. Will she succeed in uniting her own true self or will she scatter? Roses have died "Violets are dying" "Outside I'm smiling" "Inside I'm crying" She arrived at Lankot, trying to be brave until Leo, her trusted friend and Day her trusted partner (No spoilers) discovers, she is not what she seems... she must face difficulties to unite the Marshalls and unite the world, she must save Her branch from fire.... but she won't be alone....but... Uh are a few teenagers enough to save humanity? How about yes? A big yes! We stopped checking for monsters under our bed, when we realized they were inside us..... BTW the first few chapters are chiidish as I want to imitate Hazel as when she wasn't experienced and form chapter 15 she starts to get more mature and she writes more good, so basically read as if Hazel herself is recounting her journeys and her life...THNKS FOR READING*

Aiman_Wasti · Teen
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52 Chs

Chapter 31

Hazel clenched her teeth as her body radiated with pain, it had been almost 4 weeks since Day, Leo and she has been locked into this underground prison, it was damp and dark, the chemical had started seeping through her body and she knew she didn't have much time left, at the first week, when the pain had started she had screamed continuously while Day and Leo yelled for someone to help them, but of course no one came and at last the guys ceased shouting, for 2 weeks Hazel had screamed as she felt her body radiate with pain, but she tried to muster the pain, and now she could bear some of it, she had bitten her tongue so hard, her mouth had filled with blood.

She had just a few hours left, she sat in between Leo and Day, their shoulders touching, she felt glad by their warmth, neither of them spoke anything, food and water was given to them 3 times a day, pushed through a hole, no one came, no one spoke to them.

Hazel knew their was no point in yelling or screaming...but she wasn't worried about her anymore, Death is unavoidable, she was worried about Leo, Day, Her dad, The children and what fire might do to the world.

She knew she had to confide in the guys, she had no choice, she felt her eyes get heavy, her breathing getting harder.

'Hazel, i have got to tell you something' Day said, as he felt her get weaker and weaker.


'You know me....' Day said, he was surprised to see Hazel smile.

'I had my suspicions, you are Daniel, aren't you? Daniel Marshall?' Hazel heard Leo gasp while Day nodded.

'Why the name Day though?' She whispered.

'Day... a new start, a new beginning, hope' Day told her, she nodded groggily and sighed.

'I don't feel so good and.... anyways you will need to get out of here, I guess the people are waiting for me to die. Day nodded sadly.

next chapter is sad, weak hearted people... WARNING!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Aiman_Wasticreators' thoughts