
Hazed Sanity

All it took was a single truth to reveal all those nasty lies hiding beneath those bush. Little or not, little did they know; a single rose hid beneath those thick and pointy thorns.

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31 Chs



We all nodded to what Haily had said and I just can't stop imagining on how things can happen. Being the teens we are, I'm also excited to go back to a school but this time with supernatural abilities. "Yeah, I'm sorta worried though" West uttered so we asked her why and replied with a shrug or her shoulders. "Is it about your abilities?" Felix asked and West nodded her head as a response. I heaved out a sigh before reaching her hand which was on the table.

"Hey, I know all of you can control now your abilities, although we don't know ourselves on to what our limits are, but at the very least, we can full control it now and always remember to stay calm" I emphasized the last advice before looking at Danny and Marille. "Hey, what are you looking at? we're pretty calm" Marille defended themselves that made us laugh. "I'm serious, we don't want them calling us freaks at our very first day right?" I continued. "Which reminds me, mom told me that we're gonna be divided into three groups since it might be weird if we were all to stay in the same section right?" Jameson informed us.

After hearing what Jameson had told us; questions like who are in the same group, would one group be in the same class and the list went on. "Easy ladies, well...yes. Those who are in the same group would be in the same class and mom personally told me that the targets would be in any class we are gonna attend so if the target is in your class, you know what to do" Jameson answered.

I stood from my seat and told them that we should clean up and go to bed early since classes would resume tomorrow.

"Good morning" I looked to my door to see Haily wearing the school uniform. I complimented her and so did she. The uniform was like those that came from korean dramas. For the inner part is the white blouse and on top of it would be the maroon blazer that has light maroon linings and the university's logo. The skirt is colored maroon as well that is approximately an inch or two above the knees. The uniform would be paired with white long socks and black shoes with two-three inches of heels and an inch for men. To top it all up is the black neck tie with maroon linings diagonally.

"Excited for the first day?" She asked as she sat down on my bed while I look at my mirror while doing my tie and after that I just tied my long wavy hair in a pony tail and fixed my bangs before looking at Haily. "I were if it were only the very first day, we're gonna be entering the school in the middle of the year and on the last semester, pretty nerve-wrecking if you'll ask me" I said before standing up to put on my shoe. "You do have a point" I heard Haily as she walked towards me and excused herself to check on the others. I went back to the mirror to look on my make up that the organization especially prepared for us to conceal our markings. "Seems alright"

I went downstairs after fixing myself and putting on my black sling bag on my shoulder and saw that everyone was already there. "That's pretty unusual" I commented as I saw Danny and Hypo already there. "If Pinty was here, she'd be the last one to go downstairs" Jane commented that we find funny since it was true. Mr. Jax entered the house and asked if we're ready to go.

We arrived at the prestigious university that is known by the name 'Exypnos University". Students were already looking at the vehicle we are in and the door opened so we got out. "Remember, we are all cousins from one big family in the states that decided to attend this school due to an unforeseen situation" I reminded them in a whispering voice. We can hear some students murmuring on the sides and even at the back. "I shall come to pick you up by 5 p.m milady" Jax informed me and he bid his farewell to us before leaving the scene.

"Let's drop by the admin's office first" Jameson said and so we entered the school gates and eyes were following us and even heard some tease along the way. We didn't took that long and got our schedules and I.D's and parted ways since class was gonna begin within half an hour. "Good thing that I'll be with you" Haily said as we traverse the hall and went to our designated room. The room went silent when people saw us enter the room. This guy approached us introducing himself as the class president and escorted us to the back of the room in the middle column. "If you have any questions, feel free to ask me and I'll be touring you two after the first subject since our second class teacher won't be able to attend today due to personal reasons" Ambrose said before going back to his seat. The class continued to what they were doing and some even approached us.

It didn't take that long when the first instructor came in; our adviser. "Seems like you two are the new students I've been hearing about, now why don't you two introduce yourselves here at front" Mr. Ronald said as he gestured for us to come forward. I looked his name in my schedule and that's how I familiarized myself with the whole schedule and instructors. Haily went ahead and introduced herself first. "Nice to meet you everyone, I am Haily Lyn Pabellano and it would be my pleasure to be an acquaintance of yours" The class clapped their hands and was anticipating for my turn. "I am Oriean Saniel, pleased to meet you" I briefly introduced myself. They also gave me an applause and our adviser smiled at us and motioned us to take our seats.