
Having fun in multiverse with my system

It's My first writing so enjoy!!!

Alpha_09 · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Chapter 1:System Revealed

[Japan, 9 February 2005]

In one of the room in the office, we can see a middle age man in his thirty's sitting with a bored expression.

He is tired of his boring life.

If you asking about his looks, well He's average honestly. But even if his looks is average he is one of the smartest people in the world.

When in elementary, he already master all subjects. In junior high he has mastered 7 languages. And in high school he already... Well.

Because of his Eidetic memory, he can do anything he want with just a few tries.

So he's getting bored.

when it was time to go home, he walked while seeing his phone checking some new webnovel. He watch anime, manga, and novel to relieve his boredom.

in the distance, a truck can be seen driving at a high speed. The middle age man keep focusing on his phone so he doesn't Realize, a truck is coming.

He passed the red light and keep walking until when the truck is almost hit him, he suddenly lost his consciousness.


[Because the host almost had an accident the system forcefully transfer host to his personal dimension.]

A robotic voice suddenly wake him up.

"Wh-what? What happened?." Ask the middle age man confusedly.


[The host has been transported here forcefully to save the host from the accident.]

"Oh.. is that so?" Said the middle age man after calming himself down.


"So.. where am i? And what are you?"

[Host are currently inside of his personal dimension and I'm the system that you created.]


[To be exact host created the system in your past live when you are still the origin.]

"Origin? Isn't that the highest race or the creator of all, in those webnovel fanfiction that i read?"

[Yes it is host]


[ask permission for unsealing host memories]


"I don't know what happened but I think I'm gonna know everything when you do that so.. YES"


[Permission granted.. the host are gonna feel immeasurable pain.]

"What? AAAAAHHH!!"

After a couple of hours the pain decrease. "So that's me. Hahahaha. Finally i can get out from that boring place!!"

"System show me my status!"



Name : Origin/???

Race :Origin

Title : The One Above All, The Creator Of All Things

HP : ♾


STR : ♾

AGI : ♾

DEX : ♾

INT : ♾

CHA : ♾

LUCK : ♾

WISH : ♾

(A/N : I Don't include the other because it's a bother.)

"Ok, now that i had my memories back, I'm going to have fun in my favorite anime world!!!"

"System I wanna change my appearance. Change it to, a dazzling silver hair, sky blue eyes, a tall and muscle but lean body."


[Change COMPLETE.]

"Now that I already change my appearance, let's go to a new world!."

[Please choose a world!]

"Alright for the first world will be...."


It's my first time writing and I'm using a phone so go easy on me.

Have some idea about the first world? Comment it and let me know.

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