

~Some Mature content. Lesbian Romance.~ Running has always been a huge part of my life. Track, cross country, and now I've ran to the other side of the country with my mom. Running away from a true monster to hopefully find a place we can actually call home. A safe place... A Haven.

Katja_ · LGBT+
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30 Chs

Chapter 24

"Mila, baby. Do you want to come with me to Chloe's to help look for Julian?" All I could get my body to do was look at her. I need to stop sulking and get out there and help look for him because I know he would be doing everything he could to find me.

I had to scream at every muscle in my body to move before they finally gave in and listened. Once I was standing, I walked towards Emma lightly squeezed her hand before walking, passed her out of my bedroom. My body continues to move, and before I realize it, I'm standing in front of the car's passenger-side door. I keep zoning in and out that I didn't even remember going down the stairs; it's like my body moves on autopilot.

"We're going to find him, Mila, I promise." I just continued looking out the window. How is it already dark outside? I looked over at the clock and found it to already be six-thirty at night. I was out of it for that long. Emma cleared her throat, and I looked at her.

"Did you hear me?" I sighed; of course, I heard her.

"Yeah, Em, I did. I'm not concerned about finding him or not. I'm concerned about finding him alive or not." You could hear the pain laced throughout my voice. She reached for my hand and laced our fingers together, given me a heartbeat squeeze that made me lightly smile. I squeezed her hand back the same way, signaling that I love her too. I'm grateful that she didn't try to talk anymore after what I said, but I'm sure she already sensed that I wasn't in the mood to discuss the topic further. I hope he's okay.

"We're here," Emma said as we were pulling into a gravel driveway. It led to a gorgeous two-story brick house. It was one of those houses that looked very welcoming.

"You ready?" She looked over at me with concern once we were parked. I have to be ready; he needs me.

"I'm ready." I started to feel more determined. I looked over at Emma, and I could tell she was giving me a bit of a boost. She just gently smiled and took my hand into hers. I started to walk towards the house before I felt a small tug. I looked back at Emma, confused. She just brought me further in until our lips finally met. I could feel all the love and warmth she put into it.

"I love you so much, Emma," I whispered out once we broke the kiss.

"I love you too. We are going to get through this together." I gave her a small, forced smile.

We knocked on the door, and Carol let us in. It smelt like incense and nature inside. The inside of the house was warm and felt homey. It felt so safe here. There were pictures of their family everywhere. Some pictures looked so old, like they were taken when cameras were first invented.

I was led downstairs to an absolutely huge room. It looked like it was one of their hubs of operation. There were people scattered everywhere, doing various tasks. Soon my eyes landed on Chloe, and the state she was in broke me. She looks like she hasn't slept in years and her eyes are red from all the crying. I immediately went to her and engulfed her in a hug.

"I'm so sorry, Chloe. I'll in whatever way I can. I'm here for whatever support you may need." I could hear her sniffling in my shoulder. She pulled back away from me, tears glistening in her eyes. She then looked at Emma and walked and hugged her before pulling back and looking at both of us.

"Thank you both so much for being here. I truly appreciate it." Out of nowhere, the lights cut off, and it was pitch black. The emergency lights came on flashing, while an alarm sounded loud.

"What's going on?" Emma looked at Chloe then back at me before barking orders left and right for people to prepare. I grabbed Emma's arm and tugged her to look at me.

"Emma, What is going on?" My voice raised a little as my anxiety increased. All of a sudden, Hector was right next to us.

"Get her out of here; take her to the safe house. Now!" She then looked at me.

"You need to leave with Hector. There's been a breach." She kissed the top of my head.

"No, I'm staying here with you!" I stubbornly said back. She just shook her head at me, then looked up at Hector. All of a sudden, I felt myself being elevated and realized Hector had picked me up. He threw me over his shoulder then made his way towards the back door. I banged on his back, squirming. I looked up and met Emma's apologetic look with my furious one. She is so in the doghouse.

"Will you put me the fuck down. I can walk on my own." He sat me down on my feet, and we made our way through the back door.

We got in a blacked-out SUV. I kept looking behind us just to make sure we weren't being followed, but there was no one behind us.

"Where are we going?" He looked up at the rearview mirror, his paranoia as high as mine.

"To a safe house." He said in a monotone direct voice. I've never seen this side of Hector. I miss his bubbly side. I sighed.

"How long till we get there." He huffed.

"Probably an hour. I'm sorry, Mila, but I need to concentrate." I just rolled my eyes and looked out the window. I noticed a pair of headlights inching closer and closer. Fuck.

"Hector, watch out!" He looked over to my side, and his eyes grew wide. He tried to speed up, but it was already too late. The impact came fast and with such force rolling us over again and again. The last thing I saw was footsteps crunching against the shattered glass, coming closer and closer.