
Wandering Sound

The Floret Buns were about a few feet away from the road when Wei tripped over something and fell face-first on the ground. When she fell the nearest Floret Buns swarmed her and started dragging her to one of the newly formed holes that they made when coming out from the ground.

"Xinya, help me!" Wei screamed while struggling against the massive amount of Floret Buns that was dragging her.

Xinya turned around when he heard Wei scream, he could have sworn that she was right next to him a couple of seconds ago, he really wanted to know what could have happened in those couple of seconds that caused the situation to become like this.

He was about to pull out a dreaming dust potion and throw it at the Floret Buns that had Wei, but before he could a couple of Floret Buns caught him by the feet throwing him off balance causing him to fall.