
Wandering Sound is a Fool

"I have finally found you!!" Wei yelled crazily. "You won't be able to escape from my clutches again."

Separating quickly at the sound of her voice, the three boys turned around to see Wei standing there, driven by her madness, wildly waving her guns at them. With her red eyes and crazed expression, the trio was one hundred percent sure that this was no longer the Wei they knew.

Xinya stood there frozen as he looked at Wei in this state, he had no idea how she had snuck up on them. The last time he had checked the map he had saw that she was close them but is wasn't that close to find them this quick. 

He knew that it was their own fault for letting their guard down, but they were just so excited about finding the trick to this maze. Maybe his previous notion was correct, the curse could be leading her towards them.