

As they walked to Baldahurh forest Drifting Cloud, Roaming Wind and Wandering Sound fell into a wonderful comradeship. The way wandering sound integrated himself into their group was very natural and not forced at all.

When they had to log out because their 24 hours were up, Wandering Sound also logged out because he felt it would be best to sync up their logout times since they were traveling together. He didn't want to have to log out when the three of them were in the midst of doing something dangerous and be the cause of causing an accident.

Xinya was very impressed with Wandering Sound, as he talked to him he found him to be a very pleasant and sensible guy. He didn't get any bad feelings when he was around him, but he still didn't let his guard down. There are many people who hide their evil intentions behind a nice facade, with those sort of people one can never predict their true agenda.